Development of the European Union and the European Institutions Cover Image

Развитие на Европейския съюз и европейските институции
Development of the European Union and the European Institutions

Author(s): Todor Kondarev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Governance, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Union; European institutions; White paper on the future of Europe; Council of the European Union; European Council; European Commission; European Parliament; Court of Justice of EU; European
Summary/Abstract: The current paper "Development of the European Union and the European Institutions" presents the political system of the EU with its specific nature and differences in comparison with the classic democratic political systems in national states. For this purposes the division in the power competences between the EU institutions and the national institutions of the members’ counties are described and analyzed. As a main element of EU political system are described the specific characteristics of the EU institutions – Council of the European Union, European Council, European Commission, European Parliament, Court of Justice of EU, European Central Bank, European Court of Auditors and others. The special intention is focused on their participation in the EU policies development, the decision making and the legislation development. The relations with the national power bodies/institutions are described. Some conclusions on the future development of the EU and its institutions are made in relation with the pointed out visions by the European Commission with The White Paper On Future of Europe (2017) summarized in 5 scenarios as well as by the Reflection papers (RP) for future of the main policies of EU (RP on European defense, RP on EU finances, RP on social dimensions of Europe, RP on harnessing globalization).

  • Page Range: 271-281
  • Page Count: 11
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Bulgarian
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