Zwierzę – Język – Emocje. Dyskursy i narracje
Animal - Language - Emotions. Discourses and narratives
Contributor(s): Marzena Kubisz (Editor), Justyna Tymieniecka-Suchanek (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Series: Studia literackie
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3199-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3198-0
- Page Count: 236
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English, Russian, Polish
Emocje i etyka, czyli co łączy mnie ze zwierzętami
Emocje i etyka, czyli co łączy mnie ze zwierzętami
(Emotions and Ethics or What I Have in Common with Animals)
- Author(s):Piotr Skubała
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:15-24
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:emotions; morality; animals; symbiosis; science
- Summary/Abstract:Modern scientific research in the field of evolutionary biology, cognitive ethology and social neuroscience clearly shows that many animals have rich emotional lives. For a long time we ignored the presence of empathy and compassion in other animals. One reason for this was the fear of anthropomorphism, which inhibited research on animal emotionality. The second reason is one‑sided, false picture of the natural world shown as a site of constant fight rather than symbiotic relationships. The opinion in which symbiosis is a typical phenomenon of fundamental importance in nature is making its way in science today. The study of ecosystems suggests that the relationships between living organisms are mostly based on the principle of cooperation and coexistence. We have more and more evidence that our morality is the heritage of our non‑human ancestors. Morality is the key to survival. We should look for tips for making ethical decisions regarding nature and animals in the knowledge that we have about the emotional life of animals and the functioning of nature and the role individual species play in it. Reliable science can and should take into account ethical considerations. The scientist should be guided by scientific knowledge as well as emotions and ethics, gifts that we have received from the animals.
- Price: 4.50 €
Relacja człowiek – zwierzę w paradygmacie biocentrycznym
Relacja człowiek – zwierzę w paradygmacie biocentrycznym
(The Relation Between a Human and an Animal in the Biocentric Paradigm)
- Author(s):Mirosław Twardowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Library and Information Science
- Page Range:25-32
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:biocentrism; paradigm; anti‑anthropocentrism; internal value;environmental ethics;
- Summary/Abstract:There are numerous, often mutually exclusive, stands in biocentrism. One of breakdown criteria is the scope of classes of natural objects, which has to be assigned an autonomic (internal) value extending beyond instrumental values which they have for others. In accordance with the traditional anthropocentric paradigm, only human beings have autonomic value so only they are entitled to moral status since only they have characteristics which condition it, such as freedom, responsibility, mindfulness. Biocentric stands, on the other hand, assign responsibility to everything which is alive. Therefore, the supporters of biocentrism believe that all living being deserve a social status. The majority of them is differentiated by their moral value, which degrades them, depending on the organizational level.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zwierzę – Derrida – przekład. Poza posthumanizm
Zwierzę – Derrida – przekład. Poza posthumanizm
(The Derridean Animal and the Problem of Translation Beyond Posthumanism)
- Author(s):Michał Krzykawski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:33-51
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Jacques Derrida; animal; translation; autobiography; French theory;animal rights;
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with the place of the animal in Jacques Derrida’s philosophy in the context of translation. The perspective of translation in regard to the French philosopher seems to be articularly relevant, since his thought in its institutionalised shape is largely a product of American translation which was transferred to the discourse of Polish humanities. In my reading I intent to oppose Derrida’s autobiographical animal to the so called posthumanist turn which is, I argue a theoretical cul‑de‑sac.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Pojedziemy na łów…” Polowania a przemoc symboliczna
„Pojedziemy na łów…” Polowania a przemoc symboliczna
(“A hunting we will go…” Hunting in the Context of Symbolic Violence)
- Author(s):Dobrosława Wężowicz‑Ziółkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:53-65
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:hunting; symbolic violence; cultural reproduction; habitus;masculine dominance;
- Summary/Abstract:The text examines the issue of hunting and its endurance in the context of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic violence. The author proposes that democratic society’s current consent on ruthless and unnecessary killings of animals in the wilderness is a result of the dominance of masculine narratives and grand aristocratic narrative, which has been shaping the cultural heritage for centuries, constructing the role of the noble hunter. As a result of symbolic violence, this image is subconsciously validated and aesthetisized, whereas actual suffering of animals killed during the hunting is absent from the system of meanings constructed by the hunters’ narrative and rejected by its inheritors. The suffering of animals has not been represented in the cultural capital of the dominant group, whose aim was to promote the triumph of the hunter, not individual subjective pain of the killed animal. The article as well opens a discussion concerning hunting in the context of Rene Girard’s theory of the mimetic desire and Richard Dawkins’ memetic theory, underlining the necessity to consider hunting in a perspective broader that the one offered by Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic violence.
- Price: 4.50 €
Тема охоты в публицистических выступлениях Виктора Астафьева
Тема охоты в публицистических выступлениях Виктора Астафьева
(The Theme of Hunting in Opinion Journalism of Viktor Astafyev)
- Author(s):Iwona Zdanowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:67-83
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Viktor Astafyev; journalistic writing; hunting; animal; animal protection;nature;
- Summary/Abstract:Cruelty towards animals is most openly discussed in opinion journalism which often condemns hunting and calls for respect for non‑human beings. This article examines the theme of hunting in opinion journalism of a Russian writer Viktor Astafyev. In his essays Astafyev emphasizes a fundamental difference between hunting as a necessity (for taiga residents hunting is a means of survival), and poaching. It is also worth noting that for Astafyev hunting is something that gives a sense of unity of man and nature. In the essay Осенью на вырубке (In the autumn on the logging, 1974) the protagonist and his friend embark on a hunt but soon he finds that trophies are of no value to him and do not provide satisfaction. The greatest pleasure is in the opportunity to commune with nature. In the essay Разговор со старым ружьeм ( Conversation with an old shotgun, 1997) Astafyev already at the outset describes hunting as “wandering with a shotgun” („таскаться с ружьeм”), which clearly defines his attitude to hunting. The writer introduces in the text many humorous parables that intensify ridiculousness of situations that the protagonist finds himself in. The purpose: the funnier and more absurdly the „hunter” looks, the nobler and wiser the nature is in the eyes of the reader.
- Price: 4.50 €
“I thought he was dumb / […] Yet I’ve heard him cry” (D.H. Lawrence, Tortoise Shout). O ludzko‑zwierzęcych emocjach w dyskursie religijnym
“I thought he was dumb / […] Yet I’ve heard him cry” (D.H. Lawrence, Tortoise Shout). O ludzko‑zwierzęcych emocjach w dyskursie religijnym
(“I thought he was dumb / […] Yet I’ve heard him cry” (D.H. Lawrence, Tortoise Shout). On Human‑Animal Emotions in the Religious Discourse)
- Author(s):Alina Mitek‑Dziemba
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:85-103
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:animal theology; Judaism; ritual slaughter; sacrifice; animal suffering; animal emotions
- Summary/Abstract:The article aims to confront the question of emotions triggered by an ever more noticeable presence of animals in the religious and theological discourse (mostly Christian and Jewish one), as well as the topic of animal emotions, including, first and foremost, animal suffering, as it is represented in religious thinking and made part of everyday living by people of various religious beliefs. An important point of reference is the ongoing discussion on religious slaughter which involves both the religious views and habits of the followers of Judaism and Islam, and those of their Christian opponents, supposedly superior in terms of their enlightened attitudes. The analysis undertaken in the article concerns not only the affective elements of this all‑too‑human debate, but also its impact on the actual position of animals that are made to suffer and put to death, as well as the ongoing campaign for the religious recognition of animal suffering and sacrifice (Andrew Linzey, Aaron S. Gross). The main theme of the article is introduced by the poetic reflection on the dramatic imagery and striking formulations of David Herbert Lawrence’s poem Tortoise Shout, which ponders on the idea of animal emotion and communication in order to sketch a broad vision of human‑animal community grounded in spiritual and sacral experience.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Probówki z nogami” – historyczne i filozoficzne podstawy doświadczeń na zwierzętach a obecne regulacje prawne w tym zakresie
„Probówki z nogami” – historyczne i filozoficzne podstawy doświadczeń na zwierzętach a obecne regulacje prawne w tym zakresie
(“The tubes with their feet” – Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Animal Experimentation and Current Regulations in This Area)
- Author(s):Justyna Knosała
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:105-115
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:experiments on animals; animal rights; ethics of scientific research; animal protection; experimental animals
- Summary/Abstract:The beginnings of research on animals date back to ancient precursors of science and medicine. In the history of vivisection the most significant were representatives of 19th century French science such as physiologist Francois Magendie who became famous with the public exposure of dogs nervous system by nailing them to the tables. Such experiments were always excused by philosophers: Descartes, Kant and others. Now, thanks to new legal solutions animal experimentation is more restricted and controlled. This text is an attempt to systematize the history of experiments on animals and to confront them with the present state of animal protection used for experiments.
- Price: 4.50 €
Standardy traktowania zwierząt w kontekście ich odejścia
Standardy traktowania zwierząt w kontekście ich odejścia
(Standards of Animal Welfare in the Context of Animal Death)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Ramisz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:117-127
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:animal welfare; animal death; euthanasia; slaughter;animal rights;
- Summary/Abstract:Animals are being constantly killed by humans, be it in the form of euthanasia – as it is in the case of pets and, increasingly, horses – or slaughter of livestock, which is a part of the food chain with people at its top. A dramatic dichotomy between the two approaches to these groups of animals is striking. Pets are usually treated as family members and their passing away involves feelings of sadness or even grief equal to the experience of losing a close relative. However, we do not stop to ponder the death of animals belonging to the second group. Nowadays, the recognition of their fate seems fundamental for our civilization to reach a higher level of development and, consequently, to change our awareness and create an environment kinder to people and animals alike.
- Price: 4.50 €
Bestia nie z tego świata? Znieczłowieczenie i od‑zwierzęcenie na przykładzie dwóch opowieści późnowiktoriańskich: Zielona herbata i Pies Baskerville’ów
Bestia nie z tego świata? Znieczłowieczenie i od‑zwierzęcenie na przykładzie dwóch opowieści późnowiktoriańskich: Zielona herbata i Pies Baskerville’ów
(A Beast from Another World? The Abhuman and the Ab‑animal in Two Late‑Victorian Tales: Green Tea and The Hound of the Baskervilles)
- Author(s):Jacek Mydla
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:131-141
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Gothic fiction; terror and horror; mystery; Sheridan Le Fanu; the abhuman; the ab-animal
- Summary/Abstract:The article treats of the animal as a literary motif characteristic of late‑Victorian English Gothic fiction. In this period animal‑like entities are used as sources of terrors, replacing in this function the traditional early‑Gothic spectres and ghosts, real or imaginary. Close analysis has been given to two novellas which represent the mystery and terror genre: “Green Tea” by Sheridan Le Fanu and The Hound of the Baskervilles by sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The focus rests on modes of demonization (“gothicisation”) of the animal; the broader cultural and philosophical context has been taken into account as well, due to the special prominence of the distinction between the human and the animal. In addition to the idea of abhumanness as it functions in recent literary criticism, the article proposes the complementary notion of ab‑animality.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Niewypowiedziana strata” Śmierć zwierząt towarzyszących we współczesnej amerykańskiej memuarystyce
„Niewypowiedziana strata” Śmierć zwierząt towarzyszących we współczesnej amerykańskiej memuarystyce
(“Unspeakable Loss:” The Death of Companion Animals in Contemporary American Dog Memoirs)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Rutkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:143-150
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:dogs; American dog memoirs; companion animal’s death; mourning;ageing;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the present article is to compare emotional responses to a dog’s death in American dog memoirs, treated as a subgenre of relational life writing. For companion animals’ guardians, the loss of a beloved dog is comparable to that of a close relative. It often affects them deeply and is followed by a period of intense mourning which manifests the strength of the dog‑human bond. A tendency to blur the human‑animal boundary is visible in some cultural practices connected with animal ageing and death (funeral ceremonies, belief in animal soul and afterlife). The ageing, infirm animals often function as remainders of transience and mortality. The death of a dog serves as a conclusion to the story of shared life. If the loss is then managed properly during the period of mourning it enables the guardian to begin a new life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zofii Nałkowskiej „upodobanie do myszy” Z dziejów pewnego motywu*
Zofii Nałkowskiej „upodobanie do myszy” Z dziejów pewnego motywu*
(Zofia Nałkowska’s “soft spot for mice” The History of a Motif)
- Author(s):Piotr Krupiński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:151-167
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Nałkowska’s writing; Animal symbolism (mice as a literary motif); Animal studies; Polish literature and the Holocaust
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the proposed study are the writings of Zofia Nałkowska. The author of the article selects only one motif out of the vast body of work written by this outstanding modernist – those scenes which present mice in various configurations – and attempts to discuss the whole oeuvre of Nałkowska’s through the prism of the mouse motif. The objective of this analysis, inspired primarily by New Humanism and animal studies, is to demonstrate that animal symbolism constitutes a secret “code” for Nałkowska. Through this motif, the novelist presents what is human in the categories of what is animalistic. The particular space of human‑animal connection, according to Nałkowska, is pain and fear of death.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kossak, Tokarczuk, Colette W poszukiwaniu ciała i języka zwierząt
Kossak, Tokarczuk, Colette W poszukiwaniu ciała i języka zwierząt
(Zofia Nałkowska’s “soft spot for mice” The History of a Motif)
- Author(s):Ewelina Waląg
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:169-177
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:feminist attitude; animals; entity; language;freedom;
- Summary/Abstract:The contemporaneity of Simona Kossak (who died in 2007) and Olga Tokarczuk is separated from the times when Sidonie Gabrielle Colette lived by many social, ideological, political and cultural changes. Yet what the literary works of the two novelists (Tokarczuk and Colette) and a scientist and nature protection activist (Kossak) have in common is that they challenge specisism which attributes priority to human species. The paper examines the ways of speaking about animals and the attitudes towards them which are to be found in their works.
- Price: 4.50 €
Obrazy zwierząt i towarzyszące im emocje w antologii poetyckiej Roberta Stillera pt. Strofy o zwierzętach
Obrazy zwierząt i towarzyszące im emocje w antologii poetyckiej Roberta Stillera pt. Strofy o zwierzętach
(Images of Animals and Emotions Connected with Them in the Collection of Poems The Stanzas about Animals by Robert Stiller)
- Contributor(s):Marcin Czerwiński (Editor)
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:179-192
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:animal fable; modern lyric; empathy; affective science; creative egocentricity
- Summary/Abstract:In the article I analyze the anthology of poems titled Stanzas about Animals edited by an eminent Polish translator and poet Robert Stiller, published in Poland in 1982. I focus on the composition of the collection, the order of poems, the selection of authors and examine the main ways of the presentation of selected species of animals in the book. I propose to look at Stillers’s anthology as a pioneering act in Poland – even though purely intuitive – of an introduction of the main assumptions of animal studies which started to develop in Western humanities. The paper brings interpretations of selected poems of the anthology in the contexts of emotions they produce – both towards animal and human protagonists. The aim of the analysis is to show that the poems – diverse in terms of animal images and emotional value – demonstrate in a mimetic way relations between people and animals in Western culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Животное в художественном мире новейшей русской литературы
Животное в художественном мире новейшей русской литературы
(Animal in the Artistic World of Modern Russian Literature)
- Author(s):Alfia Smirnova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:193-208
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:animal; nature; prose; zoomorphism;symbol;
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes the works of Russian literature of the twentieth century in which the animal has a central position and determines the author’s artistic concept (The Cow by Andrei Platonov, Farewell, Gulsary, The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years, Scaffold by Chingiz Aitmatov, King‑fish by Victor Astaf’ev, Rabbits and Boa Constrictors by Fazil Iskander, The Squirrel by Anatoly Kim). The article defines the meaning‑generating and poetic function of their images. It identifies the main aspects of their interpretation: the animal as a victim of the human actions, animal as an alter ego of a principal character, as a symbol of nature, as mythopoetical, conventionally metaphorical, allegorical image.
- Price: 4.50 €
Образы животных в контексте разговора о жизни (на материале произведений Светланы Василенко)
Образы животных в контексте разговора о жизни (на материале произведений Светланы Василенко)
(Animal Characters in the Context of Talks about Life (based on the prose by Svetlana Vasilenko))
- Author(s):Olʹga Gavrilina
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:209-218
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:ground squirrel; butterfly; dragonfly; horse; came;, gender studies;animal studies;
- Summary/Abstract:Animal images in the works of Svetlana Vasilenko are usually considered either in the context of apocalypse or feminist and eco‑feminist perspectives. In this article works such as the novel Durochka (Little Fool), the short story Gen smerti, short novels Babochka (Butterfly) and Suslik (Ground squirrel) are taken into consideration and the representations of ground squirrel, butterfly, dragonfly, horse and camel are analysed to suggest one more possible frame of interpretation – the animalistic one. The characters listed above are a part of a discourse about life and death; they are connected not only with the life of a human being (as it is often considered), but also as living creatures that have their own life. The character of a ground squirrel appears when the Judgment Day is discussed: a ground squirrel, dead or alive, becomes a symbol of peace and true life. It seems to be the only character able to be sincerely glad that life continues. A butterfly and dragonfly are connected with the feeling of involvement to something greater than a personal life of every human, while a horse and a camel help to reconsider old traditions of depicting hero‑assistant: a camel, unlike heroic horse in Russian folk tales, does not need to be restrained. It is only enough to give a camel free reins and it will appear at a good hour. In some cases the episodes of interaction of a man and an animal are marked by a symbolic break – the animal leaves (but it does not die) and continues its own life (not represented in the texts), leaving the human alone.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mięsność człowieka‑zwierzęcia – na wybranych przykładach spektakli teatralnych
Mięsność człowieka‑zwierzęcia – na wybranych przykładach spektakli teatralnych
(Meatiness of Human‑Animal – On Selected Examples of Theatrical Performances)
- Author(s):Monika Błaszczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:219-230
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:meatiness; animalit;, anthropomorphism; zoomorphism; post‑humanism
- Summary/Abstract:Reflections on the mutual relations of human beings and animals presented in this paper refer to theatrical performances which are dominated by post‑humanistic way of thinking, according to which human beings are no longer the superior entities on top of or even above the world of nature, but they are just one of its components. Creators of these performances are asking tough questions about the border between human being and animal, especially about the subjectivity of animal in the context of human subjectivity. Human meatiness, understood as human involvement in their own corporeality, animality, zoe is a theme which is repeatedly used by creators of culture. Human beings are subject to zoomorphism, becoming similar to animals in their behaviour, sounds made by them, emotions, and they are treated as meat as well – food for other humans‑animals. One of the interesting approaches to this subject is the Uczta [Feast] performance by Poznan “Republika Usta Usta” theatrical group. But the animal is also subject to anthropomorphisation, and this procedure becomes not a sublimation and subjectification but, paradoxically, humiliation and objectification, as is the case in the Folwark [Farm] performance by the “Srebrna Góra” Theatre. Where is the border between human being and animal? What is the subjectivity of animal in the context of human subjectivity? This paper is an attempt to answer these questions.
- Price: 4.50 €