Мониторинг эффективности инклюзивной практики
The article presents an overview of the main problems associated with monitoring the ef-fectiveness of inclusive practice and considered at the IV International scientific school on prob-lems of inclusive education. The conceptual apparatus in the aspect of the stated theme is de-fined. The approaches to the evaluation of successful educational inclusion are disclosed. The research and practical experience and the result of an innovative regional project "Education and socialization of children with disabilities in inclusive educational space of the Novosibirsk region" to develop strategies to address issues of inclusive education development in the mass practice are described. The technology of monitoring organization of an inclusive process in education, the criteria and performance indicators of an inclusive educational process, tools for assessing the quality of the process and outcomes of inclusive education are presented. The ap-proaches to the evaluation of educational achievements of students with disabilities in terms of inclusive practice and evaluation of social impact of an inclusive process in education are re-viewed. The potential applications are varied, including interactive forms of work in the frame-work of the scientific-educational activities: plenary session, webinar, interactive lecture, panel discussion, round table, panel discussion, master class, the foresight session, case study, back-ground, presentation of the group project are analyzed.