Przegląd Nauk o Obronności
Frequency: 2 issues / Country: Poland
Defense Science Review (DSR) is a journal open to all scholars, researchers and practitioners concerned with national defense issues, including its military and civilian components and the relationships and dependencies between them.
It is a specialized journal of international scope, published in English in a semi-annual mode, using the so-called double-blind peer review. Publication of scientific articles is free of charge, and all costs associated with the review of the text and its editing are borne by the Military University of Technology.
The mission of the journal is to create conditions for the cooperation of a wide range of scientific and professional communities for the exchange of knowledge, research results and experiences, as well as good practices on national security and its implementation structure of universal protection and national defense.
The purpose of the journal is to strengthen the academic community in scientific development, promote innovative solutions and present the results of theoretical and empirical research to build a system of knowledge on national defense, both in the military and non-military dimensions.
The journal is addressed to theoreticians and practitioners in the field of defense, representatives of the world of science, public administration, including military and special administration, representatives of business and defense industry and civil society (defense and paramilitary organizations).