Shared Resilience of South-Eastern Europe Cover Image

Споделена устойчивост на Югоизточна Европа
Shared Resilience of South-Eastern Europe

Contributor(s): Nikolay Kanchev (Editor), Katerina Antonova (Editor), Ivan Pavlov (Editor), Ganya Hristova (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Sociology, Vocational Education, Adult Education, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Studies in violence and power, Family and social welfare, Environmental interactions, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Globalization, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Socio-Economic Research, Identity of Collectives, Distance learning / e-learning
Published by: Военна академия „Г. C Раковски"
Keywords: South-Eastern Europe; regional development; national security; human rights; Bulgarian economy; good governance; migration; sustainability
Summary/Abstract: The modern world is characterized by a significant dynamization and complication of ongoing international processes and a historical transformation - a transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world, i.e. the emergence of other key players, having their own interests and resources, and creating conditions for a growing role and influence on world processes. Southeastern Europe is one of the most dynamic regions as an intersection of geostrategic, geopolitical and geoenergy interests. The dynamics of processes in the countries of South-Eastern Europe are characterized by two trends: defocusing of regional development and growing risks of regional instability; turning nationalism into an increasingly real alternative to European integration. The reasons for these trends can be related to external interests/factors, the manifestation of which is expressed in the search and confirmation of spheres of influence - both in relation to the countries as a whole, and through political and social groups within the countries. Shared sustainability has aspects that cover different areas of public life – political, economic and social. The political aspect of the shared resilience of Southeast Europe includes ensuring national security, which is possible by achieving long-term political stability in the SEE region, ensuring human rights, good governance and the rule of law by supporting democracy and collective efforts to fight with organized crime, terrorism and illegal trafficking in people, drugs and radioactive materials, creating a spirit of good neighborliness by expanding cooperation with civil society. The economic aspect combines the need to achieve optimal conditions for the development of the Bulgarian economy by expanding cooperation in terms of support for the functioning of a market economy, construction and modernization of the transport, energy and communication infrastructure and diversification of the energy market. The socio-cultural aspect is expressed in work to strengthen administrative potential and good governance, making efforts to overcome poverty, protect the environment, promote people-to-people contacts, develop cultural, educational and scientific exchanges. The development of the relations of the Republic of Bulgaria with the countries of South-Eastern Europe is of strategic importance not only for Bulgaria and the region. The shared sustainability of South-Eastern Europe should be seen as an important factor in achieving integration in the European continent as a whole.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-619-7711-34-9
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7711-33-2
  • Page Count: 148
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: Bulgarian
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