Doing Business with Tigers: Trends, Features and Prospects for Poland’s Trade with Asia
Should a new opening be expected in Poland’s relations with the Asian countries? The current trade statistics suggest that this cannot be ruled out.In 2011, the value of Polish exports to Asian markets rose by €1 billion against 2011, and Polish entrepreneurs now seem less fearful when starting a business there.For Asian countries in turn cooperation with Poland is becoming the key to the European market. These issues are examined by our researchers Artur Gradziuk and Patryk Toporowski in the latest PISM report "Doing Business with Tigers: Trends, Features and Prospects for Poland's Trade with Asia." The authors of the report stress that alongside China, the number one trading partner in Asia, other Asian markets, in particular India and Kazakhstan, are also important for the Polish exporters. Poland’s presence in Japan and South Korea is growing, and trade with Asia is beneficial in particular for the Polish chemical, cosmetic, food and machinery industries.A report is a part of the project „Trade with Asia - An Opportunity For Visegrad Countries?” (no 11220101) financed by the International Visegrad Fund. The other project partners are: EUROPEUM, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Slovak Academy of Sciences.