Innowacyjność w praktyce pedagogicznej. Tom. 3: Współdziałanie rodziców – dziecka – nauczyciela
Innovativeness in pedagogical practice. Vol. 3: The parents-child-teachers cooperation
Contributor(s): Renata Raszka (Editor), Urszula Szuścik (Editor), Anna Trzcionka‑Wieczorek (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Series: Pedagogika, Dydaktyka
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3342-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3341-0
- Page Count: 256
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Polish, German
Co wiemy o dzieciach matematycznie uzdolnionych: wyniki badań i działania naprawcze
Co wiemy o dzieciach matematycznie uzdolnionych: wyniki badań i działania naprawcze
(What do we know about children with an aptitude for mathematics? Research results
and corrective actions)
- Author(s):Edyta Gruszczyk‑Kolczyńska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:13-37
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:children with an aptitude for mathematics; the features of children displaying an aptitude for mathematics; wasting intellectual potential of children with an aptitude for mathematics; programme and m
- Summary/Abstract:In this text; I present the results of a research conducted within the project Recognition and supporting of the development of mathematical abilities in older kindergarten children and young pupils (no. R1700603) and the conclusions on the application of this research in kindergarten and school education. I begin with presenting the data on the existence of mathematical abilities in older pupils; and I explain why an aptitude for mathematics in children has not been examined so far. I describe the features of minds of older kindergarten children that testify to their mathematical abilities. I also present the programme of scientific research which I treated as the base for a) elaborating tools for diagnosing an aptitude for mathematics in children; b) estimating the number of children displaying abilities and talent for mathematics; c) showing why after a few months of school education children cease to show their extraordinary mental abilities. Having presented effects and mechanisms of wasting mathematical abilities in children in the first stage of school education; I discuss the critical periods in the process of developing mathematical abilities. I explain why it is impossible to correct the mistakes in this field in future education. Finally; I present pedagogical innovations that aim at encouraging children to develop their mathematical abilities in kindergarten; home; and school.
- Price: 4.50 €
Innowacje we współczesnej edukacji wczesnoszkolnej (na podstawie analizy wybranych programów kształcenia zintegrowanego)
Innowacje we współczesnej edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
(na podstawie analizy wybranych programów kształcenia zintegrowanego)
(Innovations in contemporary early‑school education (based on the analysis of selected programmes of integrated teaching))
- Author(s):Elżbieta Marek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:38-59
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:early‑school education; innovations;integrated teaching programmes;
- Summary/Abstract:Innovations are indispensable in the pedagogical progress. They can pertain to the schooling system, teachers’ work, various forms of pupils’ activity, purposes, teaching contents, and conditions of education. In recent years, one could witness a lot of innovative programmes of integrated teaching. Thirteen of them have been analysed, and the research results are presented in this article. The main research problem was to answer the following question: What innovative solutions are suggested by their authors? The conducted research indicates that the programmes embrace various aspects of innovations. In the area of teaching contents, there is a tendency to ascribe the dominant role to mathematical, scientific, and social education, as well as teaching foreign languages and entrepreneurship. In all of the programmes under analysis the use of new technologies is suggested, including e‑learning platforms containing a variety of didactic resources for both pupils and teachers. What is preferred in the process of education is the pupils’ research attitude through the application of heuristic methods, including project method and the use of constructivism as a dominant theory of learning. Most programmes suggest learning assessment. The innovations propagated in the programmes favour the human being’s innovative education for which the newest surrounding constitutes the set of inquiries and areas of cognitive and practical uncertainty.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kulturelle Varietät in Eiichiro Odas One Piece
Kulturelle Varietät in Eiichiro Odas One Piece
(A cultural paraphrase in Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece manga)
- Author(s):Roman Szablicki
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:60-70
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:manga; comic book; culture;Japan;
- Summary/Abstract:A Japanese literary‑graphic hybrid, manga has gained popularity in the past few years. Aside from the graphic elements, which make it distinct from American comic books, manga is also famous for 70 Roman Szablicki its topical variety, which often relies on a paraphrase of cultural elements from outside of Japan. One Piece by Eiichiro Oda has become one of the most popular comics of Japanese origin. Through the usage of numerous cultural elements that derive from various parts of the world, the author won the hearts of many non‑Japanese readers and at the same time prepared the ground for research in both cultural and literary studies. This article shows the pattern of cultural paraphrases on the example of one the most popular mangas in the world, taking into consideration the music components as well. Furthermore, the text points to the spaces of cultural hybridisation, that is, the interweaving and fusing of seemingly foreign components. Finally, what is also portrayed is the way of using elements of history of other countries and transforming them into a matter acceptable for manga readers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zmiany w doborze lektury ucznia w wieku wczesnoszkolnym na przełomie XX i XXI wieku w polskiej szkole
Zmiany w doborze lektury ucznia
w wieku wczesnoszkolnym
na przełomie XX i XXI wieku w polskiej szkole
(Changes in the selection of required reading books of early school pupils at
the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in Polish school)
- Author(s):Anna Boguszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:71-85
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:school reading book; early school education; core curriculum; curriculum.
- Summary/Abstract:At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, changes took place in Polish school concerning its organization and curriculum. A new selection of mandatory reading books for early school age pupils was also proposed. Children’s interests and their receptiveness were taken into account. Greater freedom in composing reading lists was introduced. An individual teacher could decide on the final choice of the books that were to be discussed during classes. This situation did not guarantee the development of the highest level of students’ literary culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wartościowanie języka i tekstów kultury. Konteksty edukacyjne
Wartościowanie języka i tekstów kultury. Konteksty edukacyjne
(Passing judgment on language and cultural texts – educational contexts)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Bortliczek, Izabela Łuc
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:86-101
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:passing judgment; cultural text; education
- Summary/Abstract:The paper focuses on stylistic features of advertising texts. The analysis includes advertisements that in their iconic and/or verbal sphere refer to the broadly defined culture, and especially to its European heritage. Colloquial language (and/or socio‑dialects) is the source of the expressive lexis. In turn, artistic masterpieces (above all, the paintings of the popular masters) are the source of the iconic inspiration. Both types of sources are rooted deeply in audience’s consciousness, and they both form a derivative ground for the persuasive purposes, which are paramount in the language of advertisements. In our opinion, a young consumer should be prepared and trained in the interpretation of advertisements during school education, so that he or she can decide responsibly about shopping in adulthood.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rola nauczyciela w rozbudzaniu zainteresowań i rozwijaniu uzdolnień matematycznych dzieci
Rola nauczyciela w rozbudzaniu zainteresowań i rozwijaniu uzdolnień matematycznych dzieci
(The teacher’s role in fostering interests and developing an aptitude for mathematics in children)
- Author(s):Karolina Skarbek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:105-119
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:mathematical abilities; primary education; the role of the teacher.
- Summary/Abstract:The initial years of education have a huge impact on the entire school career. First educational experiences can be extremely valuable in developing an aptitude for mathematics. It could be the begin Rola nauczyciela w rozbudzaniu zainteresowań ning of a fascinating intellectual adventure, but it can also contribute to triggering the mechanisms responsible for blocking the mathematical talents. Teachers play an important role in developing mathematical abilities. They should support children in developing cognitive curiosity and courage to ask questions and seek answers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rodzic, uczeń i nauczyciel w przestrzeni szkoły – w poszukiwaniu optymalnych modeli współpracy i współdziałania
Rodzic, uczeń i nauczyciel w przestrzeni szkoły – w poszukiwaniu optymalnych modeli współpracy i współdziałania
(Parents, students, and teachers within the school environment – in search of optimal models of cooperation and collaboration)
- Author(s):Jadwiga Oleksy
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:120-130
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:teacher; parent; collaboration; cooperation.
- Summary/Abstract:The search of optimal models of cooperation with the family environment constitutes an essential element of professional responsibility of many teachers. Awareness of the educational potential of parents increases the teachers’ determination to attempt to incorporate the family environment in school life to a greater degree, the result of which is sharing responsibility for the educational process and its effects. The dynamic structure of the cooperation and collaboration between educators and parents demands constant modification of behaviours as well as reaching for innovative solutions which, through the merging of the forces and socio‑emotional closeness, become the foundation for the development of a partnership based on a readiness to undertake efforts for the common and personal good. However, this task is not easy; focusing on their personal needs, parents and teachers tend to criticise each other more and more, which inevitably results in an atmosphere detrimental to the development of partnership and diminishing to the essence and meaning of education. This article delves into the issue of parental involvement in school life. It also reflects on the exemplary teaching practices resulting in actual implementation of innovative solutions focused on enhanced collaboration and cooperation.
- Price: 4.50 €
O funkcjonowaniu nauczyciela „na starcie” – zarys problemu
O funkcjonowaniu nauczyciela „na starcie” – zarys problemu
(The functioning of the teacher “at the starting line” – an outline of the problem)
- Author(s):Beata Oelszlaeger-Kosturek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:131-142
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:teacher; teaching profession; teacher roles; teacher attitudes; teacher’s characteristics
- Summary/Abstract:The author of this article discusses the difficulties teachers face when taking up work at school. She points to a number of factors which may have an influence on the type of activity shown by newly qualified teachers, on the roles played by them, and on their attitudes and characteristics. Apart from the specifics of the teacher body in a given institution, the author points to errors in the training of pedagogy students at universities and to the wrong attitudes often shown by students of pedagogy – would ‑ be teachers.
- Price: 4.50 €
W poszukiwaniu alternatywnej strategii rozwijania potencjału myślenia i uczenia się dzieci we wczesnej edukacji
W poszukiwaniu alternatywnej strategii rozwijania potencjału myślenia i uczenia się dzieci we wczesnej edukacji
(Searching for an alternative strategy of developing the thinking and learning potential of children in early school education)
- Author(s):Jolanta Maciąg
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:143-154
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:learning; thinking; child; potential; strategy.
- Summary/Abstract:This study constitutes a review of selected opinions and concepts concerning the thinking and learning processes of children in pre‑ school and early school age. The author has made an attempt to draw attention to the need to discuss alternative strategies of developing learning potential and – as a consequence – to create a vision of thinking which is critical and reflection‑ based. The awareness of lifelong learning allows for undertaking unconventional professional actions which encompass developing skills of setting learning goals, place, and time, creating suitable conditions, and perfecting context‑based understanding. Sadly, the discussion on unconventional system transformations concerning early childhood education and teachers’ training is becoming less and less prevalent. This is why this author has carried out an analysis aiming to suggest actions which are implementation‑based (and not merely conceptual) in the area of strengthening the learning potential through the promotion of alternative educational and developmental strategies.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wychowanie ekonomiczne w kontekście kształcenia nauczycieli małego dziecka
Wychowanie ekonomiczne w kontekście kształcenia nauczycieli małego dziecka
(Economic education in the context of training a teacher of a young child)
- Author(s):Renata Raszka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:155-173
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:economic upbringing of the youngest children; opinions of future teachers on the economic upbringing.
- Summary/Abstract:The article highlights the leading role of parents in the economic upbringing of children. The teachers’ important – although supporting – role in the process has also been appreciated. Moreover, the article stresses the necessity of cooperation between kindergarten and elementary education teachers and the family environment in the field of economic education. Teachers should be well prepared for this task. Parents and teachers should be ready to:– conduct competent conversations with children about money and money management;– implement joint projects with children in which they could involve their work in making money, spending, saving, and giving it, and also do some work for the common and other people’s good. In addition, the article presents the results of a survey conducted among students of pedagogy about economic upbringing of the youngest children. The results of that survey are presented, analysed, and interpreted.
- Price: 4.50 €
Koncepcja pracy Szkoły Podstawowej w Pierśćcu oparta na idei regionalizmu przykładem innowacyjnych działań w procesie dydaktyczno‑wychowawczym szkoły
Koncepcja pracy Szkoły Podstawowej w Pierśćcu oparta na idei regionalizmu przykładem innowacyjnych działań
w procesie dydaktyczno‑wychowawczym szkoły
(The work concept of Pierściec primary school based on the idea of regionalism as an example of innovative activities in school education)
- Author(s):Stefania Kewesz, Joanna Radwan‑Kmiecik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:177-190
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:heritage of the region; regional education; values; activating methods; passionate teacher.
- Summary/Abstract:This article brings up the issue of regional education, which is implemented in the concept of school work at Pierściec primary school. It presents the main aims, forms, and methods of regional education, as well as various examples of their use in shaping the regional identity of young people. The article shows the way school clubs and organisations support this process, and gives examples of interesting school events and celebrations arranged according to the school year calendar. The authors try to encourage not only the cooperation between school and local community, but also a more frequent introduction of the presented idea into the reality of modern polish schools.
- Price: 4.50 €
Metoda Hejnego w nauczaniu matematyki. Komunikat z warsztatów
Metoda Hejnego w nauczaniu matematyki. Komunikat z warsztatów
(The Hejny method of teaching mathematics. A report from the workshops)
- Author(s):Darina Jirotková, Anna Kuřík Sukniak, Pavlína Placzková
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:191-200
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Hejny method; substantial learning environment; deep mathematical thought; genetic constructivism; semantic environment – Bus; geometric manipulative environment – Geoboard; arithmetic structural envi
- Summary/Abstract:The paper describes the thematic scope and activities of the workshop held at the conference Innovation in Teaching Practice. Along with a theoretical basis, what is presented are three of more than thirty substantial learning environments. In these environments, pupils build their mathematical knowledge and develop not only mathematical, but also social skills by means of solving tasks and problems, and detecting relationships and patterns. One of the environments is arithmetic and semantic, the second – arithmetic and structural, and the last one – geometric and manipulative. While solving problems, participants could observe the potential of different environments, form tasks of varying difficulty so that they could suit pupils with different dispositions, and escalate them in the long term so as to open and develop deep mathematical ideas. Furthermore, the participants experienced the basic principles Hejny’s method, in which the child comes first and the teacher rather fulfils the role of a guide and moderates classroom discussions.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Socrative Application and Its Use in Primary School
The Socrative Application and Its Use in Primary School
(The Socrative Application and Its Use in Primary School)
- Author(s):Ondřej Šimik
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:201-213
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Socrative; ICT learning; testing; quiz; primary school; evaluation.
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents the Socrative application; which was developed for the purpose of creating tests (quizzes) for students. The teacher can monitor the answers of students online and save time during test corrections. It makes it possible for students to engage in interactive learning; but also supports the involvement of less courageous students; who tend not to respond to the teacher’s questions in front of the class. In a time when information and communication technologies are being developed; this free application can aid in the modernisation and effectiveness of learning; motivate students to learn; and serve as a means of involving the students who cannot physically be at school. The article presents various functions of this application and identifies the possibilities of its use in primary school.
- Price: 4.50 €
Twórcze rozwiązywanie problemów na przykładzie programów: Odyseja Umysłu i Destination Imagination
Twórcze rozwiązywanie problemów na przykładzie programów: Odyseja Umysłu i Destination Imagination
(Creative problem solving – the examples of Odyssey of the Mind and Destination Imagination)
- Author(s):Magdalena Christ
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:214-223
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:creativity; children and youth; Odyssey of the Mind; Destination Imagination
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this text is to set forth innovative ideas for developing creativity and troubleshooting skills in an unconventional way. Programmes encouraging children and teens to develop their creative potential are the sources of inspiration for educational – and other – institutions. Among such programmes; those worth mentioning are Odyssey of Mind and Destination Imagination. They are both international competitions in which also Polish children and teens are successful. The article presents the postulates of these programmes and some thoughts on them presented by experts in the area of creativity; as well as their past participants. It also describes a series of experiences of trainers leading the students’ team from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Silesia in Katowice taking part in Odyssey of the Mind.
- Price: 4.50 €
O możliwości wykorzystania w edukacji heurystycznych walorów dowcipu językowego
O możliwości wykorzystania w edukacji heurystycznych walorów dowcipu językowego
(On the applicability of heuristic values of linguistic humour in education)
- Author(s):Jolanta Krzyżewska, Wiesława Orszulik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:224-238
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:linguistic humour; humour; pedagogical innovativeness; heuristic principles; creative education; verbal joke.
- Summary/Abstract:Humour at school is one of the factors that shape positive relations within the most important communities – of learners and teachers – and between them. Humour itself generates an appropriate atmosphere for creative education and constitutes an integral element of the structure of each creative process. Applied in various stages of its course; humour allows for obtaining interesting solutions to untypical tasks which cannot be solved with the help of algorithms. What seems to be particularly interesting in this context is the version of humour which expert literature calls linguistic humour or verbal joke. It makes it possible to reformulate the problem in such a way that the task can be solved in an indirect way. The frequently insufficient data are broadened and completed with some supplementary information. Seemingly; these data do not concern the particular problem – yet; as an effect of creative intellectual operations and heuristic principles; they can be transformed into interesting and cognitively valuable solutions to the problem. The application of the creative potential of verbal games in education may have an additional advantage of universal strategies; allowing for the use of non‑ specific transfer. This makes it possible to transfer the principles of using verbal humour to many problem situations in various educational subjects.
- Price: 4.50 €
Żywotność edukacji chrześcijańskiej w ponowoczesności
Żywotność edukacji chrześcijańskiej w ponowoczesności
(Validity of Christian education in postmodernity)
- Author(s):Izabela Stelmasiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:239-248
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:education; personalism; Christian education; Christian schools.
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to present the unchanging validity of Christian education in the postmodern reality. The author describes the foundations and objectives of the abovementioned educational offer in the context of value‑ centred upbringing. In this respect; the family circle is responsible for important tasks as it is family that – to the largest extent – protects and transmits (intergenerational) values and Christian traditions. It also constitutes the base of experiences connected with creating and participating in relations. The student’s relation with the teacher is a specific continuation of those experiences. Basing the education upon Christian values (the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ) is a guarantee of a proper educational process that leads to forming a person who is competent in the cognitive sphere and possesses numerous positive attributes in the moral and spiritual dimension.
- Price: 4.50 €