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U bibliografiju koja sledi nisu uneti članci, intervjui i reči na promocijama knjiga, koji su objavljeni u raznim listovima i časopisima u državama nastalim posle raspada Jugoslavije, kao ni nekrolozi.
The academic discipline of the history of religions is intrinsically interdisciplinary, and perhaps in a position to contribute particularly useful insights to the dialogue across academic boundaries. This essay is intended to present a very thin slice of cultural responses to our contemporary condition, and to suggest a few possible resources for analysis of them.
We often wonder: What are the limits of religious tolerance? Why can we be very open to the idea of tolerance, as a principle, and still, when it comes about our own family/actions, to be, in many cases, intolerant?1 What is the difference between the idea of tolerance and its particular application? And why, so many times, we are tolerant in words, and intolerant in practice? Why does this difference occur? And why are we showing indifference when we should implicate ourselves and make a difference? Yes, we play with notions, but we actually do this in everyday life.
In this chapter I will discuss the role that Mircea Eliade had, as an exponent of the generation, in the interwar Romanian culture in general and the humanist thinking in particular, under two challenges, the historical and the political. Between the two tendencies crystallized in the Romanian interwar period, philosophical universalism and autochthonism, Mircea Eliade intuits that, after the achievement of the national unity on December 1, 1918, the Romanian culture must assume a new direction. Between the first tendency, which understood that the specificity of modernity lies in the universality of truth beyond the national specificity, and the second interested in deciphering the "Romanian vein" in the cultural and philosophical capitalization of ethnicity, Eliade projects the destiny of national culture in the universal dimension, considering that Romania's destiny must be a cultural one, and our cultural modernity should by represented by the "universal man". Eliade's project, perhaps, was doomed to failure or had a partial and unfinished character, and modernity understood as cultural universalization was only the awareness of a trend that, under the "terror of history", did not materialize. But he became a personal project that Mircea Eliade assumed through the hermeneutics of the world's religions and the understanding of homo religiosus and "total man".
Since his work of youth (On the Inner Dialogue) Mihai Şora proposes the act of dialogue as an essential, self-producing state of the human being. Dialogue involves equality in dignity and alterity and the discovery of alterity as a revelation of the world as a structure of potentialities or openings of the me-you type, characterized by reciprocity. The me-you dialogue and the inner dialogue, the communion or the generalized dialogue, are at the same time an ethical commitment of the partners practicing openness and reciprocity, the foundations for freedom and for the awareness of our position in relation to the world. Dialogue produces the occupation of the inner space of the being as voice of the being and at the same time assuming of the outer space as discursiveness, as permanence of acts of being and acting together. Communion as an emotion thus edifies not only the subject participating in the dialogue but also a new entity, the communion itself, an affective perhaps agapic composition. Starting from here, we aim to explore the philosophy of dialogue of Mihai Şora as a theoretical background for a structuring the methodology of a dialogical counselling or philosophical practice aimed at elucidating and relating the subject to the outside world as an autonomous act of the self that is exercised in communion as co-author and giver of meaning.
The Rroma bibliography brings together magazines and newspapers that appeared in Romania and in various countries, especially after 1989, which were in the author's personal collection and were donated to the Institute for Studying the Problems of National Minorities in Romania. A similar collection, containing books, brochures and a small number of magazines and newspapers, was donated by the author in May 2015 to the Central University Library in Bucharest, the titles being inserted into a valuable guiding instrument (v. Gheorghe Sarau, Rroma bibliography (books, brochures, magazines, newspapers), Bucharest: University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016), which helps librarians, researchers and the public interested in the Roma field, but also in support of Roma students from different specialties, or nerroms working with and for the Roma, both in the country and abroad. The journals and newspapers in the present bibliography fall within the scope of the Roma on Romani language and literature, history, anthropology, theater, music, sociology, politics, human rights, children's rights, Roma education, architecture and community development etc. between 1987 and 2014, and some in 1984-1986, 1978-1981 and 1970-1974. Although the collections of magazines and newspapers listed here do not fully cover the years of their appearance, they are still important milestones in the information and research activity in the field of Roma.