Readiness of schools and teachers to implement the Interslavic language initiative and preliminary research results Cover Image

Gotovnost škol i učiteljev do realizacije medžuslovjanskogo jezyka i prve rezultaty badanja
Readiness of schools and teachers to implement the Interslavic language initiative and preliminary research results

Author(s): Maria Kocór
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Slovanská unie z. s.
Keywords: Interslavic language; school; teacher; readiness to implement Interslavic language

Summary/Abstract: The article presents information about the increasingly growing and gaining soci-al support of the Interslavic language and the substantive need to promote and implement it in schools in various Slavic countries. The initiated research on the readiness of teachers to include Interslavic's educational offer in schools is worth discussing Slavic, pedagogical, sociological and other scientific environments. An opportunity to exchange research initiatives in this area will be the 2nd CISLa 2018 conference and the Days of Slavic culture from 31 May to 3 June 2018 in the Czech Republic. Članok davaje informaciju o rastučem podporu medžuslovjanskogo jezyka i os-novnoj potrěbnosti jego promocije i implementacije do škol v različnyh slovjan-skyh krajinah. Počatečno razslědovanje i govotnost učiteljev priključiti předložen-je učenja medžuslovjanskogo jezyka je diskutovano iz slovjanskoj, pedagogičnoj, sociologičnoj i drugyh naučnyh pozicij. Možnost obměny razslědovajučih iniciativ v tutoj oblasti bude besědovana na vtoroj medžunarodnoj CISLa 2018 konferenciji i festivalu Dni slovjanskoj kultury od 31 maja do 3 juna 2018 v Čehiji.

  • Issue Year: 3/2018
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 36-39
  • Page Count: 4
  • Language: Slavic (Other), Polish
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