Status and Opportunities for the Development of Accessible Tourism Cover Image

Състoяниe и възмoжнoсти зa рaзвитиe нa дoстъпния туризъм
Status and Opportunities for the Development of Accessible Tourism

Author(s): Vihren Kirilov
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Tourism, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: accessible tourism; impairment; discrimination; trends
Summary/Abstract: The goal of this article is to examine the topic of accessible tourism. The purpose of the research is to give a clear definition, as well as what its condition is and to outline the possibilities for its development. In the process of researching the topic, the terminology and the trends in providing the accessible environment are pointed out. This results in establishing specific ways of developing accessible tourism, from where we can draw the conclusion of its practical realization, as well as the prospects for its improvement and mass integration, aiming better applicability.