Economic Unions and Trade: Foreign Trade of Bulgaria After EU Accession Cover Image

Икономическите съюзи и търговията: външната търговия на България след присъединяването към Европейския съюз
Economic Unions and Trade: Foreign Trade of Bulgaria After EU Accession

Author(s): Irena Nikolova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic policy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: import; export; EU foreign trade; trade policy
Summary/Abstract: The economic unions are the fundament of the present bloc situation, and they determine the position of countries in trade and all other areas. Usually, they are based on geography or common history, relating countries in an economic bloc. EU emerged on common economic interests of several countries, and from that moment on it has its own trade policy that has been formed for decades. Bulgaria joined EU in 2007 and the country has been part of the EU trade policy ever since. To a significant extent that changed its foreign trade to the other EU Member States and to third countries. The purpose of the paper is to present the amendments in the foreign trade of Bulgaria after the EU accession and to highlight the main perspectives.