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Ornithofauna is an important part of the natural wealth of each country. Wide variety of birds exists and develops within the Republic of Bulgaria, most of which are rare and are found only in limited areas. Conservation of this natural capital requires conducting regular monitoring and evaluation on the prevalence and the population status of bird species and the conditions that threaten their existence and development.Monitoring systems of nesting birds have been examined such as specific statistical research in which the object of studying requires specific methods for observation and evaluation of the populations according the specifics of the species behavior. The main criteria for selection of species to be monitored from all groups of birds have been outlined.Statistical models for monitoring and assessment of population status of the various species of nesting birds in the country according to their behavioral specifics have been presented.The effectiveness of the various statistical models for monitoring and assessment of the Ornithofauna applied in the country has been explored.
The following lines present the international colloquy Les Terminologies professionnelles de la gastronomie et de l’œnologie : entre sens et expériences (The Professional Terminologies of Gastronomy and Oenology:between Sense and Experiences) organized by the University of Rheims (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne), in France, on the 21st and the 22nd of September 2017.
This paper is written to better understand how Finland implemented the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR in short) into law and how it has affected the citizens of Finland. By summarising the old laws and the GDPR weget a better understanding of the importance the GDPR brings and what problems it could solve in the future.Data protection and privacy has become a bigger issue and importance because of the growth of data collection. That iswhy Finland fully incorporated the EU’s new data protection regulation into the body of law and by repealing thePersonal Data Act, Finland’s old data protection law. The GDPR has brought a wide range of new protection and privacystandards for the Finnish citizens such as the right to forget and the right to know how ones information is being used.
Bošnjačka zajednica kuture “Preporod”, Općinsko društvo Bratunac, još od svog osnivanja i registracije u Osnovnom sudu u Bijeljini 2006. godine djeluje u sastavu i po Statutu BZK “Preporod” Bosne i Hercegovine. Od početka svoga rada postavili smo sebi visoke standarde u kojima prednjači uloga određenog “čuvara” svijesti o bosanskoj cjelovitosti i borbe protiv etničke getoizacije bošnjačkog naroda ovdje u Bratuncu. Također, svih ovih godina nastojimo se adekvatno oduprijeti pokušajima da se ovdašnji Bošnjaci svedu na religijsku skupinu, označenu u terminu “povratnici”. Naši programski ciljevi, a ujedno i izazovi koje je nam je nametnula burna historijska zbilja, etablirana kroz genocid, urbicid i kulturocid, sa stalnim etiketiranjima, omalovažavanjima i negacijom svega onog što nas čini narodom, postavio je pred nas i naš rad, odnosno nametnuo nam je samu dinamiku rada.
U 2016. godini brčanski „Preporod“ je potvrdio kontinuitet uspješne realizacije prepoznatljivih kulturnih i umjetničkih sadržaja. Unaprijeđeni su i omasovljeni obrazovno-edukativni programi i uspostavljena saradnja s institucijama kulture u Bosni i Hercegovini i svijetu.