Yoga in cultural contexts, Volume 4 Cover Image

Joga w kontekstach kulturowych 4
Yoga in cultural contexts, Volume 4

Contributor(s): Kamila Gęsikowska (Editor), Anna Gomóła (Editor), Dagmara Wasilewska (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Cultural history, History of ideas, Theology and Religion, Culture and social structure , History of Religion
ISSN: 2719-9010
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Yoga; history of yoga; history of yoga in Poland; history of culture
Summary/Abstract: Yoga in cultural contexts, Volume 4 is a publication connected to the joint project of Department of Theory and History of Culture of the University of Silesia (now the Department of Theory and History of Culture) and the Department of Sport and Tourism Management of the Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, which has been carried out since 2013. Yoga in cultural contexts, Volume 4 constitutes an interdisciplinary book, containing works by, among others, cultural scientists, Indologists, Arabists and sociologists. The chapters included in the volume discuss yoga as a complex system of beliefs and practices rooted in the cultural context of India, as well a phenomenon gaining increasing importance in Western culture.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-4115-6
  • Page Count: 210
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Polish
Obraz jogi i mocy jogicznych w „Bhagawatapuranie”

Obraz jogi i mocy jogicznych w „Bhagawatapuranie”
(The image of yoga and yogic powers in the „Bhāgavata-purāṇa”)

Praktyki cielesne w sufizmie

Praktyki cielesne w sufizmie
(Bodily practices in Sufism)

Najstarsze obrazy: jogowie w kinie niemym

Najstarsze obrazy: jogowie w kinie niemym
(The earliest images: yogis in silent cinema)

"Trzeba czerpać z przeszłości". O jodze w Polsce lat 60.

"Trzeba czerpać z przeszłości". O jodze w Polsce lat 60.
("You have to draw from the past". On yoga in Poland in the 1960s.)

Joga i jogini w „Klanie”

Joga i jogini w „Klanie”
(Yoga and yogis in „Klan”)

Jerzy Grotowski i jego inspiracje jogą

Jerzy Grotowski i jego inspiracje jogą
(Jerzy Grotowski and his yoga inspirations)

Pięć twarzy Śiwy. Sādhana jako rytualna konstrukcja ciała

Pięć twarzy Śiwy. Sādhana jako rytualna konstrukcja ciała
(The five faces of Shiva. Sādhana as ritual construction of the body)

Doświadczanie jogi w Internecie. Analiza danych zastanych na Instagramie

Doświadczanie jogi w Internecie. Analiza danych zastanych na Instagramie
(Experiencing yoga online. An analysis of data posted on Instagram)

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