№3: Eastern Partnership - Strengthened ENP Cooperation with Willing Neighbours
At the end of May 2008 Poland and Sweden together presented a joint proposal for “Eastern Partnership” between the EU and its neighbours. The intention of this PISM Strategic File is to elaborate further on the possible options presented by the proposal’s implementation and development, provided it receives a positive response from the other EU Member States and is approved by the European Commission. In their Eastern Partnership proposal, Poland and Sweden suggest that the existing instruments for cooperation between the European Union and its eastern neighbours be complemented by an intensified support by the EU. This support would be directed toward those EU neighbours who have advanced furthest in implementing European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) instruments. The proposal would include a more effective use of ENP instruments, taking especially into account the needs and aspirations of those neighbours that meet the criteria for obtaining this type of assistance. The EU countries’ use of national instruments and of support within the ENP framework would constitute a specific program of action that would truly integrate the most advanced Eastern countries into the EU common market – a fundamental promise of the ENP.