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This volume contains the scientific papers presented at the Eleventh International Conference „Perspectives of Business Law in the Third Millennium” that was held on 19 November 2021 in online format on Zoom. The conference is organized each year by the Faculty of Law of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies together with the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. The scientific studies included in this volume are grouped into five chapters: Stop or go back to business as unusual — legal issues impacting businesses during this time; Changes in the legal landscape, regulatory challenges and more; In-depth look at business law topics; European overview of the legal and business considerations. The present volume is addressed to practitioners, researchers, students and PhD candidates in juridical sciences, who are interested in recent developments and prospects for development in the field of business law at international and national level. This book is edited with the support of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research.
Gotovo da ne postoji duži period otkako je kompanija „Jura“ došla u Srbiju, a da nije završila na naslovnim stranama zbog nekog kršenja zakona. Navodnog kršenja zakona, naravno, budući da je država bez greške propustila da makar jednom sankcioniše varvarsko ponašanje južnokorejskih „investitora“ prema srpskim radnicima. Tako nikada nismo dobili potvrdu da je bilo pelena (odnosno u blažoj i realnijoj varijanti ove priče, sankcionisanja zbog vršenja male nužde u toku rada), diskriminacije, zlostavljanja na radu, kršenja niza odredbi o rasporedu radnog vremena.
Cilj se može postići različitim sredstvima. Neka su savršeno zamenjiva jer vode istom ishodu. Ovde će biti reči samo o kazni i nagradi. Mada se mnoga druga sredstva uticanja na ljudska ponašanja svode na ta dva. Uzmimo primer dobrovoljne vakcinacije. Moralno bi bilo da se svi dobrovoljno vakcinišu ne samo da bi zaštitili sebe, već i da ne bi zarazili druge; a i da bi se smanjile sveukupne negativne posledice epidemije. Pod moralnim ponašanjem se ovde naprosto misli da se brinući se o sebi ne nanosi šteta drugima.
Taster za paniku je konačno pritisnut. Narodna skupština je usvojila izmene i dopune Zakona o zaštiti stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti. Čaršijom se pročulo – Srbija će svoje građane prinudno vakcinisati. Građani se pitaju, zovu pravnike i lekare: šta ćemo sada? Kako se odbraniti od državnog nasilja? To možemo tek ako prvo utvrdimo pravo stanje stvari.
Naša skrpljena Vlada nastavila je sa izdavanjem nesuvislih saopštenja koja, osim što nemaju veze sa zdravim razumom, protivreče Ustavu i zakonima Srbije. I ma koliko da se čovek već navikao da živi u pravnom limbu, ispraznom prostoru koji je svuda, pa i ovde, nekad bio popunjen osnovnim pravilima ponašanja u svakodnevnom životu, ne može da prestane da se čudi. A dok se mi čudimo oni nastavljaju sa svojim svečano, nekad i dramatično predstavljenim besmislicama koje nemilice bacaju u etar, kao da je tu središte naših života i smrti. Sad su namerili da dopunjavaju Zakon o zaštiti stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti, iako je baš taj Zakon, i to upravo u vremenima pandemije, jedan od onih koji se sa komocijom, ignorancijom i arogancijom zvaničnika, uopšte ne primenjuje.
Mediji su juče objavili vest da je Vlada odobrila izmene Zakona o zaštiti stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti. Informisanje o izmenama ovog zakona u jeku epidemije je naročito važno za svakog građanina. Upravo zato je način izveštavanja kojem svedočimo veliki problem. Naime, Vlada ne može da odobrava izmene zakona. Vlada može samo da predloži izmene Narodnoj skupštini. Tek kada ih Narodna skupština usvoji i kada te izmene budu objavljene u Službenom glasniku, možemo da razgovaramo o nečemu što je obavezno za sve.
Na skupu „Pravosuđe u doba pandemije virusa COVID-19“ održanog 25.9.2020. u organizaciji Društva sudija Srbije između ostalih su govorili Dragana Boljević i Gordana Vidojković iz Društva sudija, Lidija Komlen Nikolić iz Udruženja tužilaca, Radovan Lazić iz Državnog veća tužilaca, Sudija Apelacionog suda Omer Hadžiomerović i Vida Petrović Škero iz Centra za pravosudna istraživanja…
Osnov formiranja, sastav i nadležnosti Kriznog štaba za suzbijanje zarazne bolesti COVID-19 predmet su javne debate od njegovog osnivanja 13. marta ove godine. Interesovanje za rad Kriznog štaba se pojačavalo svakom njegovom sumnjivom odlukom ili predlogom; odbijanjima da odgovori na ključna pitanja o toku epidemije i neophodnim merama za njeno suzbijanje; sumnjama da je svesno prikrivao podatke o razmerama epidemije i stanju u zdravstvenom sistemu. Interesovanje za status Kriznog štaba je u izvesnom smislu kulminiralo peticijom lekara „Ujedinjeni protiv kovida“, kojom se traži smena njegovih članova. Istovremeno čuli smo i glasove pravnika, pa i autora Peščanika, koji smatraju da je umesto Kriznog štaba potrebno formirati Republičku komisiju za zaštitu stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti, koja ima zakonom propisanu nadležnost da razmatra i predlaže epidemiološke mere.
This paper proposes to compare the ideological and legal frameworks of the Romanian and Hungarian Jewish labor service system. The analysis brings into focus Transylvania, a territory which was divided between Hungary and Romania in the time of the Second World War. Between 1940-1944 the northern part of Transylvania was part of Hungary, while the southern territories belonged to Romania. This territory split in two had a Jewish population with common characteristics like their Hungarian language and culture and their socio-cultural background. However, their fate in the time of the Holocaust were totally different.
Ne, ništa se nije promenilo u radnom pravu. Zakon o radu i dalje važi i primenjuje se na isti način kao i do sada. To je jedinstveni odgovor na niz pitanja koja se postavljaju ovih dana: da li može da se otpušta, da li može da se odbije da se dođe na posao, kako se plaća rad od kuće… Isto kao i do sada, dozvoljeno je i dalje dozvoljeno, a nedozvoljeno i dalje nije dozvoljeno. I to je naravno jako loše.
MIKSER, Dušan Grlja: „Srećna mi Nova!“; ŠTRAFTA, Milica Lapčević i Valentin Božić: Borba za slobodno vreme; ARMATURA, Minel Abaz: Dodavanje i oduzimanje; VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE, Galina Maksimović: Devojčice za revolucije; ZID, Siniša Ilić: Dom kulture
Development of the educational activity involves a highly qualified person to exercise the didactic role. Therefore the profile of skills to be tested by the person undertaking the didactic role owns a privileged position within analyses dedicated to formative activity. Particularly, desirable qualities to give a content to the moral profile of the professor come both from regulatory documents, such as specific ethical or deontological codes, and other regulatory systems. The study herein emphasizes the existence of a multitude of non – ethical frameworks in relation with rules and regulations on professor’s activity and it advances an analysis/ exemplification for two current judicial benchmarks in Romania (Labour Code and Law of Education) in terms of the moral dimension of their consubstantial stipulations. Keywords: morality, ethical code, regulatory system, law.
Legislative changes in the last two years, largely due to the pandemic that has swept society as a whole, have also affected the classic development of labor relations. Law no. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, in section 3 (art. 16 - 31) established a series of measures to adequately protect labor relations. Measures were needed to protect the workplace even after the end of the state of emergency, in order to avoid the precarious state of the employees generated by the post-pandemic problems. All the changes that labor legislation has undergone have taken into account the highest possible protection of employees by establishing a new workplace culture in terms of interrelationships and health protection.
The present study aims to analyse, from legal perspective, the impact of technological development on working relationships. The benefit of teleworking has been unequivocally proven during the COVID-19 pandemic. The legal pre-existing frame represented by Law no. 81/2018 regarding teleworking has proven its practical utility, but also its limitations and vulnerable points, which claims for immediate improvement. Therefor, this study includes both criticism and de Lege ferenda propositions concerning Law no. 81/2018.
The European Commission (EC) has proposed a directive that provides protection of people performing work for digital platforms, especially in professions that do not require specialist qualifications. If the proposal is accepted in the shape presented by the EC, it will be a breakthrough solution on a global scale that adjusts labour law to the challenges of the digital economy. It will also strengthen the EU’s position in relations with platforms.
Long-term care for people in need (elderly, children, people with disabilities) is carried out in Romania under a fragmented, unclear and contradictory legislation. In addition, control bodies (and primarily the labor inspectorate) have so far shown little concern for identifying cases of undeclared work and, in general, for the protection of long-term home care workers. The paper presents the legal grounds in which this type of activity can be performed and presents aspects of the dysfunctionality of the current regulations, which are generally centered only on the needs of the beneficiaries, not including worker protection rules.
At first glance the state of emergency is an attractive instrument for dealing with different kind of crisis. It gives to the executive power extraordinary prerogatives in order to manage with and control a concrete extreme situation. It seems like emergency and crisis are used as synonyms; which makes the suspension of a state of emergency a difficult task. In this context; the text examines in a comparative perspective that very state of emergency; its practical implementation and the appearance of new notions related to the sanitary emergency. Is it possible to talk about it as an effective instrument of managing social crisis and public fear and what are the consequences?
The world is constantly changing, and the recent changes in the global marketing have had a significant impact on social protection. This paper examines the concept of social protection and its importance in the changing landscape of global marketing. The paper discusses the challenges of social protection and the impact of global marketing on social protection. The paper also explores the role of governments, international organizations, and businesses in providing social protection. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for a multi-stakeholder approach to address the challenges of social protection in the conditions of global marketing changes.
The digitization of activities became a constant sign of social evolution in recent decades. More and more professions allow the option to work remotely through information technology, resulting in exceptional flexibility in the way work is carried out for professionals in multiple fields. What seems like a flexible work schedule can turn into a permanent work schedule, and the assessment of its impact on employees can be determined by quantifying the high number of people who have complained of professional burnout in the last period. The purpose of this paper is to identify a viable legal mechanism for protecting workers against the possibility of carrying out a long activity, exceeding the maximum working time regulated by law. Finally, the author formulates a de lege ferenda proposal regarding the need to regulate the right to disconnect in Romanian legislation.