Tajemni wspólnicy: czytelnik, widz i tłumacz. Opowiadania Josepha Conrada w nowych interpretacjach
The Secret Sharers: the Reader, the Spectator and the Translator. Short Stories of Joseph Conrad in New Interpretations
Contributor(s): Agnieszka Adamowicz‑Pośpiech (Editor), Jacek Mydla (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Conrad; Joseph; short story; interpretation; adaptations of literature;literary translation;
Summary/Abstract: The book is a collection of articles devoted to short stories by Joseph Conrad. The texts have been written by both Polish and foreign researchers of the writer’s fiction as well as English literary scholars. They propose reinterpretations of short prose works which, for most part, have not met an in-depth consideration in Conrad studies. The publication intends to demarginalize short forms and turn attention to their formal and thematic depth.Apart from literary analyses, the book also contains articles devoted to issues connected with film adaptations, translations and translation studies – these are, naturally, discussed on the basis of Conrad’s novels.The book is addressed to a wide scope of readers, including professional literary scholars and literature lovers. It will be particularly valuable to readers who just begin more serious studies on Conrad as writer whose skill found the short story to be a malleable form of artistic expression.The book includes indexes of names, fictional characters and literary works.
Series: Studia literackie
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3395-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3394-6
- Page Count: 258
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Polish
Pojedynek Josepha Conrada i Warunek Eustachego Rylskiego, czyli widmo i tekst
Pojedynek Josepha Conrada i Warunek Eustachego Rylskiego, czyli widmo i tekst
(Joseph Conrad’s The Duel in the Novel by Eustachy Rylski Warunek [The Condition], or the Spectre and the Text)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Adamowicz‑Pośpiech
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:13-38
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Conrad; The Duel; Rylski; hauntology;spectre;
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the paper argues that both Joseph Conrad’s biography and works re-visit the writings of contemporary artists. The author uses the concepts of hauntology as well as “spectral intertextuality” to disclose the spectral presence of Conrad’s The Duel in the novel by Eustachy Rylski Warunek. Three aspects of these works were analysed: plot, setting and protagonists.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pocztówka z Neapolu, czyli patetyczny Il Conde
Pocztówka z Neapolu, czyli patetyczny Il Conde
(A Postcard from Naples, or the Pathetic Il Conde)
- Author(s):Ewa Borkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:39-48
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Conrad; Il Conde; Count; Naples; pathetic; death; Muratov
- Summary/Abstract:Joseph Conrad’s pathetic tale Il Conde, set in Naples, is told by an anonymous narrator, perhaps the writer himself and examines an encounter with the European aristocrat who will be called the Count. The Count is a man who can fascinate the narrator by his manners, education and unique sensitivity and also by his knowledge of art, especially sculpture. While in Naples, the Count was robbed by the Camorra man; this event was a traumatic experience for the well-bred gentleman. When the Count leaves Naples seen off to the train station by the narrator, the scene of farewell looks much like the “elegy for leaving”. It is the final moment of his departure from the world, which has been reinforced by the tale’s motto “Vedi Napoli e poi muori”, that who sees Naples can say “adieu” to life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ambiwalencja Frei z Siedmiu Wysp – wada czy zaleta? Intertekstualna reinterpretacja opowiadania Josepha Conrada
Ambiwalencja Frei z Siedmiu Wysp – wada czy zaleta? Intertekstualna reinterpretacja opowiadania Josepha Conrada
(The Ambivalence of Freya of the Seven Isles – a Fault or an Asset? An Intertextual Interpretation of Joseph Conrad’s Story)
- Author(s):Grażyna Maria Teresa Branny
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:49-82
- No. of Pages:34
- Keywords:Conrad; Freya of the Seven Isles; Prorok; Freja – zimna bogini miłości; modernism;intertextuality;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is a comparative and intertextual study of two texts which are both grounded in the mythological motif of the Nordic goddess Freya, i.e. Joseph Conrad’s 1912 short story Freya of the Seven Isles and Leszek Prorok’s 1977 play entitled Freja – zimna bogini miłości [Freya – the Cold Goddess of Love]. As both texts exploit Freya’s ambiguity as a goddess of love, fertility, death, war and revenge (also of conjugal love and promiscuity), they shed light on each other’s nuances of meaning. It is Prorok’s deliberate use of Conradian motifs (e.g. Freya, elopement, Wagnerian music, the colonial Seven Isles) in his play about the Nazi Lebensborn programme that exposes the full implications of Conrad’s hitherto underrated story. This leads us to drawing novel conclusions about the nature of the “illness” of Prorok’s Freya (and the reasons for her unexpected death) as well as the role of colonial ideology in Conrad’s story as a whole. Moreover, by means of a critical reading of Sylvère Monod’s derisive article on Freya of the Seven Isles – together with an evocation of Faulkner’s denegative style in his Absalom, Absalom! – the article disproves the allegations levelled by the French critic against Conrad’s text (a lack of foreshadowing, an inconsistency of mood, bdelygmia, etc.), revealing instead its complex epistemological implications relating to the modernist intricacy of denegative stylistics, of which Conrad – and not Faulkner – appears to have been the real precursor.
- Price: 4.50 €
Muł, czarownice i straszne łóżko. Gospoda dwóch wiedźm – znaleziony rękopis
Muł, czarownice i straszne łóżko. Gospoda dwóch wiedźm – znaleziony rękopis
(A Mule, Some Witches, and a Terrible Bed. The Inn of the Two Witches – a Found Manuscript)
- Author(s):Justyna Jajszczok
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:83-95
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Conrad; The Inn of the Two Witches; grotesque; detective story; locked-room mystery
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to interpret Joseph Conrad’s story The Inn of the Two Witches as an example of the detective story of the locked-room mystery subgenre, in which the actual crime story is obscured by gothic clichés. The article analyses the use of the unreliable narrator, the introduction of the fantastic and grotesque characters and the atmosphere of horror as the means through which the reader’s attention is diverted away from the mystery itself and focused on the supernatural and the inexplicable instead. Thus, The Inn is read here not just as a story within a story, but mainly as a locked-room mystery hidden inside a gothic story.
- Price: 4.50 €
Opinie krytyków na temat postaci Felicji Moorsom w Plantatorze z Malaty. Dyskusja
Opinie krytyków na temat postaci Felicji Moorsom w Plantatorze z Malaty. Dyskusja
(Critics’ Opinions about the Character of Felicia Moorsom in The Planter of Malata. A Debate)
- Author(s):Anne Keithline
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:96-106
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Conrad; The Planter of Malata; mechanics of narrative; free indirect discourse; reliable narration; characterization
- Summary/Abstract:Of critics writing on The Planter of Malata, Joel R. Kehler comes closest to identifying the main fascination of the work: the impossibility of acquiring reliable information about its characters. His arguments are philosophical, but textual mechanics are enough to show that characterizations are suspect throughout “Malata”. First, the bulk of characterization is carried out through the direct speech of characters whose judgements are unreliable. Second, information that builds on and reinforces these characterizations is supplied by free indirect discourse, often misread by critics as third-person narration. Finally, actual third-person narration is frequently an ironic echo of characters’ opinions, and likewise unreliable. Kehler dismantles perceptions of Renouard as man of action, the Editor as allknowing, and Professor Moorsom as a good judge of character. However, Kehler still joins other critics in classifying Felicia Moorsom as “a creature of froth and foam,” even though the information about her is as unreliable as for other characters, and for the same reasons. It’s worthwhile to examine how this misreading of Miss Moorsom impacts interpretations of the text, and why it keeps occurring, especially because its reversal actually strengthens the most important conclusions drawn by Kehler and others.
- Price: 4.50 €
Echa Młodości Josepha Conrada w Mothering Sunday Grahama Swifta
Echa Młodości Josepha Conrada w Mothering Sunday Grahama Swifta
(Echoes of Youth by Joseph Conrad in Graham Swift’s Mothering Sunday)
- Author(s):Sławomir Konkol
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:107-123
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Conrad; Youth; Swift; Mothering Sunday; intertext; extradiegetic heterodiegetic third-person narration; self-referentiality; postmodern romance
- Summary/Abstract:The most recent novel of the contemporary British writer Graham Swift in many ways deviates from the style and themes that his audience has come to expect from him over the years. The unusual features of Mothering Sunday (2016) include an exceptionally direct and very detailed reference to Joseph Conrad’s novella, as well as to his writing in general, which takes up a large part of Swift’s unusually short book. The article explores relations between Mothering Sunday and Youth, seen as its very explicitly signalled intertext. I consider Swift’s novel as a continuation of sorts but also a counterpoint to the themes and writing methods employed by Conrad in Youth, as well as the theses the author forms using these means. Admittedly, Mothering Sunday uses neither first-person frame narrative nor does it make any reference to its author’s biography, but both texts are concerned with formative events in the lives of young protagonists, and in both these become a pretext for a reflection on the role of fiction in the functioning of memory as a sense-making device, both in literature and in life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Opowieść – szkatułki narracyjne, prawda i niepewność
Opowieść – szkatułki narracyjne, prawda i niepewność
(The Tale – Narrative Embedding, Truth and Uncertainty)
- Author(s):Jacek Mydla
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:124-134
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Conrad; The Tale; beliefs; doubt; agency; diegetic levels of narrative; dramatic situation in narrative
- Summary/Abstract:Jacek Mydla examines The Tale by paying special attention to the story’s structure and to the situation – described as a dramatic one – in which the narration is being conducted. The question is raised: Does The Tale contain suggestions which allow the characters and the readers to abandon skepticism, an attitude which seems to be the conclusion of the story?
- Price: 4.50 €
Mimikry Conrada. Czytając Karaina
Mimikry Conrada. Czytając Karaina
(The Mimicries of Joseph Conrad. Reading Karain. A Memory)
- Author(s):Maciej Nowak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:135-149
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Conrad; Karain; grandiloquence; modernism modernity; mimicry; genius postcolonialism; wild wildness; Other; eurocentrism; psychological twiligh
- Summary/Abstract:The article close-reads Conrad’s story as an issue of modernist and romantic aesthetic. The author claims that Conrad’s prose has preserved its “universal” character owing to the specific manner in which suchlike works are narrated. Apparently, it is not Conrad’s intention to preach values or morals, but to skillfully cater to many “readerly” needs and expectations. In this way, modernist aesthetics helps the author attract a variegated group of readers, some of whom might easily read various moral senses into the work, and some of whom might just as well enjoy the sheer mysteriousness of the thing.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Nosisz ten świat w sobie”. Narracja i kontekst Opowieści Josepha Conradat
„Nosisz ten świat w sobie”. Narracja i kontekst Opowieści Josepha Conradat
(“You Have the World in You”. Narrative and Context of Joseph Conrad’s The Tale)
- Author(s):Marek Pacukiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:150-159
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Conrad; The Tale; World War I; fog; narrative;myth;
- Summary/Abstract:Superficially regarded Conrad’s The Tale is a self-contained story. However, by using a mythical formula and by emphasising the opposition between night and the fog, the author goes beyond simple literary convention and draws the reader’s attention to the broader context around it. The theme of the story is silence in the face of the overwhelming tragedy of World War I.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nieudane „wejście na ląd”. Siostry Josepha Conrada
Nieudane „wejście na ląd”. Siostry Josepha Conrada
(A Failed Attempt to Come Ashore. Joseph Conrad’s The Sisters)
- Author(s):Karol Samsel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:160-170
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Conrad; The Sisters; The Return; James; Roderick Hudson;Flaubert;
- Summary/Abstract:Conrad’s The Sisters is a text with a Janus face. On the one hand, it maybe regarded as a failure in terms of style and composition, a minor mishap rather than a disaster. On the other, this text has suffered from a dearth of interpretations. Indeed, The Sisters seems to have been under-read, and this article is an attempt to amend this state of affairs by looking at this text as a fragment of a fresco hich contains suggestions of an ambitious yet never-realised project of a greater narrative. Following Zdzisław Najder’s clue that Conrad was influenced by the French school of realistic fiction, including Gustave Flaubert, we tend to disregard the potential borrowings in The Sisters from Henry James before 1880. Moreover, we tend to disregard the fact that so many phrases occurring in The Sisters almost as maxims return in The Secret Sharer and Under Western Eyes as organic parts of internal monologues and dialogues.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tajemny wspólnik Josepha Conrada i Tajemniczy sojusznik Petera Fudakowskiego
Tajemny wspólnik Josepha Conrada i Tajemniczy sojusznik Petera Fudakowskiego
(Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Sharer and Peter Fudakowski’s Secret Sharer)
- Author(s):Joanna Skolik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:171-187
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Conrad; Fudakowski; The Secret Sharer;film adaptation;
- Summary/Abstract:Although Peter Fudakowski’s film is distinctly different from its literary original, and is not a faithful adaptation, it is very faithful to Conrad’s message. It tells the story of the young captain; his increasing responsibility for his crew and his ship. Similarity of their (the writer and the filmmaker) memories and experience made Fudakowski understand and express Conrad’s message and interpret his prose in his own artistic way.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sztuka posiadania. Refleksje w kontekście postaw bohaterów opowiadania Dla dolarów Josepha Conrada
Sztuka posiadania. Refleksje w kontekście postaw bohaterów opowiadania Dla dolarów Josepha Conrada
(The Art of Ownership. Some Remarks on Joseph Conrad’s Story Because of the Dollars)
- Author(s):Anna Szczepan-Wojnarska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:188-199
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Conrad; Because of the dollars; gender relations; money; possession;goodness;
- Summary/Abstract:The text concerns multi-layered relations between the protagonists of the short story Because of the dollars by Joseph Conrad. The agreements between people are very often based on presumptions, that are not verbalised or expressed, which is the reason of their failure and disappointment of the sides of the agreement. The eagerness for compromise does not provide the basis for mutual understanding, being good might be taken as being weak, and being weak might be taken falsely as being good. Conrad reveals the truth about such “agreements” in a very subtle way, showing that money as a figure of symbolic exchange can be worthless and insignificant.
- Price: 4.50 €
Joseph Conrad i spotkania z Innym. Na podstawie opowiadań Karain – wspomnienie oraz Placówka postępu
Joseph Conrad i spotkania z Innym. Na podstawie opowiadań Karain – wspomnienie oraz Placówka postępu
(Joseph Conrad and Meetings with the Other. On the Basis of Short Stories Karain. A Memory and An Outpost of Progress)
- Author(s):Daniel Vogel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:200-212
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Conrad; Karain; An Outpost of Progress; European;Other;
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the problem of the presence of the Other in two short stories by Joseph Conrad: Karain. A Memory and An Outpost of Progress. The author begins with a brief theoretical background, presenting the names of a few selected scholars who discussed the concept of the Other in their works, to take us further on and show the very complex nature of the Other in the selected works by Joseph Conrad. In Karain not only can we see a changing perspective, but also a relocation of the Other – the title character occupies both the position of I and the Other, depending on a situation and the place where he currently is. In An Outpost of Progress Conrad shows the enormous contrast between the representatives of the Western civilization and the indigenous people living in Africa. Unlike in Karain, here Conrad does not reduce the narrative distance, does not allow the natives to speak for themselves, does not even try to understand them. However, he demonstrates how complex the relations between the white colonizers and the natives were, and, by using irony, how absurd imaginations some Europeans had regarding the civilizing mission of the white man.
- Price: 4.50 €
Młodość Josepha Conrada
Młodość Josepha Conrada
(Joseph Conrad’s Youth)
- Author(s):Stefan Zabierowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:213-226
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Conrad; Youth; Far East; Marlow;biography;
- Summary/Abstract:In his interpretation of Joseph Conrad’s Youth, Stefan Zabierowski examines those episodes in the author’s biography which were an inspiration for the story’s plot and which chiefly had to do with the ill-fated voyage of the Palestine. The scholar draws attention to Conrad’s narrative technique and to its links with the very Polish genre of gawęda, or an oral tale. The central part of the article has been devoted to the story’s main idea. What from a pragmatic viewpoint looks as the protagonist’s defeat – an ordeal that takes him through fire and water on the way to his dreamland, the East – turns out to be a victory: he has attained the dream of his youth.
- Price: 4.50 €
Opowiadania Josepha Conrada w nowym przekładzie. Rozmowa Agnieszki Adamowicz-Pośpiech z Magdą Heydel
Opowiadania Josepha Conrada w nowym przekładzie. Rozmowa Agnieszki Adamowicz-Pośpiech z Magdą Heydel
(Joseph Conrad’s Stories Newly Translated. A Conversation between Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech and Magda Heydel)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Adamowicz‑Pośpiech
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:227-237
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Conrad; translation; short stories; Lefevere; Conrad’s Year
- Summary/Abstract:The text is a conversation between Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech and Magda Heydel on the latest translations of Joseph Conrad’s short stories. Heydel discloses the translator’s tricks of the trade and discusses the pitfalls and challenges which she had to face when translating not only Conrad but also Virginia Woolf ’s works.
- Price: 4.50 €