Terapia uzależnień. Metody oparte na dowodach naukowych
Addiction therapy: Evidence-based methods
Contributor(s): Peter M. Miller (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology, Clinical psychology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
Summary/Abstract: A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-1375-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-1166-3
- Page Count: 508
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: Polish
Co to jest terapia oparta na dowodach naukowych?
Co to jest terapia oparta na dowodach naukowych?
(What is scientific evidence-based therapy?)
- Author(s):James L. Sorensen, Jennifer E. Hettema, Sandra Larios
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:23-40
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Badanie procesu terapii uzależnień: rola niespecyficznych czynników terapii
Badanie procesu terapii uzależnień: rola niespecyficznych czynników terapii
(Study of the addiction therapy process: the role of non-specific therapy factors)
- Author(s):T. Cameron Wild, Judy Wolfe
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:41-62
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Historia używania i aktualne używanie substancji psychoaktywnych
Historia używania i aktualne używanie substancji psychoaktywnych
(History of use and current use of psychoactive substances)
- Author(s):Stephen A. Maisto, Marketa Krenek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:65-91
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Uzależnienie i diagnoza
Uzależnienie i diagnoza
(Addiction and diagnosis)
- Author(s):Scott H. Stewart
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:92-102
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Diagnozowanie innych zaburzeń psychicznych współwystępujących z uzależnieniami
Diagnozowanie innych zaburzeń psychicznych współwystępujących z uzależnieniami
(Diagnosing other mental disorders co-occurring with addictions)
- Author(s):David J. Kavanagh, Jennifer M. Connolly
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:103-130
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zindywidualizowana ocena problemu I. Ocena czynników poznawczych i behawioralnych
Zindywidualizowana ocena problemu I. Ocena czynników poznawczych i behawioralnych
(Personalized problem assessment I. Assessment of cognitive and behavioral factors)
- Author(s):Laura J. Holt, Linda S. Kranitz, Ned L. Cooney
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:131-148
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zindywidualizowana ocena problemu II. Ocena klienta w szerszej perspektywie
Zindywidualizowana ocena problemu II. Ocena klienta w szerszej perspektywie
(Personalized problem assessment II. Customer assessment in a broader perspective)
- Author(s):Linda S. Kranitz, Laura J. Holt, Ned L. Cooney
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:149-163
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poznawczo-behawioralne terapie uzależnień
Poznawczo-behawioralne terapie uzależnień
(Cognitive-behavioral addiction therapies)
- Author(s):Danielle Barry, Nancy M. Petry
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:167-180
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dialog motywujący jako terapia uzależnień
Dialog motywujący jako terapia uzależnień
(Motivational dialogue as addiction therapy)
- Author(s):Lisa H. Glynn, Theresa B. Moyers
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:181-194
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Krótka interwencja
Krótka interwencja
(Short intervention)
- Author(s):Eileen Kaner, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Nick Heather
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:195-218
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zapobieganie nawrotom picia: dane empiryczne i kierunki rozwoju
Zapobieganie nawrotom picia: dane empiryczne i kierunki rozwoju
(Drinking relapse prevention: empirical data and development directions)
- Author(s):G. Alan Marlatt, Sarah W. Bowen, Katie Witkiewitz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:219-235
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zastosowanie behawioralnej terapii par w lecznictwie odwykowym
Zastosowanie behawioralnej terapii par w lecznictwie odwykowym
(The use of behavioral couple therapy in addiction treatment)
- Author(s):Adrian B. Kelly
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:236-250
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:therapy; addictions, addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Systemy zachęt i wsparcie społeczne
Systemy zachęt i wsparcie społeczne
(Incentive systems and social support)
- Author(s):Stephen T. Higgins, Randall E. Rogers
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:251-267
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Czy terapia jest koniecznością? Samowyleczenia a system lecznictwa
Czy terapia jest koniecznością? Samowyleczenia a system lecznictwa
(Is therapy a must? Self-healing and the healing system)
- Author(s):Harald Klingemann, Justyna Iwona Klingemann
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:268-286
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Farmakoterapia wspomagająca w leczeniu uzależnienia od alkoholu i narkotyków
Farmakoterapia wspomagająca w leczeniu uzależnienia od alkoholu i narkotyków
(Supportive pharmacotherapy in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction)
- Author(s):Robert Swift, Lorenzo Leggio
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:287-309
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nierówności w dostępie do lecznictwa uzależnień. Mniejszości etniczne i seksualne
Nierówności w dostępie do lecznictwa uzależnień. Mniejszości etniczne i seksualne
(Inequalities in access to addiction treatment. Ethnic and sexual minorities)
- Author(s):Arthur W. Blume, Michelle R. Resor, Anthony V. Kantin
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:313-324
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Leczenie pacjentów z współwystępującymi zaburzeniami psychicznymi
Leczenie pacjentów z współwystępującymi zaburzeniami psychicznymi
(Treatment of patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders)
- Author(s):Morten Hesse, Mats Fridell
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:325-340
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Naukowo udokumentowane interwencje kierowane do młodzieży nadużywającej substancji psychoaktywnych
Naukowo udokumentowane interwencje kierowane do młodzieży nadużywającej substancji psychoaktywnych
(Scientifically documented interventions targeted at adolescents abusing psychoactive substances)
- Author(s):Josephine M. Hawke, Yifrah Kaminer
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:341-356
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Działania profilaktyczne kierowane do studentów
Działania profilaktyczne kierowane do studentów
(Preventive actions targeted at students)
- Author(s):Clayton Neighbors, Eric R. Pedersen, Mary E. Larimer
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:357-374
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Terapie internetowe oparte na dowodach naukowych
Terapie internetowe oparte na dowodach naukowych
(Evidence-based internet therapies)
- Author(s):John A. Cunningham
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:375-391
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Planowanie terapii uzależnień opartej na dowodach naukowych
Planowanie terapii uzależnień opartej na dowodach naukowych
(Planning addiction therapy based on scientific evidence)
- Author(s):Nora E. Noel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:395-411
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Adaptacja i wdrażanie terapii opartej na dowodach naukowych
Adaptacja i wdrażanie terapii opartej na dowodach naukowych
(Adaptation and implementation of evidence-based therapy)
- Author(s):Patrick M. Flynn, D. Dwayne Simpson
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:412-430
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wyzwania stojące przed terapiami opartymi na dowodach naukowych
Wyzwania stojące przed terapiami opartymi na dowodach naukowych
(Challenges faced by evidence-based therapies)
- Author(s):Peter M. Miller
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:433-440
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Leczenie osób uzależnionych od alkoholu w Polsce
Leczenie osób uzależnionych od alkoholu w Polsce
(Treatment of people addicted to alcohol in Poland)
- Author(s):Jadwiga Fudała
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:441-461
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Leczenie osób uzależnionych od narkotyków w Polsce
Leczenie osób uzależnionych od narkotyków w Polsce
(Treatment of drug addicts in Poland)
- Author(s):Bogusława Bukowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Clinical psychology
- Page Range:462-483
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:therapy; addictions; addiction psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
- Price: 4.50 €