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The European topos in the new Macedonian novel is accepted as a home. Young Macedonian authors consider Europe their home. The fact that they live outside the European Union, or outside the European West, which has for a long time been considered the implicit cultural centre of the world, does not make them less European. Originally born in Macedonia, a cultural centre of the distant past that used to consider Western Europe a periphery, writers such as Goce Smilevski and Olivera Kjorveziroska materialize in their works the ‘Western European topos’ in a seemingly sidelong, but none the less essential manner. They draw attention to the dark side of Western culture and the suppressed content that official historiography tends to conceal. They remind us that Europe’s spiritual being knows no boundaries and that literature transcends institutional, conceptual, and ethical frontiers. Liberated from European stigma (fallacious moral, repressed memory, colonial traumas), these Macedonian authors reveal certain parts of the European Shadow (the collective unconscious, the historical archives full of shameful bits). No civilization is without its dark facets. That is the law of Light. That is how Europe is, composed of West and East, but also of North and South. It is liminal and intercultural. In its process of assimilating, it becomes assimilated. The interpretation focuses on novels by Goce Smilevski (Razgovor so Spinoza / Conversation with Spinoza, 2002; Sestrata na Sigmund Frojd / Sigmund Freud’s Sister, 2007/2010, Vrakanjetо na zborovite / The Return of the Words, 2015) and by Olivera Kjorveziroska (Zakluchenoto telo na Lu / Lou’s Locked Body, 2005).
The paper raises the question of the functionalization of the figure of St. Clement of Ohrid in modern culture comparing his representation in the Bulgarian and Macedonian traditions. The focus is on various texts of the Bulgarian and Macedonian National Revivals (perceived as historiographical constructs). The points of reference are two “grand narratives” inscribed into the Bulgarian and Macedonian scientific discourses. The aim is to show the context for the modern creating of the “beginning of the nation”. The paper presents both the 19th century image of the most famous Cyrillo-Methodian disciple and a hermeneutic deconstruction of its usage.
This paper studies the cultural, in this case literary (prose),communication between writers-representatives of different nations. After the determination of the term interculturality and function of culture in slowing the stigma, ghettoisation, passes to the analysis of literary and social activities of two writers,members of the same minority in Serbia - Laslо Vegеl and Laslo Blašković. In the case of different strategies (writing in their native or second language, orientation towards his national community, the relationship to the majority, according to a former state – Yugoslavia – and present, Serbia, treatment of political issues, etc.) Establishes their relationship to their own entity stronghold and possibilities of overcoming its possible oppression (the term Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak) or oppressiveness (termed Susan Stanford Friedman).
The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part (“Prehistory and History”, p.1—7), the author primarily discussed the theoretical plane, more precisely the centuries-long birth of the history of literature within the framework of historiography, the history of ideas and the history of art (from the 16th to the 18th century); the second part (“Methods and Achievements”, p. 8—15) is dedicated to the applied plane, sudden advance in the literary history as a kind of spiritual activity, as a part of cultural-historical sciences and the science about literature (19th to 21st century). Following the generation of literary-scientific ideas and the sudden increase in the scientism in the 19th, 20th and 21st century, the author meticulously discusses the relations in the productive and receptive model, wholeheartedly accepting the classification of the Polish scientist Henryk Markiewicz into: a) historical science about literature, b) theoretical science about literature and c) metascience of literature.
This paper presents a model for the interpretation of direct and indirect speech acts using pragmatic theories. The aim of this presentation is to show the functioning and mutual combinations of direct and, especially, indirect speech acts in conversational situations of dramatic discourse in Macedonian, and also to show the motivation for certain kinds of their realizations.
The paper considers travelogues of Yugoslav female writers Alma Karlin, Jelena Dimitrijević, Isidora Sekulić, Marica Gregorič Stepančič, Marica Strnad, Luiza Pesjak. These texts created in the first half of the 20th century in Serbian, Slovenian and German are on the periphery of the literary field and, with rare exceptions, do not belong to the canon. The most famous of these authors are Sekulić from Serbia and the German-speaking writer Karlin from Slovenia. Recently, the work of Dimitrijević has also become an object of attention of researchers. Other travelogues writers are almost forgotten. Identity problems, especially national ones, are a constant component of the travelogue genre. During a journey, the author directs his attention to “other /alien” peoples and cultures that can be called foreign to the perceiving consciousness. However, when one perceives the “other”, one inevitably turns to one’s “own”, one’s own identity. The concept of “own – other /alien”, on which the dialogical philosophy is based (M. Buber, G. Marcel, M. Bakhtin, E. Levinas), implies an understanding of the cultural “own” against the background of the “alien” and at the same time culturally “alien” on the background of “own”. Women’s travel has a special status in culture. Even in the first half of the 20th century the woman was given space at home. Going on a journey, especially unaccompanied, was at least unusual for a woman. According to Simone de Beauvoir, a woman in society is “different /other”. Therefore, women’s travelogues can be defined as the look of the “other” on the “other /alien”. In this paper, particular attention is paid to the interrelationship of gender, national identities and their conditioning with a cultural and historical context. At the beginning of the 20th century in the Balkans, national identity continues actively to develop and the process of women’s emancipation is intensifying. Therefore, the combination of gender and national issues for Yugoslavian female travelogues of this period is especially relevant. Dimitrijević’s travelogue Seven Seas and Three Oceans demonstrates this relationship most vividly: “We Serbian women are no less patriotic than Egyptian women… Haven’t Serbian women most of the merit that the big Yugoslavia originated from small Serbia?” As a result of this study, the specificity of the national and gender identity constructs in the first half of the 20th century in the analyzed texts is revealed. For this period one can note, on the one hand, the preservation of national and gender boundaries, often supported by stereotypes, on the other hand, there are obvious tendencies towards the erosion of the established gender and national constructs, the mobility of models of gender and national identification as well, largely due to the sociohistorical processes of the time.
Instead of subversive action, in literature, as well as in the culture, women clash and thus enable the unhindered survival of patriarchal norms. In some literary texts, female characters are often opposed, i.e. women show envy towards other women, either because of beauty or a man who is the object of desire. In any case, such opposition is often only part of a patriarchal strategy aimed at women's disunity that distances women from projects that would allow them to act more homogeneously and to oppose traditional patterns of behavior.
This paper is an overview of the second, supplemented and modified edition of the first textbook of Macedonian literature and culture for foreigners “Vezilka” by Vesna Mojsova Chepishevska, PhD. With exception of Georgi Stalev’s textbook for Macedonian literature in XIX century, this is the only academic textbook for Macedonian literature not only for foreign scholars, but also for Macedonian students of philology. The paper separately comments and analyzes chapters of the second edition of the textbook, published in 2022 and the reading book “Vezilke, Say How to Give Birth to a Simple and Strict Macedonian Poem”. In the concluding observation of this review, among other things, it is pointed that the second, supplemented and modified edition of “Vezilka” is a textbook written according the international standards of this type of publication, but that at the same time, this textbook, in our national context, establishes standards for textbook writing, especially when it comes to presenting Macedonian literature and culture to foreign recipients.
The subject of this research is the folklore material that is set in traditional art, thought, knowledge and practice, and which has its place in postmodern drama. This opens the opportunity for new interpretations of folklore traditions that allow encoding and decoding of said folklore material. Through the method of analytical and comparative research, the paper shows how far the folklore motive from the story “Siljan the Stork” is being transformed and adapted in the literary drama “Siljan the Stork Chance” by Dejan Dukovski. In this way, the aim of the paper was, through the clash between “literary”, “modern”, “folklore” and “myth”, to interpret the processes of coding, decoding and transformation of folklore models in contemporary drama.
This article presents a comparative analysis on the poetics od Ivo Andic and Blaze Koneski, from the aspect of moral philosophy coprehension and its portion of presence. The analysis covers the segments of the Andric and Koneski’s stands and attitude on the issues of the decadentism in the art, their stands on the matter of the tradition, on the violence, etc. Also, this research analyses the style expressions on bouth authors. Especially, their interests and engagments for the human values and principals are accentted. The path of comparison moves in direction of the Balkan altruistic incoherence, the problem of the human relations and world parttiality that implicates the alienation and the loneliness. And finally, the problem of the rational behaviour of their literature heroes is accented as a basic of their humanism.
Subject of this text are metafictional elements in novels Nišan (2007) by Blaže Minevski and Knjiga o Tari (2004) by Zdenko Lešić. Starting from theoretical models of metafiction (Linda Hutcheon, Patricia Waugh, Mark Currie), our comparative interpretation of the novels will be conducted on three levels: 1. Review of metafictional topics and techniques in the novels: explicit thematisation and demonstrations of relations literature – reality, art – life, fact – fiction; the tech niques of an “overt diegetic narcissism” (self-consciousnarrator, auto-thematisation of writing). 2. Мetatextual levels in the novels: variants ofauto – referential rethinking of his own narrative identity and metatextual variantsof commentary relations to other texts, to literary tradition and to literary codes and conventions. 3. Ontological implications of metafiction in the novels: function of metafiction in indicating of destabilized ontologicalstatus of literature; function of metafiction regarding creation of ontological implosion: self-conscious problematizations and levelling of boundaries between worlds (literature – reality, fact – fiction) and between texts (literary – nonliterary texts, original–plagiarism).
This paper is about the structural changes of individual identities of the heroes in contemporary Balkan prose. Identity, as the most universal human category is socially, temporally and regionally determined. The changes that occur in these three segments inevitably bring changes in the system of building identities. This issue is frequently in the focus of the interest of many intercultural transitional Balkan authors. In this occasion, we will dwell on the interpretations of changes of literary identities of the heroes in the works of A. Hemon and L. Dimkovska as paradigmatic in different ways of forming one’s identity in the conditions of changing the work environments, to which the authors, as well as their heroes, were subjected.
The spatial signs, or the proxemics in the work by Pajo Avirovic (Џахиз и истребувачите на кучиња), as well as in those by Tatjana Gromaca (Crnac), Miljenko Jergovic (Sarajevski Marlboro) and Fadila Nura Haver (Kad umrem da se smijem) are revealed through careful reading, which, on the other hand, points to the existence of two systems of signs. One is external, and as such is as foreign / isolated as it is harshly real, while the other is internal and is perceived as native / personal, as well as virtual. These signs are infused with meaning in an ideological sense and are incorporated in a whole ideologematic idea, and thus, the external sign becomes an ideologeme for foreign country, while the internal sign becomes an ideologeme for native country within the main question: Where is / What is my native country?, and also a question: Who I’m? In an even deeper analysis (as a mytheme), the external sign is closely connected to the adult, through the growing up process, especially the act of self-awareness as initiation, while the internal sign is connected to the child itself.
The main focus of this article will be on the second part of Petar Mandžukov’s essay titled “The First World War – a Historical Essay” which is dominated by the memories and experiences he had as a direct participant, i.e. as a Bulgarian soldier in the First World War. In other words, Petar Mandžukov describes the events in the war from the perspective of an ordinary soldier. Thus, his work is an important source to process and communicate the perspective of those who bled on the ground – the soldiers.
Релативно е мал бројот етнолошки текстови што се занимаваат со теми поврзани со Ромите на Балканот и во Македонија. Во овој текст, идејата е да се види како се зголeмувал интересот за Ромите и како потоа се градела претставата за Ромите во југословенската, а од југословенската се пренесла сликата во македонската етнолошка и антрополошка литература. За таа цел, во анализата се користени етнографски текстови и зборници посветени на Ромите во периодот на СФР Југославија во 70-тите, 80-тите, 90-тите години, како и текстови за Ромите објавени во Р Македонија од нејзината независност во 1991 г. до денес. Во дел од овие текстови може да се забележи како етнолозите и антрополозите во своите истражувања ја градат претставата за Ромите во неколку насоки. На самиот почеток во југословенската, а потоа со преземање на истиот модел и во македонската етнологија и антропологија се потенцира важноста да се истражува за Ромите како важна југословенска националност, а од друга страна се гради претстава за Ромите и ромската заедница како југословенска „другост“ со препорака дека би требало да биде истражувана од етнолози што ќе произлезат од заедницата на Ромите. Како резултат на мотивацијата на југословенско ниво да се ангажираат и Роми етнолози, најголем дел од македонските истражувачи што почнале да се занимаваат со ромската заедница се Роми едуцирани во југословенскиот период. По распаѓањето на СФР Југославија и концептот за југословенската националност составена од братските народи и народности, во рамките на балканските национални програми продолжува да егзистира концептот за ромската „другост“ преку концептот народна традиција кај Ромите. Овој концепт на ромската „другост“ од југословенската етнологија продолжил да се провлекува во текстовите кај Ромите истражувачи во современата македонска етнолошка литература.
A relatively small number of ethnological papers deal with the Roma in the Balkans, including Macedonia. In this paper, the idea is to present how the scientific interest in Roma issues increased than how the image of the Roma was conceived in Yugoslavian literature. This image was then transferred to the Macedonian ethnological, anthropological literature. The analysis has used ethnographic papers and proceedings dedicated to the Roma in the period of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFR Yugoslavia) in the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, and papers about the Roma, published in the Republic of Macedonia since its independence in 1991. In some of these papers, one can notice how the ethnologists and anthropologists build their image of the Roma in several directions. First, at the very beginning in the Yugoslavian, and then in Macedonian ethnology and anthropology, which copied the same model, the importance of researching the Roma as an important Yugoslavian nationality is stressed. On the other hand, an image of the Roma as the Yugoslavian ‘otherness’ is being built, followed by recommendations that ethnologists from the Roma community should research it. As a result of the efforts to employ Roma ethnologists at a Yugoslavian level, most of the Macedonian researchers who started dealing with the Roma community are Roma-educated in Yugoslavia. After the dissolution of SFR Yugoslavia and the concept of a Yugoslavian nationality, made up of brotherly peoples and minorities, the idea of the Roma ‘otherness’, through the concept of Roma national tradition, lives on within the national programs of the Balkans. Moreover, the concept of Roma ‘otherness’, stemming from Yugoslavian ethnology, endures in Roma’s researchers works in modern Macedonian ethnological literature.
In this study we refer to the phenomenon of piety and its influence on literature and philosophy by this day. Starting from the term “folk-Bogomilan” poetry, first used by Kocho Racin, we present observations about the possibilities of emergence, even if spontaneous and not formed completely, of contemporary folk-Bogomilan authors, i.e. contemporary folk-Bogomilan literature. Hence, we terminologically upgrade Racin's position on folk-Bogomilan poetry with folk-Bogomilan or contemporary Bogomilan authors who have a distinctly social creative dimension. Such authors, for example, apart from Racin, are August Cesarec, Miroslav Krleza, Hristo Botev, Ivan Cankar, etc. These were authors who were “a thorn in the side of all conservative people”, who brought a “new spirit, art and life” into their works and who found themselves in conflict with the social systems of the time, i.e. the rule of “being Bogomil meant living outside the law, without the protection of any earthly authorities they were surrounded with” applied to them. In their works we should look for a reference to the old times, to denying and fighting against the existing social, religious and economic systems, to a demand for social justice, to dualism, etc.
Prošao je vek od rođenja četiri makedonska književna velikana - Slavka Janevskog (1920.), Blažeta Koneskog (1921.), Koleta Čašula (1921.) i Ace Špopova (1923.). Retko je i u mnogo većim književnostima da se dogodi da se četiri ovakva književna majstora, takoreći vršnjaka, rodi i jednom, u tako zbijenom hronološkom rasponu od tri godine! Još više, jer svaki za sebe stvara individualizovan kreativan svet, što, ne samo u makedonskom, no i u širem književnom kontekstu, dostiže upečatljiv vrednosni domet. U jednoj svežoj, napetoj i dobro hranjenoj književnosti, dela ove četiri književne figure, moćnog književnog kalibra, traže dublje, novo iščitavanje i prevrednovanje od strane mlađih tumača.