The Framework for Corn Trade in Hungary in the First Half of the 19th Century. A Territorial Balance of Shortages and Oversupply. Settlements Cover Image

A gabonakereskedelem feltételrendszere Magyarországon a 19. szá-zad első felében (A hiány és felesleg területi mérlege)
The Framework for Corn Trade in Hungary in the First Half of the 19th Century. A Territorial Balance of Shortages and Oversupply. Settlements

Author(s): József Glósz
Subject(s): History
Published by: AETAS Könyv- és Lapkiadó Egyesület

Summary/Abstract: Corn trade had a great influence on economic and, indirectly, social development in the 19th century, but only certain elements of it, primarily export and the fluctuation of prices, have been discussed in Hungarian literature, which has not yet explored, for want of ade-quate sources, the volume and direction of domestic trade or the relationship between the borders of market districts and retail and wholesale sales. Drawing on his previous papers, the author makes an attempt to estimate, on the basis of the territorial distribution of pro-duction and population, the excess or shortage of corn in each region, which is the basic requirement for the exchange of goods. He aims to compare his previous deficit estimate of 8,6 million pozsonyi mérő (a contemporary unit of measurement equaling 62,53 litres) for all the counties to the needs of the royal and market towns and the villages, and thus ex-plore that latent opportunity which was present in the relations between the various re-gions of the counties as well as in the balancing trade between the countries. With the addi-tion of these items, the required quantity of corn not covered by domestic production doubled and amounted to four times the export in 1840.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 16-31
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Hungarian
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