Economic and business diplomacy: synergy between state and non-state actors Cover Image

Икономическа и бизнес дипломация: синергия на държавни и недържавни субекти
Economic and business diplomacy: synergy between state and non-state actors

Author(s): Plamen Ralchev
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Accounting - Business Administration, Business Ethics
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: economic and business diplomacy; state and non-state interests; foreign economic and trade policy
Summary/Abstract: Economic diplomacy is aimed at safeguarding state’s economic interests through negotiating favorable terms of trade and investments, providing for the competitiveness of national economy, maintaining positive foreign trade balance by stimulating the exports, ensuring the stability of national currency, negotiating with other states and international organizations the rules and terms of the international trade system. Unlike economic diplomacy, which in principle works for public interests, business diplomacy promotes and protects private interests. Business diplomacy deals with maintaining relations with government institutions, international institutions and organizations, and various private entities. The major problem is about regulation. At times of globalization there are so many companies operating beyond the borders of the state, that it becomes practically impossible to implement a holistic concept for economic diplomacy because the multiplicity of actors in international relations leads to multiple business diplomacies commissioned by different private interests.