Quantitative Methods in Economics
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych
The Quantitative Methods in Economics is a well recognized scientific journal published by the Department of Econometrics and Statistics of Warsaw University of Life Science, and listed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (part B of the list of evaluated journals). It was established in 2001 as a monograph and later on (in 2011) converted into the journal. The QME journal is available both in print (ISSN 2082-792X) and electronic forms (e-ISSN 2543-8565), however the printed form is the primary one.
The QME is designed to present results of empirical research and theoretical analyses in the field of quantitative methods in economic sciences.
The scope of the Journal covers the following topics:
- Econometrics and Statistics
- Multidimensional data analysis
- Financial engineering
- Operational research
- Applied mathematics in economy, management, finances and logistic
- Applied informatics in economic research
The Journal is open to contributions in English language.