Anthropological Journal on European Cultures AJEC
Anthropological Journal on European Cultures AJEC
For more than a decade, the Anthropological Journal on European Cultures has served as a forum for social and cultural anthropologists working in and on Europe, presenting both new ethnographic work and more theoretical reflections on the history and politics of the field. Published annually, each new volume of the journal is dedicated to a special topic, engaging recent debates and innovative research agendas addressing the social and cultural transformations of contemporary European societies. Europe, in this context, is not defined narrowly as a geopolitical entity, but as an invitation to inquire into how cultural constructions of Europe become meaningful in people's lives and how they both legitimate political power and call forth practices of resistance and subversion. European cultures are no longer territorially bounded, ethnic or national units, but are constituted by practices and discourses that are increasingly transnational or even global in their reach.