Nepovede realizace plánovaných záměrů Trumpovy administrativy v oblasti jaderných zbraní ke snížení prahu možnosti vypuknutí jaderné války?
At the end of the first year of its operation, the administration of President Donald Trump gradually acquainted the American and world public with the main doctrinal security papers. In December 2017, it published the "National Security Strategy of the United States of America" and in January 2018 the "Summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America”. A "Nuclear Posture Review 2018" (NPR 2018) was presented by the US Department of Defense at a press conference on February 2, 2018.The planned nuclear-related measures are derived from Donald Trump's overall vision of preserving the leadership of the United States in the international order, especially from the position of power. An important role in the US's efforts to face geopolitical and regional threats will be played by the armed forces, including the modernization of military infrastructure and armaments. Doctrinal documents in this effort divide nuclear weapons, as part of strengthening the deterrent concept, an extraordinary place.