Mężczyzna w XIX-wiecznym kurorcie
Despite the slow revitalization of spa culture as early as the 18th century, it flourished in the 19th century in a medical context. It was then that science, fashion and rapidly developing communication caused that many spas were written and written about spas. Bathing guidebooks also tempted with descriptions of attractions and entertainment organized for the needs of patients. Spa resorts were often traveled with entire families, but trips by men or women from the so-called charter was also common. It can even be pointed out that some spas were more popular among women and others among men. In this text I deal with the problem of male trips to the waters during the partitions, with particular emphasis on the first half of the nineteenth century. When analyzing the source material of various provenance (egodocuments – diaries, letters, correspondence to the press predominate) I was looking for answers to some of the most important problems: main motives and directions of trips, their costs and characteristics of the treatment and its effects.