Zaburzenia płynności mowy – teoria i praktyka Tom 2
Speech fluency disorders – theory and practice Vol. 2
Contributor(s): Katarzyna Węsierska (Editor), Mikołaj Witkowski (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: speech fluency disorders
Series: Językoznawstwo
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3820-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3819-4
- Page Count: 286
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Polish
Zaburzenia płynności mowy – stan badań i praktyki logopedycznej na początku XXI wieku
Zaburzenia płynności mowy – stan badań i praktyki logopedycznej na początku XXI wieku
(Fluency disorders: the state of research and speech-language therapy practice at the beginning of the 21st century)
- Author(s):Tomasz Woźniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:35-49
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:speech and language therapy; fluency disorders; stuttering;cluttering;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt to synthesize and organize the most up-to-date data on speech fluency disorders: stuttering and cluttering. The analyzed data come from both scientific research based on the latest diagnostic techniques (eg fMRI, PET, audiological research) as well as the reflection accumulated around the speech-language therapy practice. The factors predisposing, triggering and maintaining distinguished speech disorders, as well as methods of determining the goals of therapy of people with these disorders and ways of its management were taken into account. Conclusions resulting from the meta-analysis of the collected data prove significant changes in the theoretical and practical perspective of stuttering and cluttering. In the case of stuttering, the fundamental change occurred in the understanding of the causes of this disorder: nowadays, it is widely accepted that the cause of stuttering is in the brain. The article discusses neuromorphological and neurofunctional conclusions resulting from many recent studies. The therapy of stutterers is now aimed at adapting to the client’s expectations. The therapy was discussed in the division of age groups. In the case of the cluttering, the neuroanatomic deficits at its base are also discussed, mainly deficits in the frontal areas of the left hemisphere leading to motor planning and behavior control. In cluttering, there are mainly deficits in grammatical coding of sentences: syntactic and phonological and monitoring utterances, which should be taken into account in the therapy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Epidemiologia jąkania – postępy w badaniach naukowych w XXI wieku
Epidemiologia jąkania – postępy w badaniach naukowych w XXI wieku
(Epidemiology of stuttering: 21st century advances)
- Author(s):Nicoline Ambrose, Ehud Yairi
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:51-98
- No. of Pages:48
- Keywords:stuttering; epidemiology; incidence-prevalence; persistence-recovery; subtypes; genetics
- Summary/Abstract:Epidemiological advances in stuttering during the current century are reviewed within the perspectives of past knowledge. The review is organized in six sections: (a) onset, (b) incidence, (c) prevalence, (d) developmental paths, (e) genetics and (f) subtypes. It is concluded that: (1) most of the risk for stuttering onset is over by age 5, earlier than has been previously thought, with a male-to-female ratio near onset smaller than what has been thought, (2) there are indications that the lifespan incidence in the general population may be higher than the 5% commonly cited in past work, (3) the average prevalence over the lifespan may be lower than the commonly held 1%, (4) the effects of race, ethnicity, culture, bilingualism, and socioeconomic status on the incidence/prevalence of stuttering remain uncertain, (5) longitudinal, as well as incidence and prevalence studies support high levels of natural recovery from stuttering, (6) advances in biological genetic research have brought within reach the identification of candidate genes that contribute to stuttering in the population at large, (7) subtype-differentiation has attracted growing interest, with most of the accumulated evidence supporting a distinction between persistent and recovered subtypes.
- Price: 4.50 €
Funkcje wykonawcze w jąkaniu wczesnodziecięcym – przegląd badań
Funkcje wykonawcze w jąkaniu wczesnodziecięcym – przegląd badań
(Executive functioning in childhood stuttering: An overview)
- Author(s):Kurt Eggers
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:99-115
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Stuttering; children; executive functions; attention; inhibition;working memory;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Current chapter provides an overview of some our research findings on executive functioning in childhood stuttering. Method: Different methodologies were used, ranging from a verbal performance paradigm, i.e., the Nonword Repetition Test (Gathercole, Willis, Baddeley & Emslie, 1994), to neuropsychological computer paradigms such as the Attention Network Test (Fan, McCandliss, Sommer, Raz, & Posner, 2002), the Go/NoGo task and Auditory Set-shifting task of the Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks (De Sonneville, 2009). Participants were children who stutter (CWS), ranging between 3;04 and 10;11 and a gender- and age-matched control group of children who do not stutter (CWNS). Results: CWS, as a group, were shown to have a lower efficiency of the working memory, attentional orienting, inhibitory control, and attentional flexibility. In other words, CWS scored significantly lower on all of the executive functioning processes measured. Conclusions: These findings provide support for the hypothesis that CWS and CWNS differ on executive functioning processes. The findings were linked to previous related studies and to etiological frameworks of stuttering development.
- Price: 4.50 €
Eksperyment społeczny „Unspoken” – wykorzystanie sztuki teatralnej w celu zmiany postaw wobec jąkania
Eksperyment społeczny „Unspoken” – wykorzystanie sztuki teatralnej w celu zmiany postaw wobec jąkania
(“Unspoken”: A social experiment in changing theatre audiences’ attitudes to stammering)
- Author(s):Trudy Stewart
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:117-132
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:stammering/stuttering; theatre; play; attitudes; change;society;
- Summary/Abstract:This article is a report on the writing and staging of a play about an ordinary man who stammers. Its importance is in the context of educating and changing public attitudes to stammering using the medium of theatre. The play was written in collaboration with an experienced speech and language therapist and with input from the stammering community in the UK. It was first performed in 2017 in Leeds, England and data on a number of parameters were collected from a small random sample of those who attended. Details of the post show discussion and written responses from the audience are reported. The findings shed light on a possible role theatre can play in changing understanding and attitudes towards stammering in particular and disabilities more generally.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wczesna interwencja w jąkaniu na świecie w świetle wyników międzynarodowego sondażu diagnostycznego
Wczesna interwencja w jąkaniu na świecie w świetle wyników międzynarodowego sondażu diagnostycznego
(Early intervention for stuttering children around the world. Results of an international survey)
- Author(s):Oleksandr Boroń, Katarzyna Węsierska, Joseph Agius
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:133-149
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Children; stuttering/stammering; survey;early intervention;
- Summary/Abstract:Research suggests that applying appropriately tailored types of early intervention in stuttering can be a major factor in preventing a life-long problem. Early intervention may range from parent counseling, indirect or direct treatment or a combination of both approaches. The article presents the results of an international survey on early intervention in stuttering children around the world. Twenty-nine respondents/teams out of forty-one completed the questionnaire. The aims of this study were as follows: to recognize the conditions and the types of institutions in which stuttering intervention is delivered in different countries; to identify at what age dysfluent children are typically referred to SLT services, and to increase knowledge about the types of therapeutic approaches that were used in different countries. The study findings show that there are countries where therapeutic help for young stuttering children is very highly developed, but there are also places around the world where access to professional help is very limited. In some countries the most common approach in early stuttering intervention is parent counseling.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jakość życia dziecka jąkającego się – analiza przypadku w kontekście funkcjonowania psychospołecznego
Jakość życia dziecka jąkającego się – analiza przypadku w kontekście funkcjonowania psychospołecznego
(Quality of life of a child who stutters – a case study in the context of psychosocial functioning)
- Author(s):Julia Dziukiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:153-175
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Stuttering; quality of life; self-esteem; optimism; peer violence;social support;
- Summary/Abstract:Stuttering does not solely interferes as it may seem, with the ability to speak of the person who is struggling with this disorder. According to the researchers of the phenomenon, the complex nature of stuttering results from its destructive influence on many areas of human life. This case study aims to put emphasis on aspects of the quality of life of a stuttering child. A detailed analysis focused on the life orientation and mental well-being of the diagnosed child, his self-esteem, the quality of relationships with peers, and the perception of the received social support wil be provided.
- Price: 4.50 €
Aspekt dwujęzyczności w pracy z dzieckiem jąkającym się
Aspekt dwujęzyczności w pracy z dzieckiem jąkającym się
(The aspect of bilingualism in therapy with a child who stutters)
- Author(s):Anna Szerszeńska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:176-187
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Bilingualism; stuttering; globalization; fluency;therapeutic process;
- Summary/Abstract:Globalization is a fact, and as a result, important changes have occurred in the structure of the Polish society. Along with these changes, there has been a rise of bilingual or multilingual patients seeking help in SLP practices. Therefore, there is a necessity to determine effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods that take into consideration aspects of multi- and bilingualism. Bilingual individuals constitute a substantial part of the population nowadays. It is difficult to assess their exact number in the Polish population, however specialists’ prognoses suggest that in the near future there might be more bilingual people than monolingual. This world that keeps on changing before our eyes is posing new challenges for therapists. Therapist must broaden their knowledge on issues of bilingualism and multiculturalism. The article presents the therapy with two bilingual children. In the case of 6-year-old N., who comes from Algeria, it was decided that the indirect Palin PCI therapy would be used. The principle of this approach is based on the belief that the requirement for effective help for a child who stutters is a partnership between the parents and the therapist. The therapeutic process of F., a 7-year-old French boy, is an example of an integrative therapy for developing communicative skills, as well as the ability to cope with emotions, all while taking into consideration the special needs of a bilingual person.
- Price: 4.50 €
Objawy niepłynności mówienia u osób dorosłych oraz propozycje terapeutyczne z użyciem strategii „mówienia bardziej płynnego” – studia przypadków
Objawy niepłynności mówienia u osób dorosłych oraz propozycje terapeutyczne z użyciem strategii „mówienia bardziej płynnego” – studia przypadków
(Symptoms of speech dysfluency in adults and therapy sugestions for implementing the “fluency shaping” strategy – case studies)
- Author(s):Mieczysław Chęciek, Edwin Bażański
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:189-204
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Stuttering; speak more fluently; stutter more fluently; integrated therapy; diagnosti tools;case studies;
- Summary/Abstract:In their article, the authors present two case studies of two adult male stuttering patients (21 and 23 years old). The aim of this study was to showcase the predominating diagnostictherapeutic procedure of “fluency-shaping” / “speak more fluently” approach. In this study the authors used observation, interview, tests/questionnaires, documents analysis as well as projection techniques. A short description of another approach – the “stuttering modification” / “stutter more fluently” approach is also presented, which has been used with the patients but to a lesser extent. In the end, the method used was complex therapeutic method (“modified psycho-physiological therapy”) as “integrated therapy”. The next step was to analyze those individual cases in which above mentioned methods were used in both diagnosis and therapy. Control tests suggest better and more sustainable effects in increasing fluency as well as significantly decreasing covert stuttering (logophobia/social fear). In their article, the authors highlight the importance of breathing and voice emission techniques in decreasing the symptoms of physiological blocking (especially in the initial stages of therapy).
- Price: 4.50 €
Terapia dopasowana do potrzeb osoby jąkającej się – studium przypadku
Terapia dopasowana do potrzeb osoby jąkającej się – studium przypadku
(Tailoring the treatment to the needs of the person who stutters – based on a clinical case study)
- Author(s):Selma Saad-Merouwe
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:206-222
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Adult; assessment; Fluency Shaping; Holistic approach; stuttering; Stuttering Modification;treatment;
- Summary/Abstract:There are different treatments accessible for people who stutter. They vary from direct interventions to those targeting to relieve the anxiety and other issues that can accompany the disorder. This paper focuses on two different approaches implemented by the author in her clinical practice with one particular client: fluency shaping and stuttering modification. Understanding those approaches and the continuum that lies between them can lead to a holistic view of the person who stutters. In the first part of this paper, the principles underlying both approaches will be reported and compared, and their strengths and weaknesses will be identified. In the second part, the author will share her personal experience and reflection regarding the design of an individualized treatment, tailored to the needs of the person who stutters.
- Price: 4.50 €
MIDA-SP – program wielowymiarowej, zintegrowanej, zróżnicowanej terapii jąkania z wykorzystaniem sztuki
MIDA-SP – program wielowymiarowej, zintegrowanej, zróżnicowanej terapii jąkania z wykorzystaniem sztuki
(Using MIDA-SP – a multidimensional, integrated, differentiated art program – with people who stutter)
- Author(s):Donatella Tomaiuoli, Francesca del Gado
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:223-232
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Stuttering; multidimensional approach; integration; art-mediated treatment/therapy
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of the paper is to inform about a rehabilitative method for the treatment of stuttering: the rehabilitation program is called MIDA-SP (Multidimensional, Integrated, Differentiated, Art-mediated – Stuttering Program) and is offered to people who stutter of all ages groups. The MIDA-SP provides a multidimensional, integrated, differentiated and art-mediated treatment and is made up of various components which: speech and language therapy, transfer activity and art-mediated activity. Each component has different objectives and can be modulated by the speech therapist or by the fluency specialist especially in micro-objectives. Because stuttering is a multifactorial disorder and the non-linear iteration of the various factors generates different manifestations in each person, the MIDA-SP provides a multidisciplinary assessment including both overt and covert aspects of stuttering. This assessment allows the profiling of people who stutter through the MIDA-SP profiling system. The MIDA-SP Profiling System allows you to assign a profile to the person who stutters based on the severity level of both covert and overt aspects of stuttering. There are 4 profiles. According the MIDA-SP Profiling System the person who stutters can be addressed in an individualized rehabilitation program that varies in terms of duration and dose of the different components.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rozważania etyczne w badaniach i praktyce logopedycznej w zaburzeniach płynności mowy
Rozważania etyczne w badaniach i praktyce logopedycznej w zaburzeniach płynności mowy
(Consideration of Ethics in Research and Practice for Speech-Language Therapists in Fluency Disorders)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Krawczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:235-243
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Code of Ethics; research; clinical practice; the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
- Summary/Abstract:Ethical dilemmas in research and practice can pose a difficult situation for researchers, speech-language therapists, and their clients. Such situations, however, can be better understood by looking at historical events which preceded many of the laws of ethics in the field today. By understanding the historical context, the necessity for an ethical code and guidelines for ethical decision-making become more evident, especially when situations become more complex. This article will implement aspects of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Code of Ethics to manage ethical dilemmas. In addition, a historical background on important events that heralded the development of ethical guidelines, as well as scenarios and suggested approaches for making ethical decisions, will be discussed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Diagnoza funkcjonalna dziecka jąkającego się w wieku szkolnym
Diagnoza funkcjonalna dziecka jąkającego się w wieku szkolnym
(Functional diagnosis of a school-age child who stutters)
- Author(s):Maria Faściszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:245-254
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:functional diagnosis; stuttering; ICF; school-age child who stutters
- Summary/Abstract:The article emphasizes the importance of the shifting from the medical model of health, which views an illness in objective terms, to the biopsychosocial model, i.e. a relational approach concentrating on how people function in their communities. The aim of the article is to define functional diagnosis and support the idea that functional diagnosis of the school-age child who stutters should be made by teams of professionals (educators, psychologists, speech therapists, etc.) in order to determine the individual needs and interests of the children, as well as holistically recognising and understanding the different scopes and spaces in which they function, and to investigate relevant environmental factors. The key benefit of the approach is the comprehensive support received by the child who stutter. Enriching of Functional diagnosis with practical possibilities of International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) allows to describe the consequences of stuttering on the quality of life of a school-age child who stutters as well as his or her individual and individual adjustment during therapeutic activities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wzmacnianie poczucia sprawstwa i samoakceptacji w terapii modyfikacji utrwalonego jąkania
Wzmacnianie poczucia sprawstwa i samoakceptacji w terapii modyfikacji utrwalonego jąkania
(Self-efficacy and acceptance in modification therapy for confirmed stutterers)
- Author(s):Lucyna Jankowska-Szafarska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:255-265
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Stuttering; stuttering modification approach; self-efficacy; acceptance; therapeutic communication; The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is an attempt to take in insight into the issues of the sense of agency and working on self-acceptance with relation to stuttering modification therapy. These two processes are presented as mutually strengthening each other. The sense of agency is understood here as building the sense of influence on the way of stuttering and on the way of thinking and feeling about this problem. It is essential that the sense of influence on the way of stuttering concerns changes that are attainable, that is reducing excessive tension, additional movements or avoiding difficult words. It occurs in opposition to attempts of achieving completely fluent speech. In turn, the processes of self-acceptance are understood as tolerance for imperfection, appreciation of the value of effort and willingness of continuing to make effort even if it is not completely efficient. This way of thinking matches for instance the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In the last part, we raise the issue of therapeutic relation, where emphasis is put on recognition of the client’s autonomous activity and on openness to his or her own individual way of coping with stuttering. Some references to the process of psychotherapy are present as well.
- Price: 4.50 €
Budowanie relacji terapeutycznej w terapii jąkania – kompetencje i umiejętności balbutologopedy
Budowanie relacji terapeutycznej w terapii jąkania – kompetencje i umiejętności balbutologopedy
(Developing the therapeutic relationship during treatment of stuttering – competences and skills of the Speech Language-Therapist – fluency specialist)
- Author(s):Justyna Solecka-Głodek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:267-284
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Stuttering; coaching; person who stutters; motivation;therapy;
- Summary/Abstract:Coaching is a method of working with a clients by supporting them in realizing and achieving set goals. It allows the client to find his or her strengths and working with those strenghts. The client in coaching, unlike in the therapeutic process, takes full responsibility for the coaching process, his or her actions and tasks carried out between sessions, which bring him or her closer to achieving the goal. It allows to support the client in improving communication and self-esteem. The paper will present the principles of introducing coaching work in the stuttering patient’s therapy and tools that can be used at individual and group meetings, which will improve the quality of communication and support self-esteem, self-confidence and finding resources for an adult who stutters. The following coaching tools will be discussed in detail: life cycle, value table, Walt Disney strategy and coaching questions and their application in the context of working with a patient who stutters.
- Price: 4.50 €
Coaching kluczem do motywacji w terapii jąkania u osób dorosłych
Coaching kluczem do motywacji w terapii jąkania u osób dorosłych
(Coaching as a key to motivation in the stuttering therapy with adults)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Jastrzębowska-Jasińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:275-284
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Stuttering; coaching; person who stutters; motivation;therapy;
- Summary/Abstract:Coaching is a method of working with a clients by supporting them in realizing and achieving set goals. It allows the client to find his or her strengths and working with those strenghts. The client in coaching, unlike in the therapeutic process, takes full responsibility for the coaching process, his or her actions and tasks carried out between sessions, which bring him or her closer to achieving the goal. It allows to support the client in improving communication and self-esteem. The paper will present the principles of introducing coaching work in the stuttering patient’s therapy and tools that can be used at individual and group meetings, which will improve the quality of communication and support self-esteem, self-confidence and finding resources for an adult who stutters. The following coaching tools will be discussed in detail: life cycle, value table, Walt Disney strategy and coaching questions and their application in the context of working with a patient who stutters.
- Price: 4.50 €