Annals of the University of Oradea. Psychology Series
Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Fascicula Psihologie
The Annals of University of Oradea, Psychology Installment (form 2001) is a biannual peer reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles corresponding to one of the following categories: 1. studies that entail empirical data obtained from research designs and methodology applied using the scientific method (experimental, correlational, metaanalitical, case studies etc.) in order to identify recurring patterns of interactions between certain aspect of psychological variables and explain the relationship between them; 2. theoretical synthesis which emphasizes the cumulative character and the current status of the scientific knowledge in a certain domain; 3. thematic interviews wich prestigious personalities which are active in the domain of psychology and also comments regarding important scientific manifestations; 4. reviews of book and articles that had a major impact at a paradigmatic level in the field of psychology. The Psychology Installment (http://socioumane.ro/blog/fasciculapsihologie/) is accredited by the CNCSIS (www.cncsis.ro) from 01.05.2006. The publication has been ceased in 2010. From 2011 continues under the title "Journal of Psychological and Educational Research JPER"