Reform of the Employment Policy in the Region and EU Countries Cover Image

Reforma politke zapošljavanja u regiji i zemljama EU
Reform of the Employment Policy in the Region and EU Countries

Author(s): Anton Petričević
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labor relations, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, EU-Legislation
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Unemployment; Employment policy; Strategic advice on employment; Guidelines of employment reforms in EU countries;
Summary/Abstract: Faced with high unemployment in the countries of the region and the European Union it was necessary to implement the reforms of the employment policy. Each country in the region led its policy of hiring workers and reducing unemployment. Since the unemployment rate was not decreasing, it was necessary to reform employment policy with the appropriate strategic guidance issued on the same. Member states had submitted the national reform programs to the Council based on the recommendations of the Commission given to member states on reducing unemployment. Employment Committee monitors the implementation and progress in dealing with the unemployment using the instrument for monitoring the efficiency of employment(Employment Performance Monitor).Particular emphasis of these reforms is aimed at young people in terms of offering training programs, vocational training for retraining and getting a higher degree qualifications. Countries in the region that are not members of the EU should follow the guidelines of reforms and measures introduced by member states. Progress varies from country to country. The effects of reforms will not be visible immediately, but after a few years. As the Member States, countries in the region that are not members of the EU should strengthen measures of active labor market policies (ALMP – Active LabourMarket Policy).

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