Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Střed. Časopis pro mezioborová studia Střední Evropy 19. a 20. století
Střed | Centre is a peer-reviewed journal focused on studies of the society, culture and politics in Central Europe of the 19th and 20th centuries. The journal is ecumenical in its selected methodological and disciplinary approaches and strives to give space to scholars working on the broad field of social sciences and humanities, who are involved in studies of the given period and geographical area. Střed /Centre aims at interconnecting the extensive and simultaneously rather fragmented field of research dedicated to Central Europe from the viewpoint of various disciplines. Therefore it publishes original studies from individual fields, particularly studies with the ambition to step over the border defined by disciplinary divisions and to connect more disciplines in a productive dialogue. As a peer-rewieved journal Střed | Centre was founded on January 1, 2009 and is issued twice a year. It is oriented on monothematic issues presenting inter-related scientific essays. Topics of individual issues are published on the journal web page well in advance. Střed | Centre comes out twice a year, in April and October, and is included in the list of peer-reviewed non-impact periodicals issued in the Czech Republic.