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Kako rod utječe na rad pravosuđa? Nekad se pretpostavlja da je zakon objektivan, neutralan i nepristran, te da prema tome rod ili nema ili ima malo utjecaja na njegovu primjenu. A ipak, u razmatranju pravnog stručnjaka odgovornog za provedbu zakona, neizbježno se nameće pitanje s kojim se profesionalni pravnici i pravni naučnici suočavaju kroz historiju pravne nauke – kako pravosudni stručnjaci na koje utječu društvene norme mogu biti nepristrani u provedbi i primjeni zakona? Ovaj izvještaj upućuje na to da pravni stručnjaci – sudije, tužioci, advokati i stručni saradnici – u svoj rad doista unose ne samo svoje akademsko obrazovanje, profesionalno iskustvo, analitičan pristup pravu i dobre namjere, nego i svoje vrijednosti, uvjerenja i mišljenja. Ipak, demokratske pravosudne institucije su opredijeljene za principe pravičnosti i nepristranosti, nosioci pravosudnih funkcija i profesionalni pravnici su obučeni da objektivno primjenjuju zakon, a pravne institucije prepoznaju značaj kontinuirane reforme, razmatranja i unapređenja, kako bi osigurale da se svi oni koji se bave pravom rukovode navedenim principima. Istraživanja sve više otkrivaju granice do kojih pojedinac može biti nepristran i objektivan bez obzira na profesiju kojom se bavi. Naročito su studije utjecaja podsvjesnih stavova, pretpostavki i stereotipa na donošenje odluka pokazale da takozvana implicitna pristranost utječe na skoro svaki aspekt ponašanja, od našeg odnosa prema ljudima koji su drugačiji od nas do biranja proizvoda koje kupujemo. Implicitna pristranost odnosi se na nesvjesne pretpostavke ili stereotipe o određenim društvenim grupama (rod, rasna pripadnost, etnička pripadnost, vjerska pripadnost itd.), koji se razvijaju od malih nogu i s vremenom se sve više ukorjenjuju – u tolikoj mjeri da čak i kada osoba (svjesno) usvoji izričito nepristran pogled na svijet “njeni stereotipi ostaju u velikoj mjeri nepromijenjeni i postaju implicitni (ili automatski)”.
This collective work deals with the topic of the reproductive rigths to the men and women. Inbetween there is also dicussed the more and more popular issue of homebirths and even the free choice of the type of giving birth. Reprodukční práva žen a mužů zahrnují právo na reprodukční zdraví, tj. na přístup ke zdravotním službám, právo na reprodukční rozhodování, tzn. osobní volbu zda, kdy a kolik dětí mít, kde a jak je přivést na svět, včetně možnosti rozhodnout se o podstoupení či nepodstoupení interrupce nebo sterilizace, a v neposlední řadě právo na informace a prostředky, které jsou pro toto rozhodování a sexuální a reprodukční bezpečí důležité, včetně ochrany před sexuálním násilím a práva na soukromí. Přestože je náš stát vázán mnoha závazky mezinárodní i vnitrostátní legislativy k ochraně těchto práv, v praxi jsou stále hojně porušována. Publikace, kterou právě otevíráte, vychází v době, kdy v České republice opět sílí hnutí na podporu svobodné volby porodu, práv rodiček a porodních asistentek. Výběr témat z oblasti reprodukčních práv žen a mužů odráží tuto aktuální situaci. Ústředním tématem publikace je porodnictví. Najdete zde právní analýzu postavení porodních asistentek, kterým oproti závazkům vůči přijaté legislativě Evropské unie český stát stále upírá legitimní provozování povolání, a tím znemožňuje rodičkám (mj.) bezpečně rodit mimo porodnice a upírá jim i právo na volbu místa porodu a porodní asistence. Zpráva z výzkumu o zkušenostech žen a jejich hodnocení porodní péče v českých porodnicích a analýza obrazu porodu v českých médiích doplňují další úhly pohledu na porodnictví z dalších úhlů. Problematiku škodlivých praktik předporodní a porodní péče představuje rozhovor se zástupkyní Hnutí za aktivní mateřství, jedné z aktivních občanských iniciativ v této oblasti. Do publikace jsme také zahrnuli desatero připomínek Ligy lidských práv k aktuálnímu návrhu zákona o zdravotnických službách, který omezuje některá práva pacientů a pacientek. [...]This collective work deals with the topic of the reproductive rigths of the men and women. Inbetween there is also dicussed the more and more popular issue of home birth and even the free choice of the type of giving birth.
The collection contains studies and articles from all areas of legal science, united by the authors' respect to Prof. E. Konstantinov and presenting topical legal issues.The collection will be useful to specialists interested in international law and international relations, scientists from all branches of law, lawyers and students.
Belarus’s first nuclear power plant has been under construction in the city of Astravyets for a decade now. The project was able to start when Belarus signed an intergovernmental agreement with Russia in 2012, under which the Russian side agreed to finance the project almost fully and provide the technology. The nuclear power plant in Astravyets signals the first time that ground has been broken on a nuclear power project in Europe since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Although the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant (Belarusian NPP), as the project is officially called, is being built just 200 km from the Polish border, it rarely appears in Polish or European news and a wider debate about its safety is yet to take place. Lithuania is the only country where the Astravyets project has stirred major controversy. The project is not only debated there – it has become a key issue in Lithuania’s relations with its allies in the European Union and NATO. Lithuania is concerned about the plant’s location, less than 50 km from Vilnius, while Lithuanian experts believe that the project’s execution does not comply with international safety standards. As a result of the efforts made by Vilnius, the Belarusian-Russian investment has now been noticed internationally.
Od dekady w Ostrowcu na Białorusi trwa realizacja projektu pierwszej w tym kraju elektrowni jądrowej. Rozpoczęcie inwestycji było możliwe dzięki podpisaniu w 2012 roku międzyrządowego kontraktu z Rosją, która zapewnia niemal całkowite jego finansowanie i dostarcza technologię. Elektrownia w Ostrowcu jest pierwszym w Europie przypadkiem budowy całkowicie nowej siłowni jądrowej, zainicjowanym po katastrofie w Czarnobylu w 1986 roku. Choć Białoruska Elektrownia Jądrowa, jak formalnie nazywa się projekt, powstaje zaledwie 200 km od granicy Polski, inwestycja ta rzadko jest zauważana przez media polskie i unijne, nie wywołała również szerszej dyskusji na temat kwestii związanych z bezpieczeństwem. Jedynym krajem, w którym elektrownia w Ostrowcu budzi duże kontrowersje, jest Litwa. Ostrowiec jest tam nie tylko przedmiotem debaty, ale też kluczowym zagadnieniem w stosunkach Litwy z państwami sojuszniczymi – UE i NATO. Stanowisko Litwy wynika z lokalizacji białoruskiego obiektu, położonego niecałe 50 km od Wilna, oraz obaw litewskich ekspertów, że w trakcie jego realizacji naruszane są międzynarodowe standardy bezpieczeństwa. Dzięki zabiegom Wilna białorusko-rosyjska inwestycja pojawiła się w agendzie międzynarodowej.
Autorzy opisują to niezwykle bogate w wydarzenia stulecie w przystępny, klarowny sposób i poddają je krytycznej analizie. Książka napisana jest potocznym językiem, zrozumiałym także dla niespecjalistów.Prof. dr hab. Jerzy EislerStany Zjednoczone odegrały bardzo istotną rolę na trudnej drodze Polski do osiągnięcia najpierw niepodległości w 1918 roku, a potem wolności i pełnej suwerenności w 1989 roku. (...). Książka jest wyjątkowa: obejmuje szeroki zakres chronologiczny, została napisana przez wybitnych ekspertów i praktyków, prowokuje do stawiania wielokierunkowych pytań.Dr hab. Krzysztof SzczepanikISBN 978–83-65390-73-8ISBN 978–83-66213-33-3
The book is concerned with the role that national parliaments of EU Member states have had as a collective actor in the EU political system. The publication explains the historical development of this actorness and analyses its current form. In this regard, this monograph evaluates the use of instruments that have been provided to the national parliaments by the Lisbon Treaty. It explains why and to what extent the parliaments participate in collective scrutiny. The main finding of the book is that parliaments primarily understand their collective actorness as a brake to further European integration. Academic findings of the book are also set in general political context, stressing the need to improve the efficiency of parliaments in this role.
This report seeks to answer the question of how things will develop if, following the 23 June 2016 referendum, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaves the European Union, in a move commonly referred to as Brexit. The Polish Institute of International Affairs posits that such a scenario would have adverse consequences for both the European Union and the UK. But given that, just a month before the referendum, the possibility that voters will opt for withdrawal cannot be reasonably ruled out, it is only natural to explore how this outcome could impact the future of European integration. Brexit will necessitate a new agreement between the European Union and the UK which would define a framework for their mutual relations. Possible options range from establishing a preferential trade zone to creating a single market area, including a scenario in which the UK would take part in the developing EU regulations in sectors covered by the agreement.
Stawiając zadanie badawcze, autor znakomicie pokazuje wielowątkowość podstawowego problemu (…). Analizuje informacje, jakie trafiały do środków masowego przekazu, szczególnie do materiałów filmowych – wiadomości o wprowadzaniu w życie nowych aktów prawnych tworzących nową rzeczywistość w stosunku zarówno do prawa II RP, jak i lat okupacji. Nakłada na to relacje z procesów sądowych. Uwzględnia także materiały mające zdelegalizować państwo i prawo II RP i przedstawić je w najciemniejszych barwach (…). Porównuje te same wiadomości przedstawiane w materiałach audiowizualnych, prasie codziennej oraz fachowych czasopismach prawniczych. Poszukuje także odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób „opowiadano obrazem” o normach prawnych. To bardzo ciekawe naukowo zagadnienia i w zakresie prawa pionierskie. (…) Dzieło znakomite, wybitne, efekt dobrze wykorzystanej erudycji autora. - Prof. dr hab. Adam Lityński
Liberal democracy seems to be facing systemic threats that can be no longer labelled as normal oscillations in trust or explained as retreat of political activity to non-electoral participatory spheres. This volume brings together several key debates in political philosophy and theory which aim to provide responses to the perceived difficulties of liberal democracies. The authors share the conviction that the announced crisis of liberal democracy has important political roots – in other words, that its origins are to be primarily looked for in the normative background and institutional structure of extant liberal-democratic political systems. At the same time the book aims to provide an “advanced introduction” to contemporary debates in political philosophy, so that both students and researchers can draw on a balanced exposition of some central problems which animate political thinking about deeper roots of the systemic crisis of liberal democracy.
Although the interpretation of legal rules has a direct impact on the content of judicial decisions, law of interpretation has not yet been the subject of a monographic study in Polish legal theory. The author describes the status of interpretative directives in various legal cultures (e.g. Poland, Spain, Australia, USA, Great Britain, Ireland and Latin America) and analyses the problems caused by enacting interpretative directives. She puts forward proposals for the creation of the law of interpretation and analyses the nature of interpretative directives. An important advantage of the work is the reference to a wide range of literature and jurisprudence from many jurisdictions.
The 28th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities was held at American University, in Washington DC, USA, on June 26-27, 2022, and was organized by the Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies.
This publication presents the proceedings of the 29th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities held at American University, in Washington, DC, USA, on August 14-15, 2022. The Conference was organized by Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies.
The issue of stimulating socio-economic development in an open market economy requires an increasingly complex and, at the same time, holistic approach to the increasingly complex planning and decision-making process. The sphere of public activities related to the development of modern democratic states is undergoing dynamic changes under the influence of complex global political, social, economic, and environmental changes. This results in hindered communication not only between scientists but also between practitioners and stakeholders of contemporary politics. This fact significantly delays the building of a consensus around the necessary institutional reforms, the development of modern planning concepts, and the creation of an appropriate regulatory system. A particularly important conceptual sphere for polish regional and spatial policy - requiring ordering and clarification of several concepts - is the sphere of integrated development planning.The lexicon is the first study available on the market aimed at partially organizing the terminology related to integrated development planning. It distinguishes over a hundred terms that raise certain interpretation doubts and proposes ways of understanding them referring to the latest research in the field of the theory of regional and local development. The formula of the lexicon assumes a synthetic presentation of individual terms, with the majority of issues being subject to further supplementation. The lexicon is aimed to help not only in the basic understanding of specific terms but also with the basic principles and challenges of contemporary development policy and planning pragmatics.The lexicon was developed by a multi-author and multidisciplinary team. It contains a broad description of terms and indicates the basic supplementary literature for the described term. It is a kind of compendium of knowledge necessary for planning practice and communication drawing on the experience of many disciplines, urban planning, architecture, regional studies, city economics, sociology, political science, and law.
This volume contains the scientific papers presented at the Twelfth International Conference „Challenges of Business Law in the Third Millennium” that was held on 25 November 2022 in online format on Zoom. The conference is organized each year by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. The scientific studies included in this volume are grouped into three chapters: Business Interactions Specific to Public Law; Private Law and Business Law, an Essential Duo; Modern Developers of Business Law: International Law and European Union Law. The present volume is addressed to practitioners, researchers, students and PhD candidates in juridical sciences, who are interested in recent developments and prospects for development in the field of business law at international and national level.
These conference proceedings constitute a selection of the best papers submitted to the 14th International Scientific Conference "Law in Business of Selected Member States of the European Union" which was organized by the Department of Business and European Law, Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic. The conference was held in the University ́s premises on 3 and 4 November 2022 and welcomed speakers and participants from both Europe (Ireland, Germany, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic) and overseas (South African Republic, India). The conference was held in a hybrid format, being streamed online for those who could not join the conference venue in person and to reach a wider audience. The participant’s papers were presented in specialized sections which correspond to the subheadings of the present volume: 1. Section: Business and Commercial Law; 2. Section: Insolvency Law; 3. Section: Competition Law; 4. Section: Consumer Protection; 5. Section: European and International Legal Aspects of Doing Business; 6. Section: Banking, Finance, and Insurance Law. The conference has been supported by the Internal Grant Agency Project No. F2/44/2022 “Law in Business of Selected Member States of the European Union (14th annual conference)” of the Prague University of Economics and Business.
This book makes a major contribution to educational research and literature in exploring process of educational reform in the period of Political transition in Palestine. It is aimed at describing the journey of changing Palestinian primary education and the legacy of establishing the first national education system in Palestine as well as the introduction of a number of educational reforms. The introduction of new educational reforms was urgently needed in order to achieve quality education in Palestinian schools. This was particularly crucial after the prolonged military occupation, which left the education system in a perilous situation and lowered education achievements for a whole generation. The book explores an attempt to retrieve Palestinian education after a prolonged period of military occupation and to rescue the education system from collapsing. It tells the story of reshaping national identity and reviving Palestinian heritage and culture.Therefore, this book is the first one of its kind that captures the story of education reform against a background of struggle that should not be forgotten. It documents a unique period of time in Palestinian history and highlights the beginning of an education system in Palestinians’ hands. Moreover, this book presents real life stories from Palestinian schools and shows the real struggle over power and control in the education system in Palestine.
Celem rozprawy jest ocena przydatności podatku od wartości dodanej jako formy opodatkowania konsumpcji, do realizacji funkcji fiskalnych i pozafiskalnych oraz ustalenie, jak przerzucalność tego podatku wpływa na te funkcje. Celem części empirycznej jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, na kogo, w jakim zakresie i w którym momencie przerzucany jest ciężar podatku od towarów i usług. W rozprawie analizowane są trzy kierunki przerzucalności – na konsumentów, pracowników i dawców kapitału. Problem przerzucalności jest niezwykle aktualny i złożony, wymagający uwzględnienia międzydyscyplinarnych obszarów wiedzy. Autor porusza się po nich z łatwością, a przy tym przystępnie przedstawia je czytelnikowi.
This collection is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Paisiy Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. On this occasion, a scientific conference Legal Science – Traditions and Actualities was held in Fall 2011 at the Faculty of Law. Presented papers there are included in this collection. The significant number of participants and the proposed materials made possible to single out several panels covering all areas of legal science: civil (private) law, labour and social security law, public (constitutional and administrative and financial) law, international law, criminal law and procedure, history of law and Roman law.