Children's psychological consulting influence to their aggressive behavior change Cover Image

Vaikų psichologinio konsultavimo įtaka agresyvaus elgesio kaitai
Children's psychological consulting influence to their aggressive behavior change

Author(s): Bronislava Grigaitė, Ilona Norgėlienė
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: aggressive children behavior; psychological consulting.

Summary/Abstract: In this article it is analyzed children psychological consulting influence to their aggressive behavior change. Psychological consulting methodic (made by I. Norgėlienė, in 2006) was aimed at children, parents and teachers. The experimental and control groups (20 first-formers in each) were formed. In the experimental group the psychological consulting, in which 20 children, 35 parents and 6 teachers took place, was led for three months. The object of the research - children's aggressive behavior. The aim of the research - to study 7 years old children, who are distinguished for their aggressive behavior, psychological consulting connection with their aggressive behavior change. According to this such premises were formulated: 1) child's sex doesn't make any influence to psychological consulting results; 2) psychological consulting lessens children aggressive behavior. Such objects were formulated to examine the premises: 1) according to the academic literature analysis to make 7-years children, whose behavior is aggressive, psychological consulting methodic; 2) to organize the experiment, which aim is to establish psychological consulting methodic efficiency; 3) to research made psychological consulting methodic connection with children's aggressive behavior change: 3.1) to research the connection between children psychological consulting efficiency and their sex; 3.2) to research aggressive behavior children psychological consulting influence to their behavior. The methods of the research: academic literature analysis, tests (Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test, proof geometrical figures tables, Conner's Rating Scales-Revised for Parents and Teachers), observation, statistic data analysis, which was made with software SPSS 12.0 for Windows packet. The methods used for statistic data analysis: dispersive multiple factors measurement analysis (Repeated Measures Define Factor(s), F criterion is calculated for dispersions comparison, Cronbach Alpha coefficient is calculated to evaluate scales inward reliability. Also it was chosen statistical significance level α 0,05. The research led to formulate such conclusions: 1. Children's psychological consulting efficiency doesn't depend on consulate child's sex (r = 0,062, p = 0,83; r = 0,059, p = 0,80; r = 0,048, p = 0,55; r = 0,052, p = 0,63). 2. It is seen the tendency, that psychological consulting has influence to experimental group children's behavior (r = 0,524, p < 0,0001). This group aggressive behavior expression lessened. 3. In the control group (without psychological consulting), it is seen the tendency, that aggressive behavior increased (r=0.522; p < 0,0001).

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 89
  • Page Range: 123-129
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Lithuanian
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