Defended PhD theses in Bulgaria in the field of linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography and art studies
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Defended PhD theses in Bulgaria in the field of linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography and art studies
Data about scientific events in the field of the humanities in Bulgaria in 2011
In the process of teaching Bulgarian language as a foreign, the knowledge of idioms as markers of the language picture, expressing ethno-specific color, is of great importance. Evaluation as well as linguo-cultural information encoded in phrasal units has a key role in defining the idiomatic meaning.
This paper offers an account of the various causes for the variety of symbols used in the representation of word-final soft consonants in the Romanian Linguistic Atlas. Comparison is drawn between lexical forms as recorded by members of a Romanian research team in the beginning of the 20th century in the town of Bregovo (Vidin region) and current forms used in the Walachian dialect spoken in the far North-West of Bulgaria.
Significance of the research problem: In their communication outside school, students often come across multimodal texts in forums, sites, blogs or texts integrating visual, sound, and animation components. The ever-increasing interest in communication, not only through language but also through multimodal texts, raises the question about studying the second type of texts in first language teaching and about their influence on the first key competence under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In order to find an answer we seek the productive link between multimodal texts and digital competence. For this purpose we examine the attitudes of Bulgarian language teachers from secondary school to digital competence and its relation to Bulgarian language education. Theoretical Ideas: They are based on the Framework for Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe.Research question: What is the attitude of Bulgarian language specialists to the digital literacy of secondary school students?Participants in the Survey: Bulgarian language teachers, linguists, BA, MA and PhD students, teaching Bulgarian language trainers.Procedures: We make an expert assessment of criteria and indicators for digital literacy through Google forms assigning values related to Bulgarian language teaching by the following scale: very important (2), important (1), minor (0) ), insignificant (-1).Working hypothesis: There exist criteria and indicators for digital literacy in direct relation with Bulgarian language teaching and the first key competence that can be explicitly explained. Zero hypothesis - there are no criteria and indicators for digital literacy in direct relation with Bulgarian language teaching.
This paper presents a study of the system of lexical devices used by English speakers to verbalize theirpersonal memory experiences. The approach presented in the paper presupposes inclusion of nonnarrativestructures into the spectrum of language forms conveying mnemonic meanings and extends thelatter so as to encompass the meanings of encoding, storage, retrieval and loss. The research is based onthe hypothesis that lexical units expressing memory-related meanings in English constitute a specificallyorganized system. A variety of communicative contexts representing mnemonic situations are analyzed asto d evelop a t ypology o f m emory v erbalizers i n E nglish, estimate t heir f unctional p otential a nd role i nobjectifying personal memory experiences on the lexical level. The results confirm the original hypothesisand suggest that mnemonic lexicon as a linguistic reflection of the mnemonic faculty is an important andlargely understudied element of the language – memory system.
The article is devoted to the problem associated with the use of digital means in the field of teaching foreign languages. The purpose of the article is the selection and systematization of educational digital means used in modern linguistic education, the linguodidactic potential of which most fully corresponds to the specifics of the subject “Foreign language” and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as the identification of their typological characteristics. The basis for identifying generalized features and linguodidactic capabilities of various e-learning tools was the reliance on systemic and typological approaches using methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. Based on the results of the study, digital teaching aids were typologized by the functions they perform in the process of teaching foreign languages and by the nature of these tools themselves. Each typological group included digital means that most fully meet the requirements of standards for the quality of language education and its results. The revealed typological characteristics of the indicated digital means are intended to simplify the teacher's choice of digital means for solving specific educational tasks and to help maximize their specific linguodidactic functions.
The article outlines the concept INTERLANGUAGE as developed by Larry Selinker and Pit Corder last century. Defined as a complex system, the phenomenon of Interlanguage needs to be taken into consideration both by specialists in foreign language teaching who research the area of linguistics, and by teachers. Then contributions to the topic by Spanish speaking specialists are described with a view of the specifics of learning Spanish.
A heterolingual text is characterised by the presence of two or more different languages, or two or more varieties of the same language (Corrius & Zabalbeascoa 2011: 115). This article discusses possible methods of translating into English of a text containing two varieties of German: Ottokar Domma’s Der brave Schüler Ottokar [The Good Schoolboy Ottokar]. In these stories, about a schoolboy growing up in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in the 1960s, Domma creates a zone of friction between child narrator Ottokar’s everyday German and the language of GDR officialdom (“official discourse”). This article first shows that following a conventional method of translating a literary text into English does not allow this satire to be conveyed to the reader. It then presents two alternative translational methods — “thick” and creative — that demonstrate how it is helpful, indeed in some cases necessary, for the translator to adopt a broad understanding of “translation” in respect of texts that exploit multilingualism for humorous purposes. It is argued that methods of translating in which effect is privileged over form — which here included introducing multimodality — can serve well to open up heterolingual humour for speakers of other languages.
The article presents the possibilities for integrating an innovative methodology in third language acquisition – Duolingo for schools. The Duolingo language learning platform is one of the leaders in the world with millions of registered users as the access to it is entirely free of charge. The article presents the leading research in the field by emphasizing the fact that none of it is yet to use Duolingo for schools. After dwelling upon Duolingo’s methodology, it is pointed out that Duolingo for schools can be integrated by teachers/lecturers in their syllabi to create a controlled environment. In the context of learning languages by Bulgarians, it is recommended using Duolingo for schools in third language acquisition, as Duolingo does not offer learning Bulgarian, neither can Bulgarian be used to learn another language.
The topicality and importance of the problems associated with comparative linguistics constantly draws the attention of linguists to the issues of studying the lexicon and concepts of foreign language origin. This article deals with current topics of doctoral dissertation research in modern Kazakhstan. The impact of this article is determined by the possibility of using the information contained in it for further research on the issues of linguistic convergence, the study of integration and adaptation of foreign words, identifying conceptual fields of “richness” and “poverty” concepts, as well as the study of sacral concepts in comparative linguistics.
The development is useful with its conclusions for defining the degree of the ethnolinguistic vitality of the Bulgarian linguistic community in Austria as a part of Bulgarianlinguistic communities in the European diaspore. The purpose of this research is not only theregistration of the numbers of regularly published editions around the world, mainly inAustria, but it is also a trial to analyze the most important specifications of their publicisticstyle in comparison with the language and style of the periodicals published in Bulgaria.
In 2014, the Archives of Latvian Folklore started developing its digital archive, which, among other things, offers an opportunity to develop new digital tools and resources for indexing folk narratives. Since the 1850s, a sizeable legend corpus has been documented in the territory of Latvia, and extensive collections have been published. While initiating the development of a digital index of legends, this article aims to consider the most comprehensive collections and publications as of today, as well to characterise the applied systems of classification and indexes. It was in the 1850s and 1860s when the first calls to write down folktales and legends were published in the press, and when the Latvian folk narratives started attracting wider interest of both Baltic German scholars and emerging Latvian intellectuals. In 1887, Fricis Brīvzemnieks published the first academic collection of folktales and legends, which included 186 texts. In this collection, the folktales and legends were classified by the genre and subject. The majority of the folktales (1863 texts) and legends (3254 texts) collected in the 19th century was published in the seven-volume edition “Latvian Legends and Folktales” (1891–1903, 2001) edited by Anss Lerhis-Puškaitis. It was the largest collection of Latvian folklore and one of the most sizeable publications of folk narratives in Europe at that time. In the early 1890s, the popularity of British anthropologist Edward Tylor’s theory of animism was growing. As no particular classification system of legends was approbated in international research circles, Lerhis-Puškaitis developed a unique system of legend classification, which was based on the theory of animism to arrange the voluminous text corpus; however, it fell under criticism in the early 20th century. The largest current publication of Latvian folk narratives (4309 folktales and 3586 legends), “Latvian Folktales and Legends” (1925–1937), was prepared for publishing by Prof. Pēteris Šmits. As for systematisation of folktales, Šmits implemented a state-of-art classification system introduced by Antti Aarne based on the historic-geographic method. Unlike folktales, researchers of legends did not have any internationally applied catalogue of legend types available at the time. Šmits classified the legends into four sections: 1) etiological legends, 2) mythological legends, 3) place legends, and 4) historical legends. The Archives of Latvian Folklore (ALF) was established in 1924 with its main task to collect and archive Latvian folklore, including legends. Along with intense activities of folklore collecting, the ALF was publishing and studying the collected materials, yet no developments toward a legend index were initiated. Having recognised legends as a significant genre for the Soviet ideology, a catalogue was initiated in the 1950s by Herta Vaita (the card index of legends). In the early 1960s Alma Ancelāne engaged in the research and classification of legends, and this also concurred with the discussion activated by the International Society for Folk Narrative Research regarding the development of an international catalogue of legends, which indirectly affected Ancelāne’s work. The card index of legends, which was completed after almost 30 years, covers nearly all of the material held in the ALF, some 57,000 texts. The material was primarily divided into etiological, mythological, and historical legends, whereas a more detailed subdivision was created grouping the legends into several sub-levels based on motifs, types, and occasionally by the themes included therein. Although Ancelāne’s card index greatly helps in orientating oneself to the collection of legends held in the ALF, it can hardly be considered as a fully completed index of motifs or types of Latvian legends. After WWII, Latvian émigrés also contributed to the classification of legends. In 1981, Lena Neuland published “Motif-Index of Latvian Folktales and Legends”, which followed the pattern of “Motif-Index of Folk Literature” by Stith Thompson using both Thompson’s names and numbers of the motifs. In 2014, the digital archive of ALF, garamantas.lv, began providing options for the development of new digital tools and resources in the research of folk narratives. Much has been accomplished in the field of legend research by now, yet there is still much to be done. A sizeable number of legends have been collected, and a large portion of them has been published, but this material has not been compiled in a single data corpus. A motif-index of Latvian legends has been developed which is accessible to the international community of legend researchers, but the material it covers equals less than 5% of the entire text corpus. Likewise, a type-index of Latvian legends should also be developed. In addition, an equally wide selection of Latvian legends should be published in English. By developing a mapping tool, the digital archive would allow for the visualization of the geographical distribution of each motif and type. There are plenty of plans and intents to implement. The first impressions gained from an implementation of those will be addressed in a separate article.
The research tries to highlight the confluences between the constructivist paradigm of the learning process cantered on construction/ deconstruction and the reconstruction of the mental representations with the help of the cognitive components, as well as the learning model based on the ACISSI conceptual structure. The terminological delineation of the ACISSI acronym (algorithms for configuration and integration/ insertion of stratified structures of learning/ understanding) will be clarified from the perspective of the application of the concept of system of contents, through a strategic didactical architecture to the symbiosis created by the integrative vision: learning paradigm/ learning model/ valorisation of the formative attributes of the content systems, starting from the ACISSI concept and highlighting the role of motivational blocks in coherence with the principles and criteria for the application of the methodological set. At the same time, the paper will clarify the aspects related to the use of other types of texts than the colloquial/ functional, artistic and the criteria for the selection and adaptation of these texts. A key element of this research is represented by the description of the model circumscribed to the track of the comprehension competence, from the perspective of the stages of the learning units: acquisition – development of a basis of cognitive components, at the level of exploration of the knowledge resources.; Introspection – acquisition of the different aspects of knowledge; Modification – overall vision on the studied resources, and themed elaboration of a cognitive project; Presentation of the results – integration of the learning model in the community reality.
The study highlights the most important challenges encountered by the language professors in teaching online, enumerating some of the most important tools available during an entire year of online teaching Romanian as a Foreign Language. It focuses particularly on the difficulties that international students had, while learning a completely new language, without any face-to-face interaction, stressing the most important online instruments, which could help us teach Romanian grammar and vocabulary. The study highlights also the most important theoretical frameworks regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which can trigger the learning process, even in an exclusively online environment. Very important is the change of mentalities, first at the level of the teachers, who can and should embrace the change, so that they can push the limits of teaching languages in the virtual space, in such a way that classes could be equally interesting and challenging for the learners. A very important section of the article is dedicated to the study of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, in the case of international students learning Romanian as a foreign language, explaining the mechanisms that trigger language acquisition and offering examples of instruments that we have at hand, to help the language production. The study also enumerates some of the most important models that focus on linguistic and social processes, which trigger foreign language acquisition, which can explain why in certain cases learners can learn a foreign language faster or experience a culture shock, due to the inappropriate cultural adaptation.
This article is dedicated to characteristics of Bulgarian dialectal speech used by minority groups in Bulgaria. In their speech, the author finds dialectal elements that are now rarely used by Bulgarian native speakers.
The article is interpreting the problem about the way of self-distinction of the Bulgarian minority in the area Sredska Jupa, located on the territory of Kosovo Republic. It is well preserved due to the mountain terrain and the natural isolation of the region and its origin leads back to the years of pros-perity of the First and the Second Bulgarian kingdom. The interest, which the language of the people from the region inflicts, is due to not only the compilation of archaic signs with modern tendencies in the development of the Bulgarian language, but with the possibility that through its research to be outlined the western border of the Bulgarian linguistic area too. The research is based fully on new linguistic material, collected on place during seven years while conducting courses of Bulgarian language, History and Literature for the candidate students from the area.
The article investigates the design thesaurus ordinary user in the field of computer and other technologies. Knowledge of this terminology, penetrating into various spheres of human life and of modern society, it becomes obvious need for each person. Need to draw up such a multilingual dictionary pursues research, teaching and methodological and purely pragmatic goals. The article proposes a thematic approach to the organization of the material of the future terminological dictionary.