Предложенията за промени в конституцията от 2023 г. (от къде тръгнахме и къде ще стигнем)
The draft amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria from 2023 contains numerous proposals that are within the competence of the Grand National Assembly. This conclusion is based on a comparison of the content of proposed changes with the established practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria regarding the "form of government" in the sense of Art. 158, item 3 of the operation of the Constitution. It is indisputable that the discussion needs to be changed in the Basic Law and if it is to be entirely political in nature. But in view of the basic constitutional principles - rule of law, people's sovereignty, separation of powers and independence from the judiciary, proclaimed in the Basic Law, the political decisions of this discussion should undoubtedly be in line with them.