Notes on the problem of historical use and surface rendering of cardboard as a covering of wooden structures in Bohemia Cover Image
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Poznámky k problému historického užití a povrchového ztvárnění lepenice jako pokryvu dřevěných konstrukcí v Čechách
Notes on the problem of historical use and surface rendering of cardboard as a covering of wooden structures in Bohemia

Author(s): Jiří Škabrada
Subject(s): Cultural history, Architecture, Environmental Geography, Middle Ages
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: wood and earth; medieval architecture; timbered and half-timbered walls; daub; wooden and mud walls; fire protection; surface decoration;
Summary/Abstract: The essay sums up the knowledge about historical co-existence of wooden walls and a layer of daub – a substance that served in the past as a kind of physical, thermal and fire protection not only in the countryside. There are mentioned in particular the oldest less-known documents from the Middle Ages, including the interpretation of house constructions as it was captured in medieval iconographic sources. These allow to recognize houses whose wooden construction in undoubtedly covered by daub with illusive decorations on its surface. Sometimes the daub on timbered or half-timbered walls looked like a kind of decoration if finished with patterns that were to fix the finer top coat, which was often not applied.