Archiwa Polski i Europy: wspólne dziedzictwo – różne doświadczenia
Archives of Poland and Europe: Common Heritage – Various Experiences
Contributor(s): Alicja Kulecka (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Cultural history, Social history
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
Summary/Abstract: The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-2792-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-2784-8
- Page Count: 336
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Polish
Napoleon Bonaparte i Archiwum Europy
Napoleon Bonaparte i Archiwum Europy
(Napoleon Bonaparte and the Archives of Europe)
- Author(s):Alicja Kulecka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:11-22
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Europejski Portal Archiwalny – efekt współpracy i działania opartego na standardach międzynarodowych
Europejski Portal Archiwalny – efekt współpracy i działania opartego na standardach międzynarodowych
(European Archives Portal – the effect of cooperation and action based on international standards)
- Author(s):Anna Laszuk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:23-34
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Archiwa zjednoczonej Europy w świetle projektu APEx
Archiwa zjednoczonej Europy w świetle projektu APEx
(Archives of a united Europe in the light of the APEx project)
- Author(s):Anna Krochmal
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:35-43
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Archiwa zagraniczne jako przedmiot zainteresowania „Archeionu”. Refleksje wstępne
Archiwa zagraniczne jako przedmiot zainteresowania „Archeionu”. Refleksje wstępne
(Foreign archives as object of interest for "Archeion". Initial reflections)
- Author(s):Violetta Urbaniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:44-51
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
ARENA i AREA – dwa projekty europejskie (program CULTURE 2000), poświęcone archiwaliom archeologicznym. Z doświadczeń polskiego uczestnika
ARENA i AREA – dwa projekty europejskie (program CULTURE 2000), poświęcone archiwaliom archeologicznym. Z doświadczeń polskiego uczestnika
(ARENA and AREA - two European projects (CULTURE 2000 program), devoted to archaeological archives. From the experience of a Polish participant)
- Author(s):Andrzej Prinke
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:52-69
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dojrzewanie tożsamości naukowej archiwistyki w systemach totalitarnych międzywojennej Europy
Dojrzewanie tożsamości naukowej archiwistyki w systemach totalitarnych międzywojennej Europy
(Maturing of the scientific identity of archivistics in the interwar totalitarian systems Europe)
- Author(s):Zdzisław Chmielewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:73-99
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Treści ideologiczne w sowieckich podręcznikach archiwistyki
Treści ideologiczne w sowieckich podręcznikach archiwistyki
(Ideological content in Soviet archival textbooks)
- Author(s):Janusz Łosowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:100-125
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Władza sowiecka i archiwa Wilna: trudny okres (1939–1941, 1944–1945)
Władza sowiecka i archiwa Wilna: trudny okres (1939–1941, 1944–1945)
(Soviet power and Vilnius archives: difficult period (1939–1941, 1944–1945))
- Author(s):Vitalija Stravinskienė
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:126-136
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wykaz akt oraz zarządzenia, wytyczne i decyzje kierownictwa Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych w procesie brakowania i niszczenia akt operacyjnych Służby Bezpieczeństwa w latach 1956–1989. Analiza porównawcza
Wykaz akt oraz zarządzenia, wytyczne i decyzje kierownictwa Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych w procesie brakowania i niszczenia akt operacyjnych Służby Bezpieczeństwa w latach 1956–1989. Analiza porównawcza
(List of files and orders, guidelines and decisions the management of the Ministry of the Interior in the process of disposal and destruction operational files of the Security Service in the years 1956–1989. Comparative analysis)
- Author(s):Stanisław Koller
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:137-194
- No. of Pages:58
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rozwój szkolnictwa archiwalnego w Polsce w XX wieku
Rozwój szkolnictwa archiwalnego w Polsce w XX wieku
(Development of archival education in Poland in the 20th century)
- Author(s):Irena Mamczak-Gadkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:197-212
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tradycyjny opis polskich archiwaliów a standardy międzynarodowe
Tradycyjny opis polskich archiwaliów a standardy międzynarodowe
(Traditional description of Polish archives and international standards)
- Author(s):Wiesława Kwiatkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:213-226
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
System informacji archiwalnej wobec współczesnego użytkownika
System informacji archiwalnej wobec współczesnego użytkownika
(Archive information system towards the modern user)
- Author(s):Wanda Krystyna Roman
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:227-243
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Archiwalia Ministerium Policji Księstwa Warszawskiego
Archiwalia Ministerium Policji Księstwa Warszawskiego
(Archives of the Ministry of Police Of the Duchy of Warsaw)
- Author(s):Marcin Mielnik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:244-257
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Spalenizna Przeździeckich”. Kilka słów o Archiwum hr. Przeździeckich
„Spalenizna Przeździeckich”. Kilka słów o Archiwum hr. Przeździeckich
("The Burning of Przeździecki". A few words about the Archives of Counts Przeździecki)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Słojkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:258-264
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Opracowanie akt parafialnych i dekanalnych na przykładzie Archiwum Akt Dawnych Diecezji Toruńskiej
Opracowanie akt parafialnych i dekanalnych na przykładzie Archiwum Akt Dawnych Diecezji Toruńskiej
(Preparation of parish and deanery files on the example of the Archives of Historical Records Toruń Diocese)
- Author(s):Mateusz Zmudziński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:265-279
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Crowdsourcing w opracowaniu fotografii – zarys zastosowania
Crowdsourcing w opracowaniu fotografii – zarys zastosowania
(Crowdsourcing in the development of photography – application outline)
- Author(s):Łukasz Karolewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:280-290
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rejestry publiczne w archiwach. Problemy gromadzenia i opracowania zespołów wytworzonych przez Urzędy Stanu Cywilnego
Rejestry publiczne w archiwach. Problemy gromadzenia i opracowania zespołów wytworzonych przez Urzędy Stanu Cywilnego
(Public records in archives. Collection and development problems produced teams by Registry Offices)
- Author(s):Hadrian Ciechanowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:291-300
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pamiętniki, wspomnienia i relacje – zagadnienia z zakresu gromadzenia w latach powojennych i opracowania w świetle materiałów archiwalnych Archiwum Państwowego w Warszawie
Pamiętniki, wspomnienia i relacje – zagadnienia z zakresu gromadzenia w latach powojennych i opracowania w świetle materiałów archiwalnych Archiwum Państwowego w Warszawie
(Diaries, memories and reports – collection issues in the post-war years and studies in the light of archival materials State Archives in Warsaw)
- Author(s):Anna Wajs
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:301-307
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €
Archiwum idealne? Archiwum Narodowe w Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
Archiwum idealne? Archiwum Narodowe w Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
(The perfect archive? National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine)
- Author(s):Magdalena Heruday-Kiełczwska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:311-318
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:European archives; history of archivistics; archive functions; French National Archives
- Summary/Abstract:The publication, divided into thematic blocks, provides an overview of archival issues in the broad context of the processes of shaping European archives, cooperation between them and the role archives play in society. The first part includes, among others texts on attempts to create a great European archive by Napoleon Bonaparte and contemporary tools for cooperation between the archives of a united Europe (European Archive Portal, ARENA projects, AREA and others). The second part deals with the interesting issue of the formation of archival science as a science and the development of archives in a situation of subordination to oppressive political systems in the interwar period (Germany, USSR), war (based on the fate of the Vilnius archives) and post-war (PRL). The third part includes texts on various Polish archives and methods used in archives, in the context of their practical use and in relation to the place that archives occupy in social life. The publication is summed up by a text discussing the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine as an example of a modern archive adapted (at least in intention) to the needs of modern users.
- Price: 4.50 €