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The researcher asks the question on the up-to-dateness of the research proposals derivingfrom the circle called the “the ethics of reading”. She pays attention to the fact that recentlyold-fashioned and anachronic questions on the axiology of reading have now becometypical problems of the humanities. It is supported by the conviction that particular fields ofthe humanities permeate into one another, and awareness that the ethics of the reception ofa literary work constitutes an indispensable element of an individual reading of a text.The ethics appears in reader’s consciousness before poetics. Thanks to it, the reader, unfairlydivided into an emotional and suspicious one, blends into the subject of a multi-dimensionalreading experience. Hence, big text institutions base on reader’s individual reading whoexperiences, understands and evaluates the text. Without it, academic humanities does notexist.
The article discusses functions and aims of publications popularising linguistic modelsand developing learners’ language and communication awareness. It shows how the authorsof these publications, well-known linguists and didactics of the Polish language, motivateyoung people to speak Polish correctly and aesthetically, as well as how they arouse their interestsin language problems. The attention was paid to attractive forms of exercises, accessiblyformulated pieces of advice and correctness hints, as well as a functional presentation ofvarious phenomena by various authors in talks and essays on the native language. A didacticvalue of these publications was emphasized.
It’s been 65 years since “Dziennik Polski” from Cracow was born in 2010, the firstvolume of which was issued in February 1945. The magazine that for the first postwar yearswas trying to perform (to a certain extent) the role of a Poland-wide journal aspired to thetitle of a daily literary magazine, had a big influence on intellectual and cultural developmentof its readers. The author made an attempt to illustrate the presence of the book in thevery journal in the most difficult period, that is very much diversified due to politicalturbulences between 1949 and 1956. The magazine editors did not constrain themselves tojust printing literary texts, but were trying to broaden readers’ knowledge and influence theiropinions through publishing many reviews and articles about books. “Dziennik Polski” contained361 texts of that type, including reviews at that time, ranging from typical propagandaworks to a very precious literature. The columns they were given included NoweKsiążki, Wśród nowych książek, Książki nadesłane do redakcji, Nowości Czytelnika or WydawnictwaCzytelnika. The books were also paid attention to in a series of feature columnsRozmowy o literaturze and Rozmowy o książkach. Some positions were published in specialseries, e.g. Poznajemy literaturę ZSRR. The main reviewers of “Dziennik Polski” were JerzySkórnicki, Leszek Herdegen, Olgierd Jędrzejczyk, Włodzimierz Maciąg, and Adam Włodek.The issues raised in publications splendidly reflects the political situation at that time.The book reviews of both Polish and foreign authors, were dominated by those whose contentsfollowed the assumptions of a political propaganda till 1953. Many of them belongedto a canon of socialist realist works. Later, what can be noticed is the editors’ concentrationon literary works of mainly Polish authors. It does not mean, however, that the reviewedtexts did not contain the „engaged” titles. Though, the closer it was till the end of 1956, themore frequently they resigned from reviewing such works.
The article presents an academic profile of Herbert Rister, one of postwar Western-German bibliographer associated with Johann Gottfried Herder’s Institute in Margburg.Reister is the author of several dozen bibliographies, the topic of which concerns the areaslost by Germans as a result of postwar establishments. His bibliographic interests coveredamong others Silesia, Wielkopolska and Poznań area, Pomerania and Lubuskie province, aswell as Polish-German relations. Bibliographic records, created in the beginning from the perspectiveof a revisionistic policy, have still been an outstanding supplement to territorybibliographies created in Poland. Because of that, the attention was paid to the scope ofReister’s bibliographies, the choice of materials, but also lacks in valuable Polish writingslisted in Polish academic criticism. The researcher highlights the role of Reister’s bibliographyfor a Polish receiver of these lists.
The second circuit involves illegal publications unapproved of by censorship. Numerouspublishing houses connected with a political opposition conducted an intensified activity between1980 and 1981 because of the growth of a social interest in “the second circuit”. Theeffect was a crop of publications on among others the latest history of Poland (the period ofthe 20th century). Apart from the actions of independent circles in favour of putting the historyaway, characterized as taking care of objectivism and the real course of events the publicationsappeared which due to a factual level and a dose of subjectivism were getting closerto the official historiography. Some circles strongly manipulated the texts of the past for theirown political and ideological needs. Also, there were many books involving simplificationsand mistakes deriving from insufficient academic method. The role of the majority of historicalpublications of “the second circuit” for putting the latest history of Poland away and fillingin “white stains” left by the official historiography was not to be overestimated.
The article discusses the phenomenon of a one book author, Sławomir Rawicz, anauthor of The Long Walk. Since 13 April 1956 the novel, published in English by Constablein London has become a bestseller widely-discussed in the British, American and otherpress. The Polish emigration press, apart from a London editorial board of “Dziennik Polskiand Dziennik Żołnierza” hardly noticed the author’s success. The reviews appeared in “OrzełBiały” and “Paris Kultura”. Until 2007 the very memoires awaited 43 editions in 25 languages.It should be emphasized that The Long Walk in Polish was published as late as in1993 in London by Unicorn. The book constitutes a report from an impossible andseveral-month long escape of seven men from a Soviet labour camp near a polar polethrough Tibet, the Gobi Desert and the Himalayas reached India in March 1942. After theend of the World War II, the author settled down in Great Britain. In 2009, a scandal brokewhen Rawicz (dead since 2004) was accused of stealing the escape history of WitoldGliński, a veteran of Polish Armed Forces. It is interesting that the very facts were revealed aslate as after Sławomir Rawicz’s death. The author of The Long Walk cannot defend himself.A picture -realization of this escape, incredible and difficult to imagine, was undertaken byPeter Weir, an outstanding Australian author of such productions as Picnic at Hanging Rockor Dead Poets Society in 2010. The Polish premiere was on 8 April 2011.