The commandment of love of neighbor and its fundamental role in the salvation of the Christian, reflected in the work of St. Justin the New of Celie and Father Dumitru Stăniloae Cover Image
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Porunca iubirii aproapelui și rolul ei fundamental în mântuirea creștinului, reflectată în opera Sf. Iustin cel Nou de la Celie și a părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae
The commandment of love of neighbor and its fundamental role in the salvation of the Christian, reflected in the work of St. Justin the New of Celie and Father Dumitru Stăniloae

Author(s): Ilche Micevski-Ignat
Subject(s): Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
Published by: Editura Doxologia
Keywords: love of neighbor; salvation; virtues; Christ; Justin Popovich; Dumitru Stăniloae; Church;
Summary/Abstract: After the first divine commandment to love God with all our being, follows the second most important one, namely, to love our neighbour. Love of neighbour has a fundamental meaning in the spiritual life of Christians and in their salvation. Also, the acquisition of virtues is not possible without the Christian's love for God and neighbour. Without love, man cannot approach either his neighbour or God, and if he does not have love, he endangers his own salvation. Saint Justin the New from Celie and father Dumitru Stăniloae teach us the role of love of neighbour in the salvation of Christians, like other fathers before them, bringing the teaching of the Holy Gospel closer to our being. In the world with events more and more directed towards enmity and hatred, we must realize that the love between us will make us better, happier and more understanding.