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Problematika mezislovanských vztahů a styků byla vždycky velmi závažná. Vždyť hrála významnou úlohu nejen v dějinách Slovanů a jejich bezprostředních sousedů, nýbrž i v dějinách světových, a její zkoumání je tudíž jedním z nejpřednějších úkolů slavistů. V nejnovější době pak tato otázka nabyla ještě větší důležitosti a aktuálnosti. Není náhodné, že Akademie věd SSSR r. 1942 ve chvíli velkých dějinných událostí stanovila jako základní úkoly své slovanské komise, aby zkoumala: a) roli Slovanstva ve světových dějinách a kultuře; b) roli ruského národa a jeho kultury v dějinách Slovanů; c) problém ethnogenese slovanských národů; d) kmenové a kulturní vztahy slovanských národů v jejich minulosti a přítomnosti na základě historických faktů, folklóru, jazyka, literatury, věcných památek atd.; e) dějiny boje slovanských národů za jejich svobodu a nezávislost; f) vznik a rozvoj státu a práva slovanských národů.
Since the moment of its discovery, the Short Vita of Cyril (Assumption of Cyril) has been incorporated in the Slavic Cyrillo-Methodian sources on a regular basis. Scholars exploring the work of Cyril and Methodius and their disciples have been using this text as a complement to their main research material. The text of Assumption of Cyril is significantly less explored in comparison to the rest of the Slavic Cyrillo-Methodian sources and so far there hasn’t been a complete edition of this important work based on all extant copies. This study seeks to collect, publish and explore all known copies of Assumption of Cyril contained in different types of codices. This, on the other hand, calls for examining the reasons for its inclusion in the manuscripts, in which it functions, thus forming a complete picture of the textual history of Assumption of Cyril in the context of the literary and cultural history of the Balkans. The drawn textological parallels don’t confirm the hypothesis of the text’s archaic nature. The dependence of the text on Vita Methodii suggested by some authors is not confirmed by the textological parallels either. The loci communes between the two works result from the influence of other, later Cyrillo-Methodian sources. It is possible that the compiler of Assumption of Cyril hadn’t known the text of Vita Methodii, at least he never used it. One of the reasons may be rooted in the fact that Vita Methodii was not as widely spread as Vita Cyrilli; moreover, no South-Slavic copies of this work have survived. The text of Assumption of Cyril bears closest similarities to its contemporaneous Assumption of Methodius, to which it is connected by numerous and close textological parallels. The fragment in BAS23 features the authentic text of Assumption of Cyril where the praise to the Bulgarian Orthodox Kingdom is preserved in the same form as it is found in two other works of the Tarnovo pre-Euthymian school: in the Life of Patriarch Joachim I and in Assumption of Methodius. The distinctive features of the work lead to the conclusion that the creation of the text of Assumption of Cyril should be related to the period of the restoration of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom and the rise of the Bulgarian Patriarchate in 1235, as part of the Tarnovo hagiographical cycle in praise of Bulgarian saints. Especially important are the copies of Moldovan origin of Assumption of Cyril, which account for half of the extant copies. There the praise to the Bulgarian Orthodox Kingdom has been reworked into a blessing to all orthodox kingdoms. The earliest witness of this textual tradition is preserved in the Collection of Gavriil Uric of 1439. It appears that political reasons have been behind the composition of the text, that it has been connected with works of the same period, in line with the same political and religious trend, as an outspoken advocacy of Bulgarian statehood and Orthodoxy. As testified by the copies, the text’s political line was used in its further life. Assumption of Cyril entered Romanian literature with the collections structured according to the Jerusalem Typikon and became one of the emblems of the political and religious identity in Moldova at the turn of the seventeenth century, remaining largely connected with the era of the Moldovan Metropolitan Anastasius Crimca. The book includes an edition of all extant copies: deciphered text and photocopies of the manuscripts.
Attention of scholars from the field of humanities has been for a long time paid to private personal letters. This applies especially to historians, to scholars dealing with literature and more recently to sociologists, psychologists etc. Private correspondence is also a subject of interest in the field of linguistic research. It is a material attractive from many viewpoints, relating to well-known contrasts of epistolary style [Skwarcz yńska 1975 et al.], namely to contrasts such as a) spoken vs. written (relating e.g.to the contrast of standard vs. non-.standard); b) dialogue – monologue; c) presence vs. absence of ambitions to include features of the style of fiction (which applies also to letters of common people); d) individual ways of expression vs. following conventions of letter writing. An electronic Corpus of Private Correspondence was created at the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (ÚČJ FF MU). Serving the purpose of linguistic research, this corpus contains 2,000 letters written by hand and 1,000 e-mails from the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries written by 3,000 common people, especially by young people; the corpus contains dialectological, sociological and partly grammatical tags. The section focused on letters written by hand in 2006 became a separate part of the Czech National Corpus (KSK-dopisy; http://ucnk.ff.cuni.cz). Full versions of gathered texts, including photo copies of the original letters, adding also 2,000 sms, were published inthe work Čeština v současné soukromé korespondenci. Dopisy, e-maily, SMS [Hladk á et al. 2005].
The second volume of the Musical-Literary Dictionary deals with the Czech composers’ works which relate to literary art in some way. These relations could have the form of inspiration, but they could also be found in the idea, subject, contents or the text of a literary work. The Dictionary includes works of 891 composers reflecting the literary creation of 2203 writers that inspired them. Its contribution to Czech musical lexicographic literature consists in a new approach to the Czech musical production, in the worldwide context as well. In this senseit is new and unique. The Dictionary is intended for specialists, as well as for the general audience interested in music. Music theoreticians and employees of musical archives will appreciate the extensive list of specialist literature.
The music-literary dictionary of world’s composers is a contribution to Czech lexicographic literature as it brings a new perspective on the world’s music. It exclusively focuses on composers who were inspired by verbal arts. Deep correspondence between music and literary work is often hidden or is considered as a mere coincidence. It is therefore praiseworthy that the author systematically emphasises and records this interconnection. The dictionary serves as a remarkably plentiful source of information for every admirer of art.
The book is focused on a comparison of theoretical approaches to issues of style, in the context of Czech and Anglo-Saxon (especially British) scholarly discourses. The aim was to show and compare different methodological approaches based on different theoretical bases – for this reason, two different cultural contexts were selected, attention being paid also to mutual contacts within these contexts. The 20th century was chosen intentionally, as the period during which, in both of the respective contexts, stylistics was constituted as a modern scholarly discipline rooted in the fields of linguistics and literary theory. The book is aimed at members of academic communities, at teachers as well as at students, especially at those focusing on Czech and English studies.
This volume features three chapters and a preface presenting the work on the project "Towards a Semantic Network Enriched with a Variety of Semantic Relations" and its results – the integration of knowledge from various semantic resources for the purpose of enriching the semantic description of verbs. The authors are researchers at the Department of Computational Linguistics at the Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Acest volum cuprinde materialele de la Conferinţa Ştiinţifică „Probleme de filologie: aspecte teoretice şi practice", desfăşurată la 11 decembrie 2020.
The present, seventh, volume of the series "From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria" offers profitable re-visitations of old themes, as well as explorations of new themes and problems. The volume focuses on the literature, culture, and political and social history of Britain in a period when the structures of industrial modernity were being created, and examines Britain’s imprint on the global cultural heritage, including class, gender and race-based hierarchies that persist in varying degrees into the present.
The book describes in the chronological order – with the attention focused mainly on the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century – key elements of the evolution of the European Slavic studies in the context of integrative and disintegrative processes. These tendencies are situated within the framework of diverse Slavic studies and their sociopolitical and cultural surroundings. The illustration of this issue is provided by the comparison of the extensive factography from the history of the polymorphous discipline, discussed in the methodological, socio-environmental and ethnopolitical dimensions. The oppositions “centralism – particularisms” or “collective norm – individual norm” have been designed for the ordering of rich material from all regions of Slavdom – in the perspective of creating and breaking the canon of the scholarly discoveries and the representations of the essence of Slavic studies as such.
The term ‘solar theology’ has been used in the study of Greco-Roman polytheism for over a century. The aim of this volume is to establish to what extent and in what cultural context solar theology can be viewed as a historical-religious phenomenon.
The book contains articles written by scholars from various Polish and foreign scientific institutions, which reflect on man in different aspects and domains. The subject matter is the human being perceived as a sign in various spheres: thought and language, the world, the sacrum sphere, society, literature and art. The book shows the multiplicity of contemporary humanities and addresses liminal territories, e.g. at the interface with natural sciences.
A small thing: four oikological essays, preceded by an introductory word, on our entanglement in the “home-world.” If we were to take the title as the question, “Where does the home meet the world?”, the answer would be: “In the points that require our attentiveness of life.” Attentiveness requires discipline and precision, and it is not only about precision in actions and observations, but about our being at home and in the world, in the changing rhythms of being rooted and wandering. Being mindful guides us towards a place, and concern extends over time to finally lead us home. Home is a peculiar time(lessness); it is a dynamically understood and open place that allows us to direct our desire to what is distant, inconceivable, and unimaginable. When we say ‘home,’ we do not mean a familiar and closed stronghold but a home rooted in the idea of the cosmos. It corresponds also to the idea of Heimat. The four points of contact between home and the world are found through (1) the humanities, (2) man, (3) friendship with the place, and (4) the university. The four oikological essays look into the entanglements, overlaps, but also the truest lack of the indeterminate at the boundary of home, around the threshold that symbolically not only testifies to the boundary in rituals, but delineates the space of attentiveness. At these points where home meets the world, our entanglement in the "home-world" is brought out.
The monograph presents a new approach to research surrounding the alter-cultural reception of a writer. The methodological proposals are presented with reference to the reception of Leo Tolstoy. The study focuses on two significant events: his 80th birthday (1908) and his departure from Yasnaya Polyana (1910). A comparative analysis of Polish and foreign publications enabled the author to track the transformations that took place in the way Tolstoy’s image was constructed, and at the same time to better understand the specific nature of press reception mechanisms.
The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 7th Virtual International Symposium held at Alecu Russo Bălți State University. The contributions focus on current issues concerning action research in language education.
The set of problems engaged in the texts which are presented in the monograph reflects the multifariousness of research perspectives in modern Slavic linguistics with reference to both traditional and novel methodological approaches. The authors’ focus has to do with the problems of the description of the units of the Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech and Croatian languages at the particular levels of these languages. The linguistic units are examined not only as elements of a system but also as components (which are varied genre-wise) of early and modern texts. Apart from the analyses which draw from structuralist traditions there are also ones in which linguistic phenomena are considered in a broad social-political-cultural context. The publication is a collection of pieces which are devoted both to one language as well as comparative studies: Polish-Russian, Polish-Czech, Polish-Croatian, Russian-Czech ones. There are also texts which are devoted to the problems of translatology. The broad range of problems which are engaged by the authors from Poland and beyond enables the reader to familiarise himself or herself with the areas and trends of work conducted by the particular academic centres. We hope that it will also become a source of inspiration for further research endeavours.
The publication is a collection of texts on diaries from the Second World War. The authors, analyzing diaries of Polish writers, present their innovative proposals on the definition and language usually applied in existing literary and cultural research on diaries.
The monograph presents an original hermeneutic approach to digital game interpretation. The book consists of digital game case studies which focus on different aspects of their philosophical problematic: from management of life, through question concerning their ontology, to the way they produce livable spaces and mythological stories about our contemporaneity. The author also provides a ten-step manual to game interpretation aimed at helping students and researchers alike to analyze digital games. The book features interpretations of such award-winning titles as Horizon: Zero Dawn, Cyberpunk 2077, Frostpunk and Disco Elysium.
The book analyses Polish literary works on the Holocaust for children and young adults published in the 21st century. The author examines the representation of the Shoah in books for young readers and investigates how literary and visual portraits of people, space and time as well as peritexts are constructed. To achieve this, he uses narratology, post-memory and ideology studies.