Village and Forest: The Emergence and Disappearance of Villages in Wooded Areas of Central Slavonia Cover Image
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Selo i šuma: nastanak i nestanak sela u šumovitim predjelima središnje Slavonije
Village and Forest: The Emergence and Disappearance of Villages in Wooded Areas of Central Slavonia

Author(s): Žarko Španiček
Subject(s): Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography
Published by: Hrvatski institut za povijest
Keywords: forest; village; Slavonia; hilly areas; inhabitants;
Summary/Abstract: This work starts from the observation that, mainly in the hilly areas of central Slavonia, in the last fifty years, the number of inhabitants and inhabited places has decreased, while wooded areas have expanded considerably. The number of villages, facing disappearance, without a single resident, or with just a few, is increasing, and forests have covered the area anew. Drawing on these developments, efforts were made to examine the unequal relation between cultivated and natural, wooded areas. It is proposed to conduct a more complex evaluation of the historical role and significance of the forest that would indicate that forests not only provide natural wealth and significant social resources but can also be an indication of general social backwardness.