Paralelizm wartości ideowych, artystycznych i przestrzennych eremu OO. Kamedułów na Bielanach w Krakowie z pustelnią Karmelitów Bosych w Czernej do końca XVIII wieku
Parallelism of ideological, artistic and spatial values of the hermitage of Camaldolese Fathers in Bielany, Krakow, with the hermitage of Discalced Carmelites in Czarna until the end of the 18th century
Author(s): Józef Benignus WanatSubject(s): History, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Local History / Microhistory, Modern Age, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Keywords: orders; Camaldolese; Carmelites; monastery in Czerna; monastery in Bielany
Summary/Abstract: The author shows the similarity of an ideological, artistic, and principle spectrum of an isolated Camaldolese monastery in Bielany, Krakow with an isolated Discalced Carmelites monastery in Czema in XVII and XVIII centuries. In 2005 passed 400 years from the arrival of the Camaldolites in Bielany in Krakow and also of the Discalced Carmelites on the grounds of Poland. A founder of the isolated Camaldolese monastery in Bielany was Nicholas Wolski (1549-1630), the court-marshal of the king Sigmund III Waza. Pope Clement VIII brought Camaldolese hermits to Krakow and built them a monastery. In 1604, this Pope sent Discalced Carmelite monks with the diplomatic and evangelical mission to Persia who on their way had to stop for a longer time in Krakow. Their stay, in 1605, bore a fruit with a first foundation of the isolated monastery in Krakow. Agnes from Tęczyński Firlej, voivode of Krakow, was a founder of the isolated Discalced Carmelites monastery in Czema, near Krzeszowice (1578-1644). She covered monastery construction expenses and all interior decorations. To support the hermits she gave them three hamlets: Siedlec, Paczółtowice with Dębnik and Zbik. The founders of these monasteries, in compliance with their will, were buried at the entrance of the church crypts so that entering people could pass over their graves. The lifestyle and religious exercises of the hermits in both monasteries were similar. Eremites through their constant prayer and atonement were imploring God’s mercy for the whole Motherland Przedmiotem tego artykułu jest koicydencja czasowa, historyczna, geograficzna oraz paralelizm wartości ideowych i artystycznych dwóch pustelni, usytuowanych w niedalekiej odległości od siebie, na malowniczym terenie Jury Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej, należących do Zakonu OO. Kamedułów na Bielanach i Karmelitów Bosych w Czernej.
Journal: Folia Historica Cracoviensia
- Issue Year: 11/2005
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 91-116
- Page Count: 26
- Language: Polish