Urzędnicy i urzędy w społeczeństwie XIX wieku. Zbiór studiów
Officials and offices in the nineteenth century society. A collection of studies
Contributor(s): Alicja Kulecka (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Modern Age, 19th Century
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Polish Kingdom; local government; administration; judiciary; tax offices; social organizations
Summary/Abstract: The publication showing the relationship between offices and officials and social structures in the nineteenth century covers such issues as: the identity of institutions and communities, career paths, social attitudes towards offices, the social roles of offices. The relationship between power and society is an important element of the historical narrative of the 19th and 20th centuries. Various currents of historiography (history of law and administration, social history) undertake research issues related to this area, considering the role of the community and individual in history, and the factors that shape relationships within society. The subject of the creation and development of modern bureaucracy is also included in the current of research on the modernization of the Polish state and society in the nineteenth century. The authors of this publication have attempted to link the history of bureaucracy with issues of social stratification, the formation of ideas, norms and social values. Most of the texts were based on original archival research. The authors present the activities of offices and officials from various departments of state administration (including synagogue supervision, tax administration, mortgage court, advisory institutions and censorship) in the Polish territories of the Russian partition and in other territories, at various times between the end of the eighteenth and the end XIX century.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-2849-4
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-2817-3
- Page Count: 302
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Polish
Czy w Królestwie Polskim (1815–1915) istniał samorząd żydowski?
Czy w Królestwie Polskim (1815–1915) istniał samorząd żydowski?
(Was There a Jewish Self-Government in the Kingdom of Poland (1815–1915)?)
- Author(s):Artur Markowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:13-38
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Jewish self-government; kahal; Jewish community
- Summary/Abstract:The author raises the question anew whether after 1822 a Jewish self-government functioned legally in the Congress Poland, i.e. whether a Jewish community board could be considered as a form of self-government. The author claims that until the mid-19th century it was difficult to talk about the real Jewish self-government, although the model Jewish community board was intended as an element of the self-government system. However, since the middle of the century, this body as another state institution gained greater freedom in community management. It must be kept in mind that a word self-government with regard to the Jewish community never meant full independence and sovereignty in the fiscal, political and legal areas. The Jewish community boards can be recognized as a form of self-government due to the fact that this institution was independent of other collegial bodies established to supervise Jewish affairs. The supervision boards successfully dealt with everyday matters and securing fundamental needs of the Jewish community. They were chosen in elections, and the dependence on the state administration fell within the scope of the then concept of self-government.
- Price: 4.50 €
Architektura i prestiż nowoczesnego urzędu: przypadek budynków ministerialnych w Warszawie, stolicy konstytucyjnego Królestwa Polskiego (1815–1830)
Architektura i prestiż nowoczesnego urzędu: przypadek budynków ministerialnych w Warszawie, stolicy konstytucyjnego Królestwa Polskiego (1815–1830)
(Architecture and Prestige of a Modern Office: the Case of Ministry Buildings in Warsaw, the Capital of the Constitutional Kingdom of Poland (1815–1830))
- Author(s):Mikołaj Getka-Kenig
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:39-52
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:architecture of public buildings; Palace of the Commonwealth; Palace of the Government Commission of Internal Affairs and the Police; Palace of the Ministry of Revenues and Treasury
- Summary/Abstract:In the architecture of the ministry buildings of the period examined one may notice above all the desire to highlight the authority of the government of the “resurrected” Polish state. The themes of successful development that were expressed in sculptural decorations served all the more to draw attention to the government’s responsibility for social well-being. In this way they could strengthen the belief in the need for obedience to authorities whose efforts were aimed at such a good goal. Significantly, the preserved sources do not show that this was the way to underline the political evolution of relations between a state and citizens – democratization of access to power connected with the development of modern bureaucracy. The magnates’ former palaces – Old Polish client centres – now became the seats of the highest public offices, adapting their traditional ideological task, which was to inspire respect and reverence.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Gorzki jest chleb prawego urzędnika”. Problemy etyki zawodowej urzędników Królestwa Polskiego okresu konstytucyjnego
„Gorzki jest chleb prawego urzędnika”. Problemy etyki zawodowej urzędników Królestwa Polskiego okresu konstytucyjnego
(“Bread of Righteous Official Is Bitter”. Problems of Professional Ethics of the Kingdom of Poland’s Officials in the Constitutional Period)
- Author(s):Alicja Kulecka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:53-95
- No. of Pages:43
- Keywords:official deontology; professional ethics of officials; constitutional Kingdom; administration in a constitutional state
- Summary/Abstract:The period of the constitutional Kingdom, especially in the years of 1818–1820, was the time of creating norms, ethical standards and discussions on official deontology. The sources point out that attitudes towards professional ethics and ethical behaviour were very diverse. According to the literature on this subject, the bad financial situation of Russian officials was one of the important factors determining the scale of corruption. But it is worth looking for other factors: education, school and family attitudes, ethical family traditions, environment, and religious beliefs. Shaping the ethical standards of an official was accompanied by a public discourse concerning the organization of the administration and its functions in the constitutional state. The constitution, the parliament, freedom of the press were perceived as important elements affecting the moral picture of the authorities. However, there was no complete freedom of the press and public expression in the constitutional Kingdom – this essential element was lacking in shaping ethical behaviour, application of ethical theories and norms.
- Price: 4.50 €
Urzędnicy nauki czy uczeni? Rektorzy Cesarskiego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Urzędnicy nauki czy uczeni? Rektorzy Cesarskiego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
(Officials of Science or Scholars? Rectors of the Imperial University of Warsaw)
- Author(s):Alicja Kulecka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:96-109
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Imperial University of Warsaw; rectors of the Imperial University of Warsaw; Piotr Lavrovsky; Nikolaj Lavrovsky; Grigory Ulyanov; Yefim Karsky
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific and educational Slavicisation, promoted by four out of eleven rectors at the university grounds, undoubtedly justified integration with the Empire in line with the programme of its “nationalization”, it was its political tool, but also a driver of the development of Slavic studies, the value of which in many aspects is not subject to depreciation. In this sense, some of the Warsaw rectors played the political role of promoters of integration interests of the state as officials delegated by it, but at the same time it is hard to deny them the titles of scholars of considerable scientific output. They were both officials and scholars, and the peculiar misfortune in the case of the Imperial University of Warsaw was that politics and science were deeply penetrating, serving one another.
- Price: 4.50 €
Urzędnicy niżsi w administracji pruskiej przełomu XVIII i XIX w. na przykładzie kancelarii kamer wojenno-skarbowych
Urzędnicy niżsi w administracji pruskiej przełomu XVIII i XIX w. na przykładzie kancelarii kamer wojenno-skarbowych
(Junior Officials in the Prussian Administration of the Turn of the 19th Century on the Example of War and Treasury Chambers)
- Author(s):Paweł Gut
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:113-127
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Prussian administration; Pomeranian War and Treasury Chamber in Szczecin; New March War and Treasury Chamber in Kostrzyn; March War and Treasury Chamber in Berlin
- Summary/Abstract:The analysis of the examples illustrating positions and promotions of employees of offices and registries in war and treasury chambers leads to the conclusion that junior officials in the state administration in Prussia at the turn of the 19th century were a diverse social and professional group. Its representatives were not of uniform origin, they did not have the same social status, moreover they had different educational background and preparation. The position of an official depended not only on his skills, knowledge and diligence, but also on family and business connections or favouritism.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Z Armii na urzędy”. Zdymisjonowani wojskowi w urzędach skarbowych Królestwa Polskiego
„Z Armii na urzędy”. Zdymisjonowani wojskowi w urzędach skarbowych Królestwa Polskiego
(“From the Army to Offices”. Servicemen Dismissed from the Army in Tax Offices of the Kingdom of Poland)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Osiecka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:128-142
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:military veterans; offices of the Kingdom of Poland; Governmental Commission of Revenue and Treasury; Warsaw Mint; customs offices; border guard; forest guard
- Summary/Abstract:After a certain number of years of service the military personnel in the Kingdom of Poland were allowed to retire. They were entitled to pensions then. Those who had left the army earlier were looking for a job in state offices, which gave them the right to remuneration, leave, promotion, inheritance, orders, hereditary or personal nobility titles and pension. The offices employing the ex-servicemen included: the border guard, customs houses, forest offices, the Tobacco Office, the Mint in Warsaw, the Bank of Poland and the departments in the Governmental Commission of Revenue and Treasury: the Mining Department and the Properties and State Forests Department. Veterans worked, for example, as cashiers, forest guards, border guards, registrars in customs houses, salt registrars, collectors, and clerks. The increase in the number of the ex-military applying for a job in the tax offices can be noticed in two periods: after 1815 and in the years of 1832–1856. In the 1820s, their number reached approximately 20 percent of the officials in the Governmental Commission of Revenue and Treasury.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pomiędzy Księstwem Warszawskim a Królestwem Polskim. Instytucjonalna i personalna kontynuacja działalności Dyrekcji Loterii
Pomiędzy Księstwem Warszawskim a Królestwem Polskim. Instytucjonalna i personalna kontynuacja działalności Dyrekcji Loterii
(Between the Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland. Institutional and Personal Continuation of the Lottery irectorate’s Work)
- Author(s):Alicja Nowak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:143-153
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:numerical lottery; classic lottery; Directorate General of National Lotteries; Governmental Commission of Revenue and Treasury
- Summary/Abstract:The income from the lottery was an element of irregular income of the Kingdom of Poland’s treasury. Of great importance for the state authorities was that the matters relating to the lottery were dealt with by experienced people who were experts in legislation in this field. The permanent staff guaranteed efficient execution of further lottery plans. Moreover, the presence of the same people in the lottery management inspired confidence among the society. Another factor contributing to permanent staffing and institutional solutions could also be the fact that the lottery management was not part of the key economic sectors or administration. The Lottery Directorate did not carry out tasks of political importance. Its primary goal was to ensure the efficient operation of a specific area of treasury income. Therefore, the Lottery Directorate as an office standing on the sidelines was more stable and survived many decades without significant changes.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Kraj podobny do starego domu...”. Urzędnicy XIX-wiecznego Egiptu oczami Polaków
„Kraj podobny do starego domu...”. Urzędnicy XIX-wiecznego Egiptu oczami Polaków
(„A Country Similar to an Old House…”. Officials of the 19th-Century Egypt According to the Polish People)
- Author(s):Emil Hoff
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:157-200
- No. of Pages:44
- Keywords:modernization of Egypt; Muhammad Ali; Poles in Egypt; Egyptian bureaucracy
- Summary/Abstract:In the period between Napoleon’s Egyptian campaign and the outbreak of World War I Egypt underwent a rapid modernization. Pashas of Egypt drew inspiration mainly from Europe, however they managed to imitate the West only superficially. In the 19th century, Egypt developed neither the bureaucratic system in the modern meaning of this term nor the political culture. The changes in Egypt were witnessed among others by the Poles arriving there as tourists, emigrants, pilgrims or patients. The Egyptian bureaucracy, became the subject of their numerous descriptions. In this paper, the Polish accounts of the Egyptian officials both at the central and local levels are compiled. They depict the Egyptian administration as an ineffective system generating numerous malpractices. The reasons for that were sought in the rulers’ erroneous policy, in the innate qualities of Egyptians themselves though to be incapable of adopting civic attitudes by their very nature, and also in activities of the Europeans who had made their fortunes and careers on the Nile not caring much for the natives.
- Price: 4.50 €
Organizacja opieki i pomocy społecznej oraz dobroczynność w Królestwie Polskim. Rada Główna Opiekuńcza Szpitali. Towarzystwa dobroczynne (1817–1870)
Organizacja opieki i pomocy społecznej oraz dobroczynność w Królestwie Polskim. Rada Główna Opiekuńcza Szpitali. Towarzystwa dobroczynne (1817–1870)
(Organization of Care, Social Welfare and Charity in the Kingdom of Poland. The Central Hospital Welfare Council. Charitable Societies (1817–1870))
- Author(s):Dorota Lewandowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:203-224
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Central Hospital Supervision Council; charitable societies; hospitals; poorhouses; charitable institutions; nurseries
- Summary/Abstract:Since 1817, the public charity in the Kingdom of Poland had been managed by the Central Hospital Supervision Council, acting under the authority of the Government Commission of Internal Affairs and the Police. In 1832, the Central Hospital Supervision Council was replaced by the Central Hospital Welfare Council, and the hospital supervision councils working at the voivodeship commissions by the local welfare councils for each institution separately. Next changes were introduced by the tsar’s decree of 1842. The hospitals and the charitable institutions became subordinated to the Government Commission of Internal and Spiritual Affairs. Despite the fact that it still fulfilled management functions, the Central Welfare Council became a body with limited competence, which included, among others, supervising charitable societies. The system introduced in 1842 functioned until 1870, when all charity institutions went under the management of the Ministry of the Interior. The direct management of charitable institutions was handed over to the governorate and county public charity councils.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sądownictwo hipoteczne w Królestwie Polskim. Organizacja, obsada personalna i zadania urzędu na przykładzie hipoteki płockiej
Sądownictwo hipoteczne w Królestwie Polskim. Organizacja, obsada personalna i zadania urzędu na przykładzie hipoteki płockiej
(Land and Mortgage Courts in the Kingdom of Poland. The Organization, Staff and Duties of the Office on the Example of the Mortgage Registry in Płock)
- Author(s):Mikołaj Nowacki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:225-246
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:enfranchisement decree; land and mortgage courts; mortgage registrars; ownership transformations
- Summary/Abstract:Without the work of mortgage registrars it would be hard to imagine execution of the enfranchisement decree of 1864 and the second one which abolished the dominium relationships in the cities in 1866. The registrars were responsible for indicating the land to be parceled out. They registered the liquidation tables of peasant settlements, due to which it was possible to pay compensation to the landowners. The changes registered by mortgagees led to serious transformations of the social structure. The peasants gained full rights. The landed nobility was replaced to a great extent by the landed gentry. The noble families deprived of landed property moved to cities and created a social stratum of the intelligentsia. Mortgage offices and their registrars disappeared in 1944, replaced by the departments of common courts. Since 1986, registers and collections of documents to them, under the regulation of the Minister of Justice, have been gradually transferred to state archives. They are a unique, but still rarely used research material for both regionalists and genealogists.
- Price: 4.50 €
W kręgu niepokojów rosyjskich elit władzy: Alieksiej Sidorov – cenzor w roli publicysty i historyka
W kręgu niepokojów rosyjskich elit władzy: Alieksiej Sidorov – cenzor w roli publicysty i historyka
(Concerns of Russian Ruling Elites: Alexei Sidorov – a Censor in the Role of a Journalist and a Historian)
- Author(s):Alicja Kulecka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):19th Century
- Page Range:247-288
- No. of Pages:42
- Keywords:Alexei Sidorov; censor; Russian historiography; Russian ruling elites; Polish national identity; tsarist imperial policy
- Summary/Abstract:Alexei Sidorov was an advocate of a strong Russian Empire with the centralized administration. He can also be considered an advocate of the modern state, which, according to him, meant the ability to use social communication techniques (the press) and infrastructure (hard roads, railways) to achieve specific strategic objectives. According to Sidorov, the main institution responsible for the social policy was a monarchy. Thus, he was not a supporter of a form of statehood associated with Polish identity based on representative institutions, control of king’s power, participation of society in decision-making, etc. These ideas were foreign to the Russian state and national identity. While praising peaceful, civilization imperialist activities, at the same time Sidorov admired the colonizers of the Polish lands who successfully employed military methods. His case proves that among the Russian elites there were attitudes reluctant to the Polish identity and to any attempts to change the political status of the Polish lands remaining within the Russian borders.
- Price: 4.50 €