Wychowawcy klas w szkołach ogólnodostępnych wobec różnorodnych potrzeb edukacyjnych uczniów – doświadczane trudności a źródła wsparcia
Class Teachers In Mainstream Schools Facing Various Educational Needs of Students – Experienced Difficulties and Sources of Support
Author(s): Anna OżgaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Pedagogy
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: various educational needs of students; difficult situations in the work of a class teacher; class teacher support
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the results of surveys carried out among 79 primary class teachers, the aim of which was to learn about difficult situations experienced while fulfilling various educational needs of students as well as about professional support offered to the respondents. The essence of the text is the analysis of correlation relationships among the analysed variables. The obtained results show a slight correlation between the intensity of difficulties declared by the class teachers and the assessment of the possibility of obtaining professional support, its availability and effectiveness.
Journal: Roczniki Pedagogiczne
- Issue Year: 13/2021
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 83-97
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish