The Hymnographic Legacy of St. Clement of Ohrid in the Context of the Early Manuscripts up to the 13th Century Cover Image
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Химнографското творчество на св. Климент Охридски в контекста на ранните ръкописи на гръцки език до XIII в.
The Hymnographic Legacy of St. Clement of Ohrid in the Context of the Early Manuscripts up to the 13th Century

Author(s): Svetlana Kujumdzieva
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: One of the most significant activity of St. Clement of Ohrid is in the field of hymnography. Yet Theofilactus of Ohrid speaks about it in his Vita of St. Clement. The discovery of a substantial source material in Slavic manuscripts related to the activity of St. Clement in the field of hymnography proved the truthfulness of the said by Theophilactus, though it was written more than two centuries after the St. Cement’s death. The source material discovered provides a concrete idea of the created by him. The early Greek sources from the eighth–ninth to the twelfth–thirteenth centuries, however, remain very little known and not sufficiently investigated in this respect. As far as the Old Bulgarian literacy and culture in the ninth–tenth century was formed within the Byzantine liturgical and civilizational model, the Greek sources could also shed light on the created by St. Clement in the field of hymnography. The focus in the contribution is on the hymnographic liturgical books in Greek that were used during the time of St. Clement and could have been both a base for his work and reconciliation with the contemporary achievements in the field of Eastern Christian hymnography. An accent is placed on this to see how St. Clement’s hymnographic work fits into what these sources bequeathed us in the context of the relevant time.

  • Page Range: 108-125
  • Page Count: 18
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Bulgarian