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The book Rok 1968 Eto vaše delo is based on lecture cycle, organised by the Slovak Institute in Prague in cooperation with the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institute for Contemporary History of the ASCR. The aim of this lecture cycle was to remember about the 40th anniversary of the reform process in Czechoslovakia in 1968. The lectures presented by Slovak historians, were extended and collected as papers, that are part of this book. The aim of the particular papers is to analyse the main aspects of the reforms, further their ideological roots, as well as their political, social and economic casualties. The authors intended to reflect the immanent development of the autonomous reform process in Czechoslovakia, taking into account both political, constitutional, national-political, socioeconomic, cultural and confessional issues.
There are many geographical localities mentioned in the book that have several historical names or variants of the name in various languages. If there is an English name, it is in brackets.
The principles of beneficence and patient autonomy can clash in various ways; this is the case of bilateral risk-reducing (BRRM) and contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy (CRRM). Mastectomy, however, is rarely treated as an ethical issue. The literature of BRRM and CRRM is dominated by the topic of risk-assessment. In this chapter, we are going to analyze BRRM and CRRM from a moral point of view. We are going to argue that patients’ autonomy and women’s self-determination over their own bodies can be considered as an indication of risk-reducing mastectomies.
The fourth industrial revolution could be seen as a revolution in learning and thinking. In the era of automation and digitization of the processes in the economy, there is a need to change the training of staff for all sectors of the economy, including the tourism sector - directing attention to risk-taking decisions requiring ingenuity and responsibility. Until now, students have been encouraged to train on theoretical issues rather than training to develop skills for risk decisions and entrepreneurial initiatives. For this reason, students should build a value system during training, and teachers should encourage them to comply with the ethical and moral norms of work and behavior. It is time for the world to be seen as a place of opportunity, not of dangers.