The Role of Soft Power and Turkish TIKA Restriction in the Development of Muslim Communities in the Balkans in 2019-2021 Cover Image

Ролята на „меката сила“ и турската организация TIKA в развитието на мюсюлманските общности на Балканите през периода 2019 – 2021 г.
The Role of Soft Power and Turkish TIKA Restriction in the Development of Muslim Communities in the Balkans in 2019-2021

Author(s): Dzhansu Asan Danadzhieva, Boyan Stanimirov Vidolov
Subject(s): Theology and Religion, Islam studies, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Inter-Ethnic Relations, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: Turkey; soft power; Balkans; ethno-religious relations; Muslim communities
Summary/Abstract: The report consists of 2 main parts. The first part is about the concept of „Soft Power“. A definition of what it is and what its significance is. It is underestimated by the concept of „Military Power“ because it does not have such quick and direct results. The second hour consists of a presentation of the activities of the TIKA organization in the period 2019-2021. The reports presented on the organization's website discuss how TIKA is supporting Muslim communities in the Balkans.

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