Youth Score Card. Methodological Note
Youth Score Card. Methodological Note
Author(s): Iurie Morcotîlo
Subject(s): State/Government and Education, Social development, Sociology of Education
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: The successful integration of young people in socio-economic processes is a prerequisite for any country’s sustainable development. This was also acknowledged at international level by embedding age-disaggregated data in the 2030 Global Development Agenda and transposing them into the Sustainable Development Goals. In fact, data disaggregation stimulates evidence-based policy making in this area. However, a large number of age-disaggregated indicators have the drawback to distract the attention of decision-makers and of the general public. A solution would be to use composite indices that would integrate more youth development indicators into one single figure that could be used to guide public policies and discussions. This report is meant to close the methodological gap related to the development of composite indices on the situation of youth at local level. The key purpose of the methodology is to estimate the situation of the youth in administrative territorial units of second level of the Republic of Moldova in order to facilitate policy-making and monitoring over time. The report contains both the calculation aspects of the composite index according to the best international practices, and the practical application taking an administrative territorial unit as an example. Finally, the Annex contains both area-disaggregated scores for all administrative units of second level, and the final scores of the composite index.
Series: Studii de politici publice
- Page Count: 22
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF