Novela Zákona č. 95/2004 Sb. o postgraduálnom vzdelávaní lekárov
Introduction: The contribution is focused on the partial analysis of the amendment to Act no. 95/2004 Coll., On postgraduate education of physicians and contains comments of the author on selected updated facts and assessment of the implementation of the amendment into practice in the Czech Republic. Thesis focus: The aim of the paper is to define the changes brought in the postgraduate education of physicians by the amendment to Act no. 95/2004 Coll., The Act on the Conditions for Obtaining and Recognizing Professional Competence and Specialized Ability to Exercise the Health Occupation of a Physicians, Dental doctor and Pharmacist. Findings: The author assumes that the amendment has not brought about major changes in the postgraduate education of physicians, and the trend of the outflow of physicians from the Czech Republic will continue. Conclusion: These findings point to the introduction of ineffective and insufficient measures in the context of the amendment to Act No. 95/2004 Coll. on postgraduate education of physicians.