Turkish Migration 2016 Selected Papers
Turkish Migration 2016 Selected Papers
Contributor(s): Deniz Eroğlu (Editor), Jeffrey H. Cohen (Editor), Ibrahim Sirkeci (Editor)
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Economy, Gender Studies, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Media studies, Geography, Regional studies, Civil Law, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Communication studies, Sociology, Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Higher Education , Evaluation research, Demography and human biology, Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research, EU-Legislation, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: Turkey; Germany; Somalia; migrations; internal migration; minorities; external migration; laws and rights; language and culture; EU accession; economy; labor relation; higher education; Alevi;
Summary/Abstract: Turkish Migration 2016 - Selected Papers - Compiled by Deniz Eroglu, Jeffrey H. Cohen, Ibrahim Sirkeci offers a selection of papers presented at the Migration Conference 2016 held in Vienna, Austria. The pieces collected here are just a sample of the work that was presented at the 2016 Turkish Migration conference. Our meeting, the 4th symposium on Turkish migration, brought together scholars from around the globe to share their research and debate mobility. As in our earlier symposia, we explored demography, sociology, culture and art as they are related to mobility. New this year was an increasing awareness of the “return” of Turks to Turkey from Germany, the challenges faced by Syrian refugees who have settled in Turkey or are passing through the country on their way to Europe as well as issues facing Kurdish minorities, Roma and other minority groups living in or transiting through Turkey. This collection is challenged by two competing poles. One pole is centered in xenophobic nationalism. Around this pole, migrants and refugees are described as criminals, religious fanatics and “moochers" who challenge the working class and the freedoms that come with life in the West. The second pole laments the insecurity that migrants and refugees face. Around this pole, movers are described as victims who lack so much at home. In this example, migrants and refugees are moving because there are no jobs and few prospects for work; civil liberties are proscribed and banned in the face of state imposed limits and there are no opportunities to strike out on a unique path to the future. Complicating both poles is the 24-hour news cycle that denies us the opportunity to understand and analyze. Instead, we are forced to pick one pole or the other. In either case, the outcome dehumanizes the mover, signals their pathos and emphasizes why they are different.
Series: Migration Series
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-910781-28-9
- Page Count: 333
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: English
Is a Refugee a Refugee Everywhere? A Comparative Study between Turkish, Italian and Brazilian Law
Is a Refugee a Refugee Everywhere? A Comparative Study between Turkish, Italian and Brazilian Law
(Is a Refugee a Refugee Everywhere? A Comparative Study between Turkish, Italian and Brazilian Law)
- Author(s):Ülkü Sezgi Sözen, Annalisa Morticelli, Emília Castro
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Civil Law, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Migration Studies
- Page Range:6-14
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; refugee; Italy; Brasil; law; international law; Geneva convention; comparative law;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims at discussing, analyzing and comparing the definition of the term refugee to reflect upon the terminology enshrined by 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugee Status and its application on the globalized world. Firstly, it presents an overview of international refugee law, focusing on the above-mentioned Geneva Convention, which is the pioneer international instrument for the protection and welcoming of refugees. Secondly, there will be a legal analysis of Turkish, Italian and Brazilian Refugee Law. These national laws (which also comprise the definitions of the Geneva Convention) are used as comparative standards in order to suggest some improvements to refugee law matters, especially to the definition of the refugee status. These three completely different approaches derived from the refugee law of these countries help us reach our goal, which is not only to suggest some changes for International Refugee Law, calling the Geneva Convention into question, but also to reflect upon the ratio of the refugee status and on the granting or withdrawing of this status. In this work, the hermeneutic method will be used together with a comparative law approach.
- Price: 4.50 €
Working Rights for Refugees: A Comparison of the Turkish and the Australian Models in Achieving Humanitarian and Labour Objectives
Working Rights for Refugees: A Comparison of the Turkish and the Australian Models in Achieving Humanitarian and Labour Objectives
(Working Rights for Refugees: A Comparison of the Turkish and the Australian Models in Achieving Humanitarian and Labour Objectives)
- Author(s):Rodger Fernandez, Ali Zafer Sağıroğlu, Sherene Özyürek
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Labor relations, Migration Studies
- Page Range:15-25
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; refugees; Austria; humanitarian and labor objectives; working rights;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper begins with a quantitative analysis of the changes in refugee’s situation over the past 15 years with a discussion on major refugee holding countries. Then a specific quantitative analysis of the role of Australia and Turkey’s history of accepting and resettling refugees will be explored. This is of particular interest as it will demonstrate that three modulating factors, namely, the historical background of the host country, its proximity to troubled regions and its political environment, could have contributed to the changing roles of both countries in resettlement of refugees over the past 15 years. Subsequently, a comparative analysis approach encompassing a qualitative analysis will be used to compare new laws adopted by both countries to provide working rights for refugees, namely Turkey’s Regulation on Work Permit of Refugees under Temporary Protection in January 2016, and Australia’s adoption of Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) in July 2015. Both Australia and Turkey’s introduction of their respective law whilst only provides temporary protection does extend the current rights to provide working rights.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Impact of Mass Migrations on Immigration Policy of Turkey
The Impact of Mass Migrations on Immigration Policy of Turkey
(The Impact of Mass Migrations on Immigration Policy of Turkey)
- Author(s):Özlen Çelebi, Özlem Pehlivan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Geography, Regional studies, Civil Law, International Law, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Migration Studies
- Page Range:26-30
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Turkey; migrations; immigration policy; institutions; laws and directives;
- Summary/Abstract:Turkey is believed to pursue a nation building process with migrations since it was established. There is consensus in the literature on this. On the other hand, migration flows have always occurred in/through Anatolia, where Turkey is located, due to its geographical location. However, Turkey has tried to manage migration influxes with separate laws and directives. But, mass influxes have induced Turkey to make a comprehensive legislation changes and eventually to establish necessary institutions to implement those new regulations. In this study, Turkish laws, regulations and directives managing migration to Turkey and existing institutions/institutional structures are examined.
- Price: 4.50 €
European Union’s Irregular Migration “Paradox”: The Case of EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement
European Union’s Irregular Migration “Paradox”: The Case of EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement
(European Union’s Irregular Migration “Paradox”: The Case of EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement)
- Author(s):Yeliz Yazan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International Law, International relations/trade, Migration Studies, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:31-38
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:EU; migration; Turkey; readmission agreement; migration policy;
- Summary/Abstract:European open door migration policy which began in the process of economic construction of Europe at the end of World War II was effectively ended during the 1973 Oil Crisis. The closure of the doors has triggered irregular migration towards Europe. Irregular migration has been accelerated by the end of cold War. It is noteworthy that migration has been politicized and has become high political issue in terms of national interests.
- Price: 4.50 €
Displaced People and Right to Evacuation
Displaced People and Right to Evacuation
(Displaced People and Right to Evacuation)
- Author(s):Gökhan Akgün
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Studies in violence and power, Migration Studies
- Page Range:39-45
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; displaces people; evacuation; rights; forced migration;
- Summary/Abstract:There are some man-made problems such as civil conflicts, wars and environmental problems such as global warming, water-food scarcity in many parts of the world. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Agency (UNHCR) Global Trends Report (2015, 18 June), at least 15 clashes have erupted or re-fueled in the last five years: eight of which in Africa (Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Libya, Mali, Northeastern Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan and Burundi), three of which in Middle East (Syria, Iraq and Yemen), one of which in Europe (Ukraine) and three of which in Asia (Kyrgyzstan and in many parts of Myanmar and Pakistan). As a result of events that are similar to these situations, many people are forced to leave their homes but some of those people can’t do this. In such cases, these people should evacuate to safe locations. In this study, in order to clarify the status of displaced people and explain the importance of the right to evacuation; the problems especially man-made lead to displacement, the effect of these problems to the right to evacuation, displaced people and the fact that people must have right to evacuation as well as the right to life are addressed by reviewing literature and creating a model about who will carry out the evacuation operations. Furthermore, the right to evacuation is handled within the context of international law and domestic laws of Turkey and the United States of America (USA).
- Price: 4.50 €
Deportation of Foreigners in Turkey: What Has Changed After the Law On Foreigners and International Protection and the Creation of the Directorate General of Migration Management? Evidence from Kocaeli
Deportation of Foreigners in Turkey: What Has Changed After the Law On Foreigners and International Protection and the Creation of the Directorate General of Migration Management? Evidence from Kocaeli
(Deportation of Foreigners in Turkey: What Has Changed After the Law On Foreigners and International Protection and the Creation of the Directorate General of Migration Management? Evidence from Kocaeli)
- Author(s):Ali Haydar Soysüren, Kuvvet Lordoğlu, İbrahim Soysüren
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Civil Law, International Law, Security and defense, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Migration Studies
- Page Range:46-53
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; deportation of foreigners; law; policy; international protection; Kocaeli;
- Summary/Abstract:Historically, the deportation of foreigners has been considered as an indispensable tool by the nation states firstly for the construction of their “imagined communities” (Anderson, 2006) and then for the implementation of their migration policies. In this regard, Turkey has not been an exception. As it is rapidly trasnforming into a country of immigration, the deportation of foreigners has become an essential tool of this country’s immigration policies .
- Price: 4.50 €
Emigration Policy in the PostConstitutional Period (1908-1914)
Emigration Policy in the PostConstitutional Period (1908-1914)
(Emigration Policy in the PostConstitutional Period (1908-1914))
- Author(s):Meryem Günaydın
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), The Ottoman Empire, Migration Studies
- Page Range:54-64
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; emigration policy; postConstitutional period; 20th century; Ottoman empire;
- Summary/Abstract:The emigration from the Ottoman Empire to America from the 1820s to 1914 became a long-time matter with a history of about 80-90 years. Immigration to America from Anatolia, Rumelia, and the Arab provinces continued intensely from the last 30-35 years of the Ottoman Empire. In the period after the proclamation of the Second Constitution, not only wealthy and skilled artisans and craftsmen but also unskilled workers and peasants’ participation in this immigration. The immigration movements to America occurred in groups of 3-4 people or 5-10 people. A mass immigration was out of question. It took place on a voluntary basis. Apart from various reasons according to the information revealed in the archive documents and memoirs, these immigrations usually occurred due to economic conditions and forcing factor brought about by the military obligation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Cross-Border Lives in The Eyes of the Children: A Qualitative Study
Cross-Border Lives in The Eyes of the Children: A Qualitative Study
(Cross-Border Lives in The Eyes of the Children: A Qualitative Study)
- Author(s):Ezgi Arslan, Tuba Yüceer Kardeş
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Military history, Recent History (1900 till today), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:66-72
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; cross-border lives; children; Somalian people; civil war;
- Summary/Abstract:Civil war in the countries and forced migration of local community, adverse effects brought about by the war and adaptation problems in the countries migrated to affect physical, psychological, social, economic and cultural developments of the individuals at all ecological levels. When all such unfavorable effects are considered, the age, gender and other characteristics of an individual cause level of the impact of the migration and war on the individual to increase. The individuals who essentially need to be protected from the war and migration are the women, children and elderly people.
- Price: 4.50 €
Peace Journalism or War Journalism: Representation of Refugees in Turkish Media
Peace Journalism or War Journalism: Representation of Refugees in Turkish Media
(Peace Journalism or War Journalism: Representation of Refugees in Turkish Media)
- Author(s):Arda Umut Saygın
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Media studies, Geography, Regional studies, Communication studies, Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:73-79
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; refugees; media; peace; war; journalism;
- Summary/Abstract:Brutal conflicts in Middle-East and Africa has created a huge flow of migration to other countries which actually cause for Europe a serious refugee crisis since the II World War. In this process, due to its geographical region Turkey has become an important destination by refugees both for living in it and for using it as a transit point. Therefore, Turkish public is now familiar with the refugee issue because Turkey is hosting almost 3 million Syrian refugees, according to UN data (http://data.unhcr.org/ syrianrefugees/regional.php). By living in the same environment, refugees sometimes may face relatively little hostility and experience otherness in the public. On the other hand, there is also feeling in Turkish public which shows their philosophy of brotherhood that they have to accept the refugees in their lives because of the same cultural, religious and historical heritage. However, while it is possible to come across media contents about refugees almost every day, the mass media imposes a very dangerous picture about refugees. In the media, refugees mostly are seen as a problem, are shown with attention to the racist and intolerant events, and are not viewed with their painful living conditions. All these unfriendly approaches of mediaand its conflict orientation are the indicators of war journalism actually.
- Price: 4.50 €
Contextualizing Refugee NGOs in Izmir
Contextualizing Refugee NGOs in Izmir
(Contextualizing Refugee NGOs in Izmir)
- Author(s):Denise Tan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Civil Society, Migration Studies
- Page Range:80-86
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; Izmir; NGO; migration; refugees; humanitarian aid;
- Summary/Abstract:Izmir became popular throughout the last few years as one of Turkey’s refugee hotspots. Located next to several Greek islands hundreds of thousand refugees entered the metropolis in search for smugglers, who would organise their refuge across the Mediterranean Sea. According to UNHCR, over 350 000 refugees have arrived at Greek islands next to Izmir’s coast during September and October 2015, when I collected the ethnographic material for this study (UNHCR, n.d.). Thus, over three hundred thousand people must have transited the city within these two months alone. However, this number doesn’t include all those refugees, who have settled in Izmir or who are somehow stuck there. In autumn 2015, refugee NGOs estimated this number between 67,000 to 100,000 and counting. Most of these refugees were not registered, living on the streets in Basmane or in substandard flats or rooms in different districts around the city. While state or city authorities seemed to be overtaxed in regard to these large numbers of refugees, more and more associations which can be classified as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) emerged starting to work on the issue of immigrants and refugees. NGOs are recognized as civil society actors per excellence, which act within the sphere between the household and the state (Akkaya, 2012, p. 59). Though, what are these partly new established civil society associations actually doing on the ground and in interaction with refugees? How can these NGO practices be situated within refugees’ daily needs and struggles? Furthermore, what other support systems are helping refugees to organize their new lives in their host country?
- Price: 4.50 €
Gentrification in Istanbul and its (In)adequate Mediation of “Distant” Suffering - a Documentary Analysis
Gentrification in Istanbul and its (In)adequate Mediation of “Distant” Suffering - a Documentary Analysis
(Gentrification in Istanbul and its (In)adequate Mediation of “Distant” Suffering - a Documentary Analysis)
- Author(s):Isabelle Mariacher
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Media studies, Geography, Regional studies, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Communication studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:87-93
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; gentrification; Istanbul; documentary analysis; media; property rights; gender;
- Summary/Abstract:Istanbul was once home to various ethnic and religious minorities, such as Armenians, Greeks, Roma, Jews and others. The population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923, the wealth tax in 1942, the Istanbul riots in 1955 and the Armenian Genocide during and after World War I played an important part in the migration processes of Jews, Armenians, Greeks and other minority groups (Sakizlioglu and Uitermark, 2014; Powell, 2014; Kreiser and Neumann, 2006). Several sources verify that the gentrification processes in some areas of Istanbul have their roots exactly in these migration patterns (Ergün, 2004; Islam et al., 2010; Sakizlioglu and Uitermark, 2014). The term migration, of course, is problematic in this context, because it “tends to obscure the fact that our firms and government agencies, and those of our allies, may have contributed to expulsions” (Sassen, 2013, p.1). Saskia Sassen (2015) detects a proliferation of urban transformations in big cities around the world and Sakizlioglu and Uitermark (2014), as well as Islam et al. (2010) even confirm an accelerated urban transformation for Istanbul.
- Price: 4.50 €
Attitudes of Tradesmen Towards Somalian Asylum Seekers
Attitudes of Tradesmen Towards Somalian Asylum Seekers
(Attitudes of Tradesmen Towards Somalian Asylum Seekers)
- Author(s):Veli Duyan, Tuba Yüceer Kardeş, Münevver Göker
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Labor relations, Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:94-101
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Turkey; Somalia; migration; asylum; tradesmen attitudes; Isparta; satellite city; social aid;
- Summary/Abstract:Turkey has increasingly aslyum seeking movements from Asia and Africa as a destination country. Aslyum seeking movements has created the necessity to reorganization of the personal and social space for the aslyum seekers and local people of the hosting country. In the scope of the open door policy of the Turkey, temporary protection and residence permit have been provided in accordance with political and humanitarian obligations. Turkey allow for the temporary aslyum seekers freely reside in some cities which is called ‘’satellite city’’. Isparta as a satellite city have good practice examples and social aids and services for aslyum seekers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Cultural Adaptation of Somali Female Asylum Seekers in Isparta
Cultural Adaptation of Somali Female Asylum Seekers in Isparta
(Cultural Adaptation of Somali Female Asylum Seekers in Isparta)
- Author(s):Burcu Özdemir, Münevver Göker
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Geography, Regional studies, Civil Society, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies
- Page Range:102-107
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; Somali female; asylum; gender; Isparta; cultural adaption; civil war;
- Summary/Abstract:Due to the civil war that broke put in Somalia in early 1990s, a lot of Somali people had to flee the country and Turkey has been one of the popular destinations for asylum seekers. Report of UNHRC (2016) total 3.849 Somali asylum-seeker and refugees have been reported to be residing in Turkey. Isparta, which has been selected as a satellite city for Somali asylum seekers. Many of these people have been living in Isparta for a long time without knowing what future holds for them. Since Syrian war has been in the centre of attention for many researchers and officials, the state of Somali asylum seekers has been neglected as an issue of interest. Especially, women, who are one of the most disadvantaged groups both in society and at war time, are very much understudied. For this reason, this study aims to shed a light on the migration histories and living conditions of Somali women who are living in the province of Isparta, in Turkey.
- Price: 4.50 €
Attitudes of Shopping Mall Workers Towards Somali Asylum Seekers
Attitudes of Shopping Mall Workers Towards Somali Asylum Seekers
(Attitudes of Shopping Mall Workers Towards Somali Asylum Seekers)
- Author(s):Elif Gökçearslan Çifci, Burcu Özdemir, Ezgi Arslan, Fulya Akgül Gök
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Social differentiation, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:108-115
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Turkey; Somalia; civil war; migration; Somali asylum seekers; shopping mall workers; attitudes;
- Summary/Abstract:Globalization effects countries differently and social, cultural, economic and political problems create a lot of conflicts in many countries. As a result of these conflicts many people have been forced to or have voluntarily leave their countries as their countries are no longer safe to be lived in. These people have sought shelter in different countries. Even though the term migration primarily connotes the movement of a particular population from one location to another, migration has a structure that is much more extensive and deep-rooted than mere geographic replacement (Aksu & Sevil, 2010).
- Price: 4.50 €
Transnational Identity among the Bulgarian-Turkish Migrants in Turkey
Transnational Identity among the Bulgarian-Turkish Migrants in Turkey
(Transnational Identity among the Bulgarian-Turkish Migrants in Turkey)
- Author(s):Özge Kaytan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Social differentiation, Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:116-122
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; Bulgaria; migration; transnational; identity;
- Summary/Abstract:multiple constructions, including memories, experiences, observations and many more in the case of migrants. Nevertheless, migration is not a finite event, it is an ongoing process in which migrants deal with different life patterns and social relationships, which have economic, social and cultural characteristics (Basch et al. 1994; Glick-Schiller et al. 1992, Guarnizo and Smith 1998; Levitt 1999, 2001 in Park, 2007:201). The Bulgarian-Turkish migrants have transnational identities, which have multiple attachments to more than one space, and indicate an interplay between ethnicity and nationality. The borders of nation-states do not determine the transnational identity perception of migrants. These borders may only indicate political confinements. However, for Bulgarian-Turkish migrants, the border between Turkey and Bulgaria refers only to a geographical location, which is not related to any political boundary. Hence, a visible interplay of ethnic identity and national identity among Bulgarian Turkish migrants is a significant determinant for their transnational identity. In Bulgaria, they used to have a strong ethnic identity, whereas in Turkey it turns out to be an even stronger national identity. However, they also tend to equalize ethnicity and nationality in Turkey, as they acquired a majority status in Turkey. Nevertheless, they have transnational social attachments between these two political territories, though it does not matter for them if it is a political border or not. Some migrants tend to see these two territories as homelands, depending on the context, since “some migrants identify more with one society than the other, the majority seem to maintain several identities that link them simultaneously to more than one nation” (Schiller, Basch, Blanc-Szanton 1992 in Vertovec 2009:6).
- Price: 4.50 €
Crisis or Opportunity? Public Debate and Perception on Syrian Refugees in Turkey
Crisis or Opportunity? Public Debate and Perception on Syrian Refugees in Turkey
(Crisis or Opportunity? Public Debate and Perception on Syrian Refugees in Turkey)
- Author(s):Oğuzhan Ömer Demir
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Military history, Evaluation research, Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:124-131
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Turkey; Syria; migration; refugees; public debate; crisis; opportunity; civil war;
- Summary/Abstract:Since 2011, millions of Syrian refugees have left their countries due to ongoing civil war in Syria. Almost three million of them are now a part of Turkish community. Despite several problems affecting culture, economy, and security, Syrian refugees and Turkish people have achieved to live together without any significant social crisis and moral panic. Düvell (2013) argues that unlike Western countries, where it would create a moral panic, Turkey surprisingly showed a social acceptance towards huge number of refugees. In fact, the number of refugees in Turkey enormously increased in the last few years. The rate of Syrians was only 0.02% in 2012, while it increased to 0.29% in 2013, and 1.96% in 2014. In 2015, the rate sharply doubled (Table-1). This unusual change in Turkey’s foreign population is the one that has never been experienced in Turkey.
- Price: 4.50 €
Not Only a Burden but Also a Contribution: Impacts of Syrians on Turkish Economy
Not Only a Burden but Also a Contribution: Impacts of Syrians on Turkish Economy
(Not Only a Burden but Also a Contribution: Impacts of Syrians on Turkish Economy)
- Author(s):Ali Zafer Sağıroğlu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Labor relations, Evaluation research, Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:132-138
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; Syrians; migration; economy; labor market; employment;
- Summary/Abstract:Immigrants, especially refugees are the first and easist disadvantage groups who are targeted the focus of prejudice and mostly discriminations. Besides the many others, the economy became the leading matter. The natives tend to think that they lost their jobs because of new comers who are also the reason of rising inflation, decreasing wages etc.
- Price: 4.50 €
Solidarity with Syrian Immigrants with the Power of Islamic Beliefs and Volunteerism
Solidarity with Syrian Immigrants with the Power of Islamic Beliefs and Volunteerism
(Solidarity with Syrian Immigrants with the Power of Islamic Beliefs and Volunteerism)
- Author(s):Emel Topçu, Sevgi Kurtulmuş
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Civil Society, Islam studies, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:139-145
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; Syrian immigrants; Islamic beliefs; solidarity;
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, 2,733,784 refugee Syrian people are legally registered in Turkey. They constitute 2.7 % of Turkish population. During last 4 years, Turkey has received a mass amount of migrant without being properly prepared. 1.5 million of the Syrians live in the cities which are close to the border. For example, in one city like Kilis, the number of the Syrian refugee is more then the inhabitants of the city. During the five years of Syrian war, Kilis, a town of 90,000 inhabitants, located on the Syrian border has welcomed 120,000 Syrians who are fleeing from war since 2011. How come in such a short time can one town absorbs more then its population peacefully? This question has encouraged us for our study. There are so many organisations and persons in Turkey working to help Syrians; so, we have also joined to one of these voluntary group which is initiated by a female teacher, Nezahat Albay, in Ankara. By this group we have perfomed participary observation which guided us to formulate our research questions. We did not have any theory or any hypothesis but we had our curiosity to find out why, how, where the volunteers work with Syrians. We let the field to formulate its own story.
- Price: 4.50 €
Working Conditions and Informal Employment of Syrian Refugees in Turkey
Working Conditions and Informal Employment of Syrian Refugees in Turkey
(Working Conditions and Informal Employment of Syrian Refugees in Turkey)
- Author(s):Gülşen Gerşil, Ramazan Temel
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Labor relations, Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:146-154
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; Syrian refugees; informal employment; working conditions;
- Summary/Abstract:Migration is the main of events that communities have mostly had from past to today. Many economic, social, cultural and politic reasons such as wars, natural disasters, climate conditions, earthquakes, unemployment, education are accelerant factors in national and international, massive or individual migration acts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Attitudes of Turkish youth toward Syrian refugees in respect to youths’ gender, income, education, and city: A Scale Development Study
Attitudes of Turkish youth toward Syrian refugees in respect to youths’ gender, income, education, and city: A Scale Development Study
(Attitudes of Turkish youth toward Syrian refugees in respect to youths’ gender, income, education, and city: A Scale Development Study)
- Author(s):Ulaş Sunata, Seray Çağla Keleş, Tuğçe Aral, Muazzez Yıldırım, Ece Kurtoğlu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Evaluation research, Demography and human biology, Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies
- Page Range:155-163
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; Syrian refugees; Turkish youth attitude; demography;
- Summary/Abstract:Immigration due to several factors such as natural disasters, lack of employment and education opportunities, and political environment in a country has occurred in the modern world. As one of them, there has been increased migration from Syria to neighboring countries since the emergence of civil war in spring 2011. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR), more than five millions of Syrians have fled to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq for the reason to find better living conditions, food and clean water. However, the flow of millions created a new sociological and political dynamic in the regions that received migrants. Even though Turkey is known with its multi-ethnic society, the sudden rise in the numbers of refugees and the effects of accommodating refugees in Turkey led for a spectrum of opinions towards Syrian refugees.
- Price: 4.50 €
Turkey’s Policy on Employment of Syrian Refugees and its Impact on the Turkish Labour Market
Turkey’s Policy on Employment of Syrian Refugees and its Impact on the Turkish Labour Market
(Turkey’s Policy on Employment of Syrian Refugees and its Impact on the Turkish Labour Market)
- Author(s):Cihan Kızıl
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Geography, Regional studies, Labor relations, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:164-170
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; Syrian refugees; employment policy; labor market;
- Summary/Abstract:The war in Syria is one of the worst humanitarian crisis of our time, with millions of people forced into refugee status in neighbouring countries. In addition, at least 470,000 Syrians have died in this conflict and Syria has lost 29.8 per cent of its HDI value in 2015 compared to 2010 (SCPR, 2016, p.17). As the immediate neighbour, Turkey has responded to this humanitarian crisis, declaring a temporary protection regime for Syrian asylum-seekers and setting up 26 camps where 267,000 people are currently staying. The country already struggles to cope with nearly 3 million Syrian refugees, and this number may rise further following the agreement to stop Syrian refugees from flooding into the EU.
- Price: 4.50 €
A New Exploited Class: Syrian Refugees
A New Exploited Class: Syrian Refugees
(A New Exploited Class: Syrian Refugees)
- Author(s):Hasan Boynukara, Uğur Altıntaş
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, General Reference Works, Labor relations, Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:171-177
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; Syrian refugees; job opportunities; gender;
- Summary/Abstract:There is more than one definition for ‘migration’. Depending on how one handles the definition of the approach also changes. Reaching a consensus on a perfect definition of migration is almost impossible, since it has too many aspects to consider. In a very broad sense, migration can be defined as the process of the movement and the adaptation of people who move from one place to another for a set of reasons, including but not limited to fulfilling their needs, over a specific period of time (Brown & Moore, 1970). Whichever the definition of migration is taken into account, it is an event that changes almost everything both in the lives of migrating people and the people on the route. In a way, understanding the diachronic changes in history is achieved by looking at the migrations; people arriving at a place tend to change and cause some changes in the culture of the people that dwell in that place which creates a “Demographic Whirlwind” which can be both an opportunity or a threat (Morland, 2014, p. 8).
- Price: 4.50 €
Education of Turkish People for Social Cohesion with Syrians in Turkey
Education of Turkish People for Social Cohesion with Syrians in Turkey
(Education of Turkish People for Social Cohesion with Syrians in Turkey)
- Author(s):Tuba Duman
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Geography, Regional studies, Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies, Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:178-184
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; Syrian refugees; education; social inclusion; social cohesion;
- Summary/Abstract:Turkey has received 3 million Syrian refugees in 4 years. The terror, chaos and the uncertainity of the Syrian war made many Syrians to live in Turkey for long years. Many people indicate that they will accommodate in Turkey even the war ends since Syria is a ruinous country. Additionally, Syrian people have started to build a life in Turkey. Thus, Syrians should be considered as permanent citizens rather than temporary visitors and the social cohesion of Syrians to Turkey is significant need for Turkey. A succesfull cohesion will ensure Syrians a more peacefull and comfortable life both financially and socially. Education is one of the most significant tools to ensure a succesfull social cohesion. Therefore, both Syrians and people of Turkey should be trained to live together. Emergently necessary education areas are language, vocational, intercultural and regular education which will be provided as a result of communication and networking between Syrians and people of Turkey. These activities to know each other for Syrians and people of Turkey will provide a healthy social structure in Turkey.
- Price: 4.50 €
Voluntary Work in the Active Aging Experiences of First Generation Immigrant Turks Living in Netherlands
Voluntary Work in the Active Aging Experiences of First Generation Immigrant Turks Living in Netherlands
(Voluntary Work in the Active Aging Experiences of First Generation Immigrant Turks Living in Netherlands)
- Author(s):Ferhan Saniye Palaz, Yusuf Adıgüzel
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Labor relations, Demography and human biology, Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:186-193
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Turkey; Netherlands; migration; first generation immigrants; voluntary work;
- Summary/Abstract:Although there have been studies in recent years which have been conducted on “Turks living abroad,” it is doubtless that more comprehensive and deep prospecting studies are required. Approaches focussing on health conditions in discussing aging should be dispensed with and social facts that “aging as immigrants” involves should be highlighted.
- Price: 4.50 €
Crossing Borders-Negotiating Identities in Transnational Spaces: The case of Bulgarian Turks in Germany
Crossing Borders-Negotiating Identities in Transnational Spaces: The case of Bulgarian Turks in Germany
(Crossing Borders-Negotiating Identities in Transnational Spaces: The case of Bulgarian Turks in Germany)
- Author(s):Hande Erdem
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Migration Studies, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:194-201
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Germany; migration; Bulgarian Turks; transnational space; identity; Europe;
- Summary/Abstract:During the process of migration, individuals do not just cross borders of nationstates, but also cultural, social and political boundaries (Faist, 2000). In the case of EU foreigners, along with their home country and destination country, they also reassess their European identities in relation to encounters with other European citizens. Studies based on European identity mostly focus on the majority populations and neglect different ethnic, cultural sub-groups within European societies (Waechter, 2015).
- Price: 4.50 €
Benefiting from a Turkish migration background? Experiences from medical students with Turkish migration background
Benefiting from a Turkish migration background? Experiences from medical students with Turkish migration background
(Benefiting from a Turkish migration background? Experiences from medical students with Turkish migration background)
- Author(s):Gloria Tauber, Heidi Siller, Margarethe Hochleitner
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law, Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:202-208
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Germany; Turkey; migration; migration background; medical students; minorities; gender;
- Summary/Abstract:Persons with migration background have become a central issue in research in the past few years, especially according to the current migration debate in the German speaking countries (Brian, 2009; Frum, 2015; Straubhaar, 2016). However, the statistical and scientific evidence of students with Turkish migration background, who are found in higher qualification levels of the tertiary education sector, are so far underexplored. The available data refers almost exclusively to secondary education and the tertiary area is not considered (Müller, 2012).
- Price: 4.50 €
An Essay of Meta-Analysis on Seeking Identity of Euro-Turks
An Essay of Meta-Analysis on Seeking Identity of Euro-Turks
(An Essay of Meta-Analysis on Seeking Identity of Euro-Turks)
- Author(s):Yakup Çoştu, Feyza Ceyhan Çoştu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Migration Studies, Politics and Identity, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:209-215
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Europe; Turks; identity; migration;
- Summary/Abstract:‘European Turks’ or ‘Turks in Europe’ is one of the most significant titles in contemporary academic and public agenda. In fact, it is known that many sociologist, anthropologist, political scientist, educationist and economist have had publications on experience of the Turks in Europe. Every study focuses on cultural identities, life styles, experiences, ideas, feelings, hopes and expectations of the European Turks from various aspects.
- Price: 4.50 €
An Alevi Concert Event in Paris: Doğa Aşkına – Terre, Mon Amour
An Alevi Concert Event in Paris: Doğa Aşkına – Terre, Mon Amour
(An Alevi Concert Event in Paris: Doğa Aşkına – Terre, Mon Amour)
- Author(s):Sinibaldo de Rosa
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Migration Studies, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:216-223
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:France; Alevism; migration; culture; Turkey; religion;
- Summary/Abstract:Rather than a legal recognition as religion, Alevism in France has been pursuing a public type of commitment that is different from the past and from elsewhere. The Franco-Alevi novelty presented here reveals important peculiarities that differ from common academic representations of Alevism in Turkey as well as in European articulations. Such a peculiarity relies mostly in an endorsed public collaboration of the federation of French Alevi associations (FUAF) with ecologist organizations operating in France as well as in Turkey. Such collaboration was achieved thanks to the adoption of an environmental discourse overshadowing canonical framings of Alevism as an oppositional and secretive religious movement. Focusing on a specific event as an ethnographic case study, in this paper I wish to highlight the ‘permeable’ character of Alevism in this recent French articulation. The public collaboration of the Alevis in France with ecologist associations and their embracing of an environmental discourse resonate with Ruth Mandel’s expectations over contemporary and cosmopolitan Alevi experiences.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Reception Analysis of the Short Movie ‘‘Bawke”
The Reception Analysis of the Short Movie ‘‘Bawke”
(The Reception Analysis of the Short Movie ‘‘Bawke”)
- Author(s):Arda Umut Saygın
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:224-230
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:cinematography; "Bawke"; Turkey; migrations; refugees;
- Summary/Abstract:As a result of the social, political and economic problems in the Middle East and Africa, millions of people were forced to leave from their homes. According to the UNHCR reports nearly 60 million men, women and children forcibly displaced worldwide (Nebehay, 2015) and the situation is getting worse day by day. As the migration process mostly end up in Europe, refugee issue has become one of the hot topics in Europe and also in Turkey. In this process, especially Turkey has become an important destination for refugees both as a home and a transit point. Therefore, Turkish public and the media is familiar with the refugee issue for sure. By hosting refugees, for Turkish public it is very possible to see refugees in daily livings and in the media. The short movie Bawke also focuses on refugee issue in an unbiased manner and match up with refugee reality.
- Price: 4.50 €
Goodbye Germany: Migration Intentions of Highly Qualified Turks
Goodbye Germany: Migration Intentions of Highly Qualified Turks
(Goodbye Germany: Migration Intentions of Highly Qualified Turks)
- Author(s):Mustafa Nail Alkan, Cemali Sarı
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Labor relations, Higher Education , Evaluation research, Social differentiation, Migration Studies
- Page Range:231-237
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; Germany; migration; intentions; high education; labor market; discrimination;
- Summary/Abstract:The migration of young, well-educated Turkish academics from Germany to their parents’ home country has become a stronger focus for the integration debate in recent years. The problem appears particularly through the fact that structurally well integrated Turkish migrants of the second and third generation, who are multilingual and intercultural focused, leave Germany voluntarily and thus their work capacity is consequently lost in Germany. As motifs for migration, unfavorable chances of success in career are often mentioned, which are associated with a disadvantage and discrimination in employment and furthermore are accompanied by social exclusion mechanisms (Griese, & Sievers, 2010, Sezer, & Dağlar, 2009). Many of them do not feel being fully accepted in Germany and therefore they leave the country to move to Turkey, where they can expeditiously become successful in their careers using their professional qualifications acquired in Germany (Alkan, 2011). The migration can thus be interpreted as an averting from the German society as well as an evidence of a lack of integration and a failed integration policy, because despite the fact that these individuals were born and grew up in Germany and went through the German education system, they desire to leave the country (Aydın, 2012).
- Price: 4.50 €
The impact of Higher Education on religious attitudes of University graduated Turkish women in Vienna
The impact of Higher Education on religious attitudes of University graduated Turkish women in Vienna
(The impact of Higher Education on religious attitudes of University graduated Turkish women in Vienna)
- Author(s):Şule Dursun
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Islam studies, Higher Education , Migration Studies, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:238-244
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Austria; Vienna; Turkish women; higher education; religious attitudes;
- Summary/Abstract:The stereotype of the Muslim woman in public discourse is built upon the image of an oppressed and uneducated person. “Allah`s rechtlose Töchter. Muslimische Frauen in Deutschland” (Lawless daughter of Allah. Muslim women in Germany). This headline of an article published in Germany`s news magazine “Der Spiegel” discussed troubled living conditions of Muslim women oppressed by their families (Schießl & Schmidt, 2004). The Muslim woman is also stereotyped in political debates. A woman with black chador was at the center of a poster for anti-minaretinitiative of the Swiss People’s Party (DiePresse, 2009). The conducted research also considered the fundamental fact that many Muslim women in Austria still move within their traditional cultural values. According to the information provided by the Austrian Integration Fund from the year 2010, the increase in Muslim population between the years 2001 and 2009 was due to a much greater extent on a higher birth rate than on immigration (Marik-Lebeck, 2010). Parallel to this mainstream traditional attitude of Muslim women in everyday life one can also notice that the traditional image of women is also deeply rooted in the religious handbooks which are used as an orientation by many Turkish muslims in everyday life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Social Determinants of International Students’ Mobility: PhD Students from Turkey
Social Determinants of International Students’ Mobility: PhD Students from Turkey
(Social Determinants of International Students’ Mobility: PhD Students from Turkey)
- Author(s):Setenay Dilek Fidler
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Higher Education , Migration Studies
- Page Range:245-253
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Turkey; UK; migrations; education; students mobility; PhD students; social determinants
- Summary/Abstract:Today, government policies of developing and also of the most developed countries, as well as, universities encourage domestic students to study abroad (Waters and Brooks, 2011). Behind the arguments to support the involvement of governments and international organisations in international mobility of students is the assumption that studying abroad is beneficial at an individual, national and international level. It seems an inevitable aspect of 21st century education (IIE, 2014). This assumption is also based on the premise that studying abroad will end with the return of students. However, evidence suggests (e.g. Dreher and Pautvaara, 2005; Teichler, 2007; Rosenzweig, 2008; Robertson, 2011) that studying abroad does not always result in the return of students to their home country, findings from a large number studies (Bhagwati, 2003; Gungor and Tansel, 2005; Hercog and van de Laar, 2013; Stephen et al., 2013) suggest that doctorate students are less likely to return home compared to bachelor and master students.
- Price: 4.50 €
Skilled Migration to USA: Diaspora Networks and Contribution to Home Country
Skilled Migration to USA: Diaspora Networks and Contribution to Home Country
(Skilled Migration to USA: Diaspora Networks and Contribution to Home Country)
- Author(s):Neslihan Arslan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Geography, Regional studies, Higher Education , Migration Studies, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:255-261
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:USA; Turkey; labor relations; skilled labor; Turkish diaspora; brain drain;
- Summary/Abstract:Skilled labor migration is a major concern for developed and developing countries. Some sending countries has achieved significant successes in dealing with this problem. Some countries are using diaspora channels effectively. Through diaspora networks contributions, they are able to compensate some of the loss caused by the skilled out migration. Firstly, in this study, the terms are described and the literature on skilled migration, diaspora and diaspora networks are visited. Then, diaspora networks have been categorized based on their characteristics. Findings of a research on Turkish diaspora and their contribution to Turkey are presented before conclusion with some remarks on Turkey.
- Price: 4.50 €
Population, Turkey’s EU Accession and Migration Crisis
Population, Turkey’s EU Accession and Migration Crisis
(Population, Turkey’s EU Accession and Migration Crisis)
- Author(s):Neriman Hocaoğlu Bahadır
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Geography, Regional studies, Migration Studies, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:262-269
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:EU; Turkey; EU accession; population; migration; crisis;
- Summary/Abstract:Turkey’s European Union (EU) membership process started with its associate membership application in 1959. In 1963, Ankara Agreement was signed but because of many different reasons the process has not completed yet. There are many reasons that caused this process to be so long. Some of these reasons are; political, economic, religious and cultural and some of them are closely related to the population and geography. The process has gained speed with the 1999 Helsinki Decisions and the Negotiations started in 2005 but there are still some impediments.
- Price: 4.50 €
Migration and Security: Three Capitals and Three Terrorist Attacks as Reflected in the Press
Migration and Security: Three Capitals and Three Terrorist Attacks as Reflected in the Press
(Migration and Security: Three Capitals and Three Terrorist Attacks as Reflected in the Press)
- Author(s):Filiz Goktuna Yaylaci, Mine Karakuş Yetkin, Melis Karakuş
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Media studies, Geography, Regional studies, Communication studies, Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:270-283
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; security; Capitals; terrorist attacks; media; press; ISIS;
- Summary/Abstract:On October 10, 2015 a rally named “Peace right now against War, Peace, Labour Democracy” was organized at one of the central squares of Ankara the Capital of Turkey. The gathering place for the rally was at the gate of Central Station. At 10:04 as the crowds gathered and passengers were getting out of the newly arrived train two suicide attacks occurred. The attack was described as the deadliest throughout the history of the Turkish Republic. 103 people lost their lives 246 injured. The attack was claimed by ISIS.
- Price: 4.50 €
A Collage of Migration: Memory Fragments with a Spatial Pattern
A Collage of Migration: Memory Fragments with a Spatial Pattern
(A Collage of Migration: Memory Fragments with a Spatial Pattern)
- Author(s):Gamze Okumuş
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sociology, Migration Studies
- Page Range:284-289
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:migration; memory fragments; memories of space; family;
- Summary/Abstract:Emine Sevgi Özdamar – the writer, director and actress, who was born in Malatya and worked in Berlin for years – is quoting the French director Godard in one of her interviews to explain her feelings about migration. It is a powerful quoting, because it is made by a migrant. The migrant, who is mostly mentioned in relationship with detachment and the loss of the sense of belonging. The migrant, who is identified as stranger in two places: But this identification is made by other individuals about the migrant.
- Price: 4.50 €
Internal Migration of Turkey’s Older Population
Internal Migration of Turkey’s Older Population
(Internal Migration of Turkey’s Older Population)
- Author(s):Sutay Yavuz
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Evaluation research, Demography and human biology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Migration Studies
- Page Range:290-296
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; migration; older population; internal migration;
- Summary/Abstract:Internal population movements began to gain momentum in the mid-1950s in Turkey due to significant political, economic and social transformation that the country had experienced after the Second World War (SIS, 1996; İçduygu & Sirkeci, 1998; Özbay & Yücel, 2001; Kocaman, 2008). Likewise, in many other contexts in Turkey too, internal migration gained speed and began to affect Turkey’s economic, social and political dynamics with massive “rural to urban” flows in 1950s (SIS, 1996; Özbay & Yücel, 2001). This migration type continued to dominate 1960s and 1970s as well. Beginning from the 1980s, urbanization level increased substantial level and urban centers largely began to receive population from other district centers. That is to say, since then principal direction of migration changed to “urban to urban” type (Gedik, 1998).
- Price: 4.50 €
Internal Migration and Perception of Employability: Case of Kocaeli
Internal Migration and Perception of Employability: Case of Kocaeli
(Internal Migration and Perception of Employability: Case of Kocaeli)
- Author(s):Doğa Başar Sarıipek, Burcu Kümbül Güler
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Labor relations, Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:297-312
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Turkey; Kocaeli; migration; internal migration; employability; labor relations;
- Summary/Abstract:As a consequence of globalization and deindustrialization, over the past decades, many countries have struggled with the problem of job insecurity. In the sea of uncertainty where the negative impact of job insecurity might be very high, the contingent workers can only have a chance to survive in this harsh working environment by relying on employability to secure their labour market position (De Cuyper et al., 2010: 70). When we consider internal migration studies done since 1970’s in Turkey, early studies were emphasizing a culture of optimism in the perception of migrants because of having better conditions in cities compared to their original villages. However, after 1980’s, due to increased deregulation of the labour market with subcontracting and lower wages, migrants have begun to feel less secure in the labour market (Peker, 1996: 9). Therefore, in this study, we try to emphasize the significance of internal migrants' employability perception in the integration of labour market which is also a good predictor of social integration after migration.
- Price: 4.50 €
Studies on Migration and Education in Turkey: A General Evaluation
Studies on Migration and Education in Turkey: A General Evaluation
(Studies on Migration and Education in Turkey: A General Evaluation)
- Author(s):Ali Faruk Yaylacı, Filiz Goktuna Yaylaci
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Geography, Regional studies, Recent History (1900 till today), Evaluation research, 19th Century, Migration Studies
- Page Range:313-325
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Turkey; education; migration; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:The migration phenomenon has remained an important part of human life throughout history. The migration was required to find food and survive during the initiation of human communities on the earth. Constant migration was the normality (Dustmann & Glitz, 2011). As a normal element of the communal living, the migration remains a permanent concept, although it has undergone a transformation in terms of its reasons or form. The migration phenomenon has been causing fundamental changes on social structures with the impact of current political or technological advancements as well. As found out by Heckmann (2008) within the context of Europe, the migration will be an important figure in the future, just like it was in the past. Migration has become a crucial issue, one that is likely to dominate political agendas for many years to come (King & Lulle, 2016; Rystad, 1992). The people have been interested in changes that occurred in the distribution of human population for many years, but it has been covered by systematic analyses relatively for a shorter period of time. Despite being a common and significant element of the history of humanity, migration was covered by scientific researches firstly during the late 19th century. As a result, there has been a substantial increase in the number of social scientific researches analyzing the migration phenomenon until 1930s (Anderson, 1962; Greenwood & Hunt, 2003). Anderson (1962) stresses that the quantitative increase in the number of studies on migration from 1930s until 1960s refers to the fact that the migration phenomenon will remain a popular field of study. Such an increase in the scientific studies regarding migration which has been continuing until now shows the legitimacy of these findings.
- Price: 4.50 €
Transformation of The Migration Theme in Turkish Cinema
Transformation of The Migration Theme in Turkish Cinema
(Transformation of The Migration Theme in Turkish Cinema)
- Author(s):Tugba Elmacı
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Evaluation research, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:326-333
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Turkey; cinematography; migration; themes transformation; domestic migration; external migration; minorities;
- Summary/Abstract:According to the Turkish Language Association (TDK), migration is; the act of moving of an individual or a community to another country or settlement because of the social or political reasons. Looking at the history of Turkey, the act of immigration has been discussed in the phenomenons of domestic migration and external migration. Theme of Migration in Turkish Cinema can be separated into three groups; domestic migration, external migration and migration of minorities.
- Price: 4.50 €