10+1 Good Practices in Preventing Intolerance, Discrimination, and Group Hatred in Central and Eastern Europe
10+1 Good Practices in Preventing Intolerance, Discrimination, and Group Hatred in Central and Eastern Europe
Author(s): Gergana Tzvetkova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sociology, Social differentiation, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Social Norms / Social Control, EU-Legislation
Published by: Център за изследване на демокрацията
Summary/Abstract: This compendium was created by the consortium members of the CEE Prevent Net initiative. Its development is the result of a robust exchange of good practice methods among various organizations and civil society actors in the areas of youth work and (non-formal) education aimed at preventing intolerance, discrimination, and right-wing populism and extremism in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. Initially, this volume was supposed to present 10 good practices for working with young people directly; however, the CEE Prevent Net network decided to expand this initial enterprise gratuitously. This additional section provides youth workers, educators, and other civic actors with recommendations and advocacy strategies for youth work that fosters tolerance, facilitates dialogue, and prevents discrimination and far right ideologies.
Series: CSD Social Studies Papers
- Page Count: 109
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF
- Introduction