Search for the Origin of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by the Author of Skarbiec rozmaitych sciencyi… Cover Image

Poszukiwanie rodowodu Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów przez autora Skarbca rozmaitych sciencyi…
Search for the Origin of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by the Author of Skarbiec rozmaitych sciencyi…

Author(s): Joanna Orzeł
Subject(s): History
Published by: Instytut Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kulturowym Europy
Summary/Abstract: Skarbiec rozmaitych sciencyi, splendorami, z kilkuletniej pracy i staraniaI.I.S. dla własnych synów podjętego, zebranymi ubogacony, na sześć różnych częścidywidowany a oraz osobami poważnemi wielu allegowanych autorów przyozdobionyof 1759, kept at the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academyof Sciences in Vilnius, is a book by an unknown author, which can serve as anextensive compendium of information. The author only signed the book withinitials I.I.S., which makes his identification difficult.One of the sections of the work refers to the history of the Polish-LithuanianCommonwealth. The author’s goal was to describe real, not fictitioushistory of his homeland. The nobleman presented the earliest beginnings,starting with Noah and his three sons. He explained the common origin ofresidents of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the tribe of Sarmatians,and characterized that people. Then, he described the rulers of the Kingdomof Poland, beginning with the mythical figure of Lech and ending withqueen Jadwiga. Before the reign of Władysław Jagiełło, he listed the rulers ofthe Grand Duchy of Lithuania beginning with the legendary Palemon. AfterJagiełło, he presented the next Jagiellonian rulers and elected kings, up to thecontemporary king August III.Despite using erudite narrative and drawing on works by serious historiographers,the author repeats the established myths.

  • Page Range: 389-414
  • Page Count: 25
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Polish
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