"Data warehouse" Concept - a Tool for Increasing the Corporate Security of the Modern Bulgarian Company Cover Image

Концепция "Склад за данни" – инструмент за повишаване на корпоративната сигурност на съвременната българска компания
"Data warehouse" Concept - a Tool for Increasing the Corporate Security of the Modern Bulgarian Company

Author(s): Rosen Todorov
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: data analysis; data warehouse; management
Summary/Abstract: Every manager needs accurate and timely information to achieve efficiency in decision making. This process is hindered by a number of factors characteristic of the modern macro environment. A key challenge for Bulgarian companies is the readiness for an adequate response to the dynamically changing processes, the management and analysis of the constantly growing volume of data, the possibilities of extracting competitive advantages from the data. One of the main ways to achieve higher efficiency is automation and digitalization. These processes require the construction of a qualitatively different corporate ecosystem, which is capable of increasing the security and competitiveness in an uncertain business environment.